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With water in Mexico becoming very scarce spatially and over time, it is now a factor that limits economic activity and social well-being in several regions. The identification of priorities and trade-offs in relation to water allocation requires careful and timely attention to address an ever-growing range of complications arising from the impact of various interlinked considerations, such as sustainability of water resources, fairness, pollution, environment, basic services, development, competition, and globalization. National policies, both within the water sector and for the overall economy, need to accommodate these issues. The study reported in this note is part of a broader analysis of the sector. Its intent is to promote a stakeholders consultation process, development of a specific set of background papers to address the most pressing issues in water policy in the country. Finally, the study included the development of analytical models to assess the linkages and impacts of various policy instruments on the water sector and the economy with a focus on one river basin case study - Rio Bravo.
Mexico is currently facing severe problems with water availability, wastage and contamination. The most contaminated and over-exploited water resources are concentrated in the most populated areas of the country, where water is scarcer and its quality makes it unsuitable for a variety of uses, including human consumption. At the same time it is indisputable that water quality is a determining factor in public health and ecosystems. The significant growth in population and industry results in a high demand for water, along with contaminating discharges, few of which are treated – and the impact upon the ecosystems is evident. This book addresses all these topics in a single volume, taking into account the challenges presented by the economic, institutional and environmental considerations in Mexico’s water policy framework.
This working paper presents a summary of the results of a report which undertook an economic assessment of policy interventions in the Mexico water sector. The report constitutes part of, and seeks to provide the analytical underpinning for, an array of World Bank lending and advisory service products that are intended to support Mexico's efforts to develop a long-term sustainable water management system. Although the work involved extensive collaboration with both the government and Mexican specialists, the views expressed are attributable to the World Bank team that led the initiative. The summary distills the report's main findings and messages. Section A highlights the context for the assessment that was carried out, Section B describes the assessment objective and methodology, Section C describes the consultative process and main issues identified for purposes of focusing the analytical work, Section D identifies key analytical findings, and Section E focuses on some of the main conclusions and messages.
This comprehensive volume presents the topic of water resources of Mexico from a different angle. Besides covering the geohydrology it also offers a brief account of the ancient water resources works, explains from where the water is coming, how the water is being used in homes and in the industry, how the dams are operated in the hurricane season, some aspects of the water-energy-food securities nexus and the expectations for the future in connection with global climate change. The book is of interest to every one connected with the water resources of Mexico, e.g. federal and state employees of agencies related with water management, water supply and wastewater treatment. It is also of value to those in academia and employed at water related professional associations and the general public.
Water resources in Mexico are threatened by scarcity, pollution and climate change. In two decades water consumption doubled, producing water stress in dry seasons and semi-arid and arid regions. Water stress rises due to physical and economic stress. In seven parts a multidisciplinary team analyzes hydrological processes in basins and their interaction with climate, soil and biota. Competing water use in agriculture, industry and domestic needs require savings, decontamination processes and desalination to satisfy the growing demand. Water quality affects health and ecosystems. This creates conflicts and cooperation that may be enhanced by public policy, institution building and social organization.
Protecting a Sacred Gift makes a strong case that culture, gender, place, politics, and history shape Mexico's water resources policy, management strategies, and, ultimately, its physical and cultural landscapes. This edited volume presents diverse disciplinary approaches - anthropology, development studies, geography, history, political science, sociology, and women's studies - all of which converge on theoretical and substantive interest in equity, public participation, and power associated with water. Indeed, the editors make the bold claim that water resources management must go far beyond technological innovation and economic efficiency to include 'visions of fairness in access, protection of the least privileged, engagement of stakeholders in all phases of distribution and maintenance, and a view of development that is sustainable.'
This book addresses water management issues in the State of New Mexico. It focuses on our current understanding of the natural world, capabilities in numerical modeling, existing and evolving regulatory frameworks, and specific issues such as water quality, endangered species and the evolution of new water management institutions. Similar to its neighboring states, New Mexico regularly experiences cycles of drought. It is also experiencing rapid economic growth while at the same time is experiencing a fundamental climate shift. These factors place severe demands on its scarce water resources. In addition to historical uses by the native inhabitants of the region and the agricultural sector, new competitive uses have emerged which will require reallocation. This effort is complicated by unadjudicated water rights, the need to balance the ever-increasing needs of growing urban and rural populations, and the requirements of the ecosystem and traditional users. It is clear that New Mexico, as with other semi-arid states and regions, must find efficient ways to reallocate water among various beneficial uses. This book discusses how a proper coordination of scientific understanding, modeling advancements, and new and emerging institutional structures can help in achieving improved strategies for water policy and management. To do so, it calls upon the expertise of academics from multiple disciplines, as well as officials from federal and state agencies, to describe in understandable terms the issues currently being faced and how they can be addressed via an iterative strategy of adaptive management.
This book presents several complex case studies related to water management and planning in the context of pollution, growing demands, and global climate change in Mexico, but which are also relevant for other countries in Latin America. These concerns are of critical importance for policymakers who are coping with multiple conflicting interests. Water availability in Mexico is polarized, with abundant rainfall and large rivers in the south, and desert-like conditions in the north. The central region, which is the most industrialized, is overpopulated. Mexico City pours millions of cubic meters of “blackwater” into the northern valley daily and receives its clean water from the south. To address these unsustainable conditions, the world's 4th biggest water treatment plant went into operation in 2018. The water infrastructure and governance must satisfy the demands of all sectors, including agricultural, urban, and economic activities. At the same time, water resources are affected by drought, and climate change puts constraints on the supply. As such, regulation and monitoring are important when it comes to adherence to agreed plans and priorities. The book is divided into four sections. 1: Water Availability discusses quantitative aspects, such as supply, methods of calculation, and fracking. 2: Water Quality highlights pollution risks and diagnosis of water resources. 3: Water Allocation examines the sectoral demands and vulnerability due to unsustainable irrigation. 4: Water Governance and Management focuses on laws, urban rules, national parks, planning, and integrated water resources management, among other topics. The chapters include illustrative case studies in Mexico, such as basins, cities, reservoirs, and aquifers, water supply demand assessment, planning, and management.
The report provides evidence-based assessment and policy recommendations in support of Mexico’s water reform. It analyses implementation bottlenecks and identifies good practices.
This book addresses the following topics: the contemporary model for water management and alternative approaches; the socioeconomic framework, water policy and institutions; water use for food purposes, water-resources inventory and irrigation; manifestations of welfare loss and water prices; change in dietary patterns and water security; hydrological stress and pressures on water availability; groundwater management problems; vulnerability and climate change; water demand of major crops; gray water footprint and water pollution; gray water footprint and mining; virtual water and food trade; estimates of the water footprint of four key cereals, forage, livestock and bottled drinks. It is the result of a cooperation between 16 researchers from eleven Mexican academic institutions.