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The last four decades have been shaped by the rise of Islamist politics across significant swathes of the globe. Whether by gun or by ballot box, various Islamist movements-from as far and wide as the Malian desert and Indonesia's archipelagos-have sought to obtain power and govern territories, in a bid to revive an Islamic ancient regime. With the regional privations produced by the 'War on Terror' and the political unrest following 2011's Arab uprisings, the global march of Islamism has only accelerated in the twenty-first century. Building on an established literature on rebel governance, The Rule is for None but Allah examines fifteen cases from around the world to consider the different ways Islamists have approached and implemented governance; the challenges they have faced; and how they have responded to obstacles. It brings new detail and insights on a wide range of themes, including legitimacy, constitutionality and social-welfare activism. From the rise and fall of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, to Islamic State's attempts to create its own currency, to the dramatic return of the Taliban in Afghanistan, this edited volume from two leading scholars of contemporary terrorism assembles an enviable array of international experts to explore these pressing issues.
The last four decades have been shaped by the rise of Islamist politics across significant swathes of the globe. Whether by gun or by ballot box, various Islamist movements-from as far and wide as the Malian desert and Indonesia's archipelagos-have sought to obtain power and govern territories, in a bid to revive an Islamic ancien regime. With the regional privations produced by the 'War on Terror' and the political unrest following 2011's Arab uprisings, the global march of Islamism has only accelerated in the twenty-first century. Building on an established literature on rebel governance, The Rule is for None but Allah examines fifteen cases from around the world to consider the different ways Islamists have approached and implemented governance; the challenges they have faced; and how they have responded to obstacles. It brings new detail and insights on a wide range of themes, including legitimacy, constitutionality and social-welfare activism. From the rise and fall of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, to Islamic State's attempts to create its own currency, to the dramatic return of the Taliban in Afghanistan, this edited volume from two leading scholars of contemporary terrorism assembles an enviable array of international experts to explore these pressing issues.
Learn crucial topics and ideologies regarding Islam. Great for all seekers of knowledge, Islam, non-Muslims and Muslims who want to know more regarding their religion. Fantastic for beginners, great for Shiekhs... Insha’ALLAH [if ALLAH (s.w.t: glorified is ALLAH and exalted) permit], whatever may happen, continue reading this book until and before the moment of death arrives when all charitable actions terminate. At the present moment, countless wars are being fought, martyrs are sacrificing every second of their ephemeral lives, and countless other innocent people are being massacred hourly regarding the TRUE knowledge that is contained within this book. This knowledge encompasses and receives priority over and above all forms of knowledge. To their detriment, with utter carelessness and disregard for your SOUL’S eternal future (which is more IMPORTANT than your body’s physical future), others have chosen to conceal this drastically important and highly pertinent knowledge without any remorse whatsoever. Via my weaknesses I was unable to complete & distribute this truly eternal LIFE-SAVING knowledge to you sooner. In your prayers, I humbly request for you to please seek forgiveness for me from ALLAH (s.w.t: glorified is ALLAH and exalted). Maa’sha ALLAH (by the will of ALLAH, s.w.t: glorified is ALLAH and exalted), after an extremely anxious and highly anticipated long wait, I have completed this painstaking yet noble undertaking! True knowledge, when implemented… metamorphoses into a divine light for the individual in this life and the hereafter. Insha’ALLAH, if ALLAH (s.w.t) permit and accepts our pure, sincere and truthful intentions to learn, implement and propagate this true knowledge, the angels will spread their wings beneath our feet, our levels of belief will increase, we will receive Hidiyat (divine guidance) and become means for others to receive hidiyat (divine guidance). Innumerous tangible and intangible blessings will be showered upon us and we will attain more Rahma (mercy) from ALLAH (s.w.t). Henceforth, this Rahma (mercy) will enable us to enter the highest Jannah (paradise) which is Firdaws. Abdul Ghafur (The Slave of The All Forgiving)
In 1105, six years after the first crusaders from Europe conquered Jerusalem, a Damascene Muslim jurisprudent named ’Ali ibn Tahir al-Sulami (d. 1106) publicly dictated an extended call to the military jihad (holy war) against the European invaders. Entitled Kitab al-Jihad (The Book of the Jihad), al-Sulami’s work both summoned his Muslim brethren to the jihad and instructed them in the manner in which it ought to be conducted, covering topics as diverse as who should fight and be fought, treatment of prisoners and plunder, and the need for participants to fight their own inner sinfulness before turning their efforts against the enemy. Al-Sulami’s text is vital for a complete understanding of the Muslim reaction to the crusades, providing the reader with the first contemporary record of Muslim preaching against the crusaders. However, until recently only a small part of the text has been studied by modern scholars, as it has remained for the most part an unedited manuscript. In this book Niall Christie provides a complete edition and the first full English translation of the extant sections (parts 2, 8, 9 and 12) of the manuscript of al-Sulami’s work, making it fully available to modern readers for the first time. These are accompanied by an introductory study exploring the techniques that the author uses to motivate his audience, the precedents that influenced his work, and possible directions for future study of the text. In addition, an appendix provides translations of jihad sermons by Ibn Nubata al-Fariqi (d. 985), a preacher from Asia Minor whose rhetorical style was highly influential in the development of al-Sulami’s work.
This excellent book is translated from the original Arabic book 'Nidham ul Islam' by Sheikh Taqiuddin An Nabahani, an Islamic jurist, 'alim, writer and the founder of Hizb ut-Tahrir - the largest Islamic global political party under a single leadership. It lays out the fundamentals to develop a strong Islamic personality and da'wah carrier. It begins with laying the foundation by explaining the correct way to belief. It proves the existence of a creator intellectually and the Quran as the final revelation sent to humanity by Allah (swt). It then goes on to clarify the important creedal concept of Al-Qada wal Qadar (fate and destiny), which is often held in a vague or confused manner. The third chapter, its largest concentrates on explaining the different ideologies that exists namely Capitalism, Communism and Islam highlighting the differences between them giving the reader a clear framework to understand the world that we live in. After having laid the basis for the correct belief, intellectual and political thinking, it then moves onto address the key Islamic legal principles. The short chapters are intended to focus on the most important aspects such as Usuli subjects like the meaning of Hukm Shar'i, the types of ahkam shariah, Sunnah and emulating (ta'assi) the actions of the Messenger (saw). The last section of the book also clarifies misconceptions regarding spirituality and morals according to Islam as well as articulating the need for a constitution for the future Islamic state.
The War of Ideas is being fought both within Islamic societies and between some Muslim voices and the West. The War of Ideas is a struggle between moral claims, political philosophies, and historical interpretations that compete for assent within a society and across borders. Like the ideological component of the Cold War, the War of Ideas is about the fundamental principles of human society, from the basis for law and structures of governance to gender relations and the nexus of religion and politics. It is a global War: the foes have resorted to arms to protect and promote their worldview. This book brings together some of the most important voices from different partisan, theoretical and religious perspectives to argue and forecast the next phase in the War of Ideas.
The spectre of Boko Haram and its activities in Nigeria dominates both media and academic analysis of Islam in the region. But, as Alexander Thurston argues here, beyond the sensational headlines this group generates, the dynamics of Muslim life in northern Nigeria remain poorly understood. Drawing on interviews with leading Salafis in Nigeria as well as on a rereading of the history of the global Salafi movement, this volume explores how a canon of classical and contemporary texts defines Salafism. Examining how these texts are interpreted and - crucially - who it is that has the authority to do so, Thurston offers a systematic analysis of curricula taught in Saudi Arabia and how they shape religious scholars' approach to religion and education once they return to Africa. Essential for scholars of religion and politics, this unique text explores how the canon of Salafism has been used and refined, from Nigeria's return to democracy to the jihadist movement Boko Haram.
"War Destroys: Peace Nurtures presents selected papers from the 8th Somali Studies International Association congress held in Hargeisa in July 2001. This volume focuses on finding tools, solutions, and policies that speak to the need for building peace, es"