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Each year, more than 200,000 patients die as a result of medical errors--the third leading cause of death in the United States. Although the numbers are staggering and the challenges great, this national healthcare crisis is solvable--and fixing it has become a personal mission for John Byrnes, MD, and Susan Teman, RN. Byrnes and Teman have a proven track record in helping hospitals and health systems transform into high-reliability organizations that aim to deliver error-free care at an affordable cost. In The Safety Playbook: A Healthcare Leader's Guide to Building a High-Reliability Organization, they lay out their process for building a safety program that can eradicate preventable medical errors. Written in a clear, conversational style, the book applies to all types of healthcare organizations and speaks to leaders across the spectrum--from board members and C-suite executives to clinical leaders; managers; and staff of quality, safety, and risk management departments. Readers of The Safety Playbook will: - Review the current rate of medical errors and explore proven solutions, including high reliability - Discover how transparency about errors and their causes makes a successful safety program possible - Learn how developing internal safety experts saves time and money - Examine safety tools and practices used effectively in high-reliability industries - Understand why communication is the top cause of medical errors and how to improve it - Explore guidelines used in other healthcare organizations that create a culture of safety - Study a sample project plan and timeline for implementing a safety program Filled with compelling case studies and practical tools and strategies, this groundbreaking book can be a catalyst for transforming an organization's culture, delivering safer care to patients, and ultimately saving lives. The American College of Healthcare Executives and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement/National Patient Safety Foundation's Lucian Leape Institute (IHI/NPSF LLI) have partnered to collaborate with some of the most progressive healthcare organizations and globally renowned experts in leadership, safety, and culture to develop Leading a Culture of Safety: A Blueprint for Success. This document is an evidence-based, practical resource with tools and proven strategies to help senior leaders in healthcare create a culture of safety--an essential foundation for achieving zero harm. The guide, freely downloadable from the IHI/NPSF website, is an excellent complement to The Safety Playbook. With both high-level strategies and practical tactics, the guide can be used to help determine the current state of an organization's journey, inform dialogue with its board and leadership team, and help its leaders set priorities. Whether an organization is just beginning the journey to a culture of safety or is working to sustain its safety culture, Leading a Culture of Safety can serve as a useful guide for directing efforts and evaluating an organizati
Children must learn several fundamental skills early in life to protect their safety. Before crossing the street, look both ways. Seatbelts must be worn at all times. Do not talk to strangers. Another item to add to the list is to be wary of hackers and cyber predators. Teachers and parents may teach students of all ages fundamental cybersecurity skills and encourage them to use digital hygiene daily. They can achieve it by including more online educational resources into their curricula and at the same time educating and updating themselves with cybersecurity skills. Children can be taught to automatically protect themselves against cyber threats, just as they do while crossing the street. Just ask yourself- Are we preparing our children for life in the digital age? Are we providing them with the required training and resources to deal with never-before-seen cyber threats? Is our educational system able to keep up with the rapid changes in our society, including technological advancements? The only problem with teaching Cybersecurity in schools and homes is that educators/parents may not be entirely updated on the subject. Or may not feel confident enough to teach it due to a lack of knowledge. That is why there is assistance for students of all age groups, educators and parents.
This interactive program teaches practical strategies for taking responsibility for workplace safety and for going beyond the call of duty to protect others. Emphasizes a team approach developed by Sarkus after years of playing competitive sports.
The Personal Safety and Security Playbook is designed for anyone who may benefit from shared community safety and security responsibilities. Chapters are organized by areas of concern, from personal risk awareness to protection and security considerations for family, home, travel, and work. The guidelines included help the reader recognize personal safety and security hazards, take proactive prevention steps, and react reasonably to danger with beneficial outcomes. A full chapter of local and national resources for personal security is included at the end of the Personal Safety and Security Playbook. The Personal Safety and Security Playbook is a part of Elsevier’s Security Executive Council Risk Management Portfolio, a collection of real world solutions and "how-to" guidelines that equip executives, practitioners, and educators with proven information for successful security and risk management programs. Chapters are organized by area of concern and cover everything related to personal safety and security, including protection for the family, home, during travel, and at work Emphasizes that risk awareness, reporting, response, and mitigation are shared community concerns Includes a full chapter of local and national personal security resources
This book is the first practical, hands-on guide that shows how leaders can build psychological safety in their organizations, creating an environment where employees feel included, fully engaged, and encouraged to contribute their best efforts and ideas. Fear has a profoundly negative impact on engagement, learning efficacy, productivity, and innovation, but until now there has been a lack of practical information on how to make employees feel safe about speaking up and contributing. Timothy Clark, a social scientist and an organizational consultant, provides a framework to move people through successive stages of psychological safety. The first stage is member safety-the team accepts you and grants you shared identity. Learner safety, the second stage, indicates that you feel safe to ask questions, experiment, and even make mistakes. Next is the third stage of contributor safety, where you feel comfortable participating as an active and full-fledged member of the team. Finally, the fourth stage of challenger safety allows you to take on the status quo without repercussion, reprisal, or the risk of tarnishing your personal standing and reputation. This is a blueprint for how any leader can build positive, supportive, and encouraging cultures in any setting.
Safety Professionals know that the best solution to preventing accidents in the workplace boils down to engineering out the hazards. If there isn't any hazard or exposure, there can't be any accident. If you accept the premise that the ultimate method for protecting workers on the job requires the removal or engineering-out of hazards in the workplace, this text is for you. The Handbook of Safety Engineering: Principles and Applications provides instruction in basic engineering principles, the sciences, cyber operations, math operations, mechanics, fire science (water hydraulics, etc.), electrical safety, and the technical and administrative aspects of the safety profession in an accessible and straightforward way. It serves students of safety and practitioners in the field_especially those studying for professional certification examinations_by placing more emphasis on engineering aspects and less on regulatory and administrative requirements. This practical handbook will serve as an important reference guide for students, professors, industrial hygienists, senior level undergraduate and graduate students in safety and industrial engineering, science and engineering professionals, safety researchers, engineering designers, human factor specialists, and all other safety practitioners.
Every leader aspires to be excellent, to inspire excellence, and to lead a great organization. The question, of course, is how to achieve these goals. One possible path is to understand and learn from leaders whose principles and practices have demonstrated the "how." One such leader is Paul H. O'Neill, Sr. (1935-2020), former U.S. Treasury Secretary, former CEO of Alcoa, and a person who impacted U.S. healthcare policy and played an integral role throughout Value Capture's history. Paul would often ask other leaders, "What do you want your legacy to be?" He asked that as a way to get people to think well beyond themselves at that moment, and think of what they could influence and build in themselves and others for a better future. One element of Paul's legacy is the speeches that he gave over the years, sharing his experiences as a leader, to try to provide other leaders with guidance on how to achieve goals of excellence. "A Playbook for Habitual Excellence: A Leader's Roadmap from the Life and Work of Paul H. O'Neill, Sr." collects a few of Paul's most notable speeches and Senate testimony. The principles that were Paul's True North are made clear, and hopefully, will help light the path that you take as a leader. We hope you find his words to be inspiring, informative, and useful.All royalties are being donated to one of Paul's favorite causes, The Neighborhood Academy.
As a community, aligning efforts across a community to support the safety and well-being of vulnerable and underserved individuals is extraordinarily difficult. These individuals suffer disproportionally from health issues, job loss, a lack of stable housing, high utility costs, substance abuse, and homelessness. In addition to medical care, these individuals often critically need access to community social sector organizations that provide a distinct and complementary set of services, such as housing, food services, emergency utility assistance, and employment assistance. These services are just as vital as healthcare services to these individuals’ long-term health and well-being, with data suggesting that 80–90% of health outcomes can be attributed to factors beyond direct medical intervention. This book proposes a novel approach to the coordination of medicine and social services through the use of people, process, and technology, with the goal being to streamline coordination between medical and Community-Based Organizations and to promote true cross-sector patient and client advocacy. The book is based on the experience of Dallas, TX, which was one of the first metropolitan regions to develop a comprehensive foundation for partnership between a community’s clinical and social sectors using web-based information exchange. In the 5 years since the initial launch, the authors have been able to provide seamless connection, communication, and coordination between healthcare providers and a wide array of community-based social service organizations (a/k/a Community-Based Organizations or CBOs), criminal justice entities, and various other community organizations, including non-collegiate educational systems. This practical how-to guide is the codification of transferrable lessons from successes and challenges faced when working with clinical, community, and government leaders. By reading this playbook, leaders interested in building (or expanding) connected clinical-community services will learn how to: 1) facilitate cross-sector care coordination; 2) enable community care partners to better provide targeted services to community residents; 3) reduce duplication of services across partnering organizations; and 4) help to bridge service gaps in the currently fragmented system. Implementation of services, as recommended in this book, will ultimately streamline assistance efforts, reduce repeat crises and emergency funding requests, help address disparities of care, and improve the health, safety, and well-being of the most vulnerable community residents.