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The popularity of Ghost Stories from the Raj resulted in a number of requests for more this period. Ruskin Bond delved into his archives and came up with another entertaining collection of strange or ‘nightmarish’ tales written by Englishmen who came to India and the East Indies in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her are spooks, werewolves, dacoits, assassins, man-eating tigers, and head-hunters! And in his Introduction Ruskin Bond tells us why those “mad dogs and Englishmen” went out in the mid-day sun and what happened to some of them! Never a dull moment – and never a dull sentence in this, the eleventh of Rupa’s fast-selling anthologies.
Reproduction of the original: Nightmare Tales by H.P Blavatsky
Ruskin Bond's readers range from nine to ninety. And if there are such things as ghosts there are probably a few who are reading him in the spirit world. In these stories Ruskin Bond presents a picture of a `haunted India' as witnessed and described by British writers, officials and travellers during the pre-independence era. Ruskin Bond, resident of Mussoorie, is a well-known writer of fiction and a raconteur par excellence. His Tales and Legends from India, Angry River, Strange Men, Strange Places, The Blue Umbrella, A Long Walk for Bina and Hanuman to the Rescue are also available in Rupa paperback. The Ruskin Bond's Children's Omnibus has been a firm favourite with young readers for several years. Ghost Stories from the Raj, The Rupa Book of Great Animal Stories, The Rupa Book of True Tales of Mystery and Adventure, The Rupa Book of Himalayan Tales and The Rupa Book of Great Suspense Stories are some of his recent books for Rupa.
"It was a dark, chilly night in September, 1884. A heavy gloom had descended over the streets of A., a small town on the Rhine, and was hanging like a black funeral-pall over the dull factory burgh. The greater number of its inhabitants, wearied by their long day's work, had hours before retired to stretch their tired limbs, and lay their aching heads upon their pillows. All was quiet in the large house; all was quiet in the deserted streets.I too was lying in my bed; alas, not one of rest, but of pain and sickness, to which I had been confined for some days. So still was everything in the house, that, as Longfellow has it, its stillness seemed almost audible. I could plainly hear the murmur of the blood, as it rushed through my aching body, producing that monotonous singing so familiar to one who lends a watchful ear to silence. I had listened to it until, in my nervous imagination, it had grown into the sound of a distant cataract, the fall of mighty waters ... when, suddenly changing its character, the ever growing "singing" merged into other and far more welcome sounds. It was the low, and at first scarce audible, whisper of a human voice. It approached, and gradually strengthening seemed to speak in my very ear. Thus sounds a voice speaking across a blue quiescent lake, in one of those wondrously acoustic gorges of the snow-capped mountains, where the air is so pure that a word pronounced half a mile off seems almost at the elbow. Yes; it was the voice of one whom to know is to reverence; of one, to me, owing to many mystic associations, most dear and holy; a voice familiar for long years and ever welcome: doubly so in hours of mental or physical suffering, for it always brings with it a ray of hope and consolation.."
Girls arent really made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Well, perhaps some girls are, but those are certainly not the girls youll meet in I Kissed a Frog a collection of wacky short stories, tongue-in-cheek diaries and not so grim twenty-first century fairy tales that turn love and friendship inside out and upside down. Youll find it all here: getting even with exes, changes in male-female dynamics, crazy diet wars, besties turning into worsties, dark humour, light comedy and the startling discovery that Prince Charming may not be your pitcher of beer. Young, fun and feminist, I Kissed a Frog is just what a girl needs to chase the blues away.
Arthur George Morrison (1 November 1863 - 4 December 1945) was an English writer and journalist known for his realistic novels and stories about working-class life in London's East End, and for his detective stories, featuring the detective Martin Hewitt. This is one of those stories