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The Serpent and the Savior is Dave and Cheryl Bryan's dramatic and controversial eye-witness account of one woman's rescue from the macabre maze of Satanic Ritual Abuse and the Crowleyan "Rituals of Defilement" into "the glorious liberty of the children of God!" (Romans 8:21). Although rigorously denied by the spokes people of the Church of Satan, it gives the only available account of the bizarre and mind-bending events that led up to the death of Anton LeVay, the "Black Pope" who authored The Satanic Bible and was the founder and High Priest of The Church of Satan! Anton's unexpected demise on Halloween Eve of 1997 during "a spiritual show-down" between occult adepts is the spiritual equivalent of Earp brothers legendary shoot-out with the notorious outlaws at the OK Coral in Tombstone, Arizona many years ago. This sensational and over-whelming victory of a small band of praying Christians stands as an epic testimony to the triumph of The Spirit of God over all the spirits of darkness, of good over evil and of The Church of Jesus Christ over The Church of Satan! As Jesus Himself prophesied 2000 years ago, He is building His Church, and the gates of Hell are crumbling before her! (Matt. 16:18-19).
A retelling of the story of the German Renaissance and Reformation through the lives of two controversial figures of the 16th century: the Saxon court painter Lucas Cranach and the Wittenberg reformer Martin Luther.
The purpose of this treatise is three fold. First, to sound a warning to the followers of Jesus Christ. Secondly, to encourage those who are still searching for the Truth and finally, to prayerfully, help to open the spiritual eyes of those who have been ensnared and deceived by the enemy. Jesus Christ himself warned his disciples of the great danger of being deceived. Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ: and shall deceive many. (Matthew 24:4,5) and again, in verse eleven Jesus warned of false prophets saying, And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Burton seeks to present a balanced view of the remote churches of East Tennessee where believers take literally the words of Saint Mark: "and they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them."
In this study, Brian A. Verrett argues that 1–2 Samuel contains a serpent motif by practicing biblical theology and literary criticism. This motif derives from the serpent in Genesis 3, and its function within the Samuel narrative is to heighten the reader’s anticipation in the coming messiah, who is the son of David and the seed of the woman from Genesis 3:15. This messiah will defeat the serpent and inaugurate his glorious reign over a renewed world. When 1–2 Samuel is read in this way, one appreciates previously unnoticed features of the text, understands aspects of the text that were formerly confusing, and rightly sees that the whole of 1–2 Samuel is a messianic document.
Although a story with a serpent, a damsel in distress, and a serpent slayer may sound like just another fairy tale, it is, in fact, part of the greatest true account ever told—the Bible. Epic tales resonate with readers because they echo the greatest story. In this new addition to the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series, Andrew David Naselli traces the theme of snakes and dragons from the serpent in the garden to the devouring dragon in Revelation, culminating with the return of the King. New and seasoned Christians alike will experience afresh the captivating unifying narrative behind all stories as they embark on a journey through the Bible with a trusted biblical scholar.
This first volume in the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible study series guides women through a Christ-centered study of Genesis. The Promised One provides a fresh look at the book of Genesis, leading women in discovering how its stories, symbols, people, and promises point to Christ. Over ten weeks of study, participants will see Christ as the agent of creation, the offspring who will crush the head of the serpent, the ark of salvation, the source of the righteousness credited to Abraham, the substitutionary sacrifice provided by God, the Savior to whom the whole world must come for life, and much more. Each weekly lesson includes questions for personal study, a contemporary teaching chapter that emphasizes how the passage fits into the bigger story of redemptive history, a brief section on how the passage uniquely points to what is yet to come at the consummation of Christ's kingdom, and a leader's guide for group discussion. A ten-session DVD companion set is also available.
30 devotional readings for couples from John Piper, Francis Chan, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, and 10 others. / God designed marriage as a pointer to and catalyst for your greatest joy. It's not meant to be a storybook ending, but a fresh beginning, to help ready you for the true "happily ever after" when we see our great Bridegroom face to face.