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The endothelium, a monolayer of endothelial cells, constitutes the inner cellular lining of the blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries) and the lymphatic system, and therefore is in direct contact with the blood/lymph and the circulating cells. The endothelium is a major player in the control of blood fluidity, platelet aggregation and vascular tone, a major actor in the regulation of immunology, inflammation and angiogenesis, and an important metabolizing and an endocrine organ. Endothelial cells controls vascular tone, and thereby blood flow, by synthesizing and releasing relaxing and contracting factors such as nitric oxide, metabolites of arachidonic acid via the cyclooxygenases, lipoxygenases and cytochrome P450 pathways, various peptides (endothelin, urotensin, CNP, adrenomedullin, etc.), adenosine, purines, reactive oxygen species and so on. Additionally, endothelial ectoenzymes are required steps in the generation of vasoactive hormones such as angiotensin II. An endothelial dysfunction linked to an imbalance in the synthesis and/or the release of these various endothelial factors may explain the initiation of cardiovascular pathologies (from hypertension to atherosclerosis) or their development and perpetuation. Table of Contents: Introduction / Multiple Functions of the Endothelial Cells / Calcium Signaling in Vascular Cells and Cell-to-Cell Communications / Endothelium-Dependent Regulation of Vascular Tone / Conclusion / References
Regulated turnover of extracellular matrix (ECM) is an important component of tissue homeostasis. In recent years, the enzymes that participate in, and control ECM turnover have been the focus of research that touches on development, tissue remodeling, inflammation and disease. This volume in the Biology of Extracellular Matrix series provides a review of the known classes of proteases that degrade ECM both outside and inside the cell. The specific EMC proteases that are discussed include cathepsins, bacterial collagenases, matrix metalloproteinases, meprins, serine proteases, and elastases. The volume also discusses the domains responsible for specific biochemical characteristics of the proteases and the physical interactions that occur when the protease interacts with substrate. The topics covered in this volume provide an important context for understanding the role that matrix-degrading proteases play in normal tissue remodeling and in diseases such as cancer and lung disease.
New updated edition first published with Cambridge University Press. This new edition includes 29 chapters on topics as diverse as pathophysiology of atherosclerosis, vascular haemodynamics, haemostasis, thrombophilia and post-amputation pain syndromes.
The partition of fluid between the vascular and interstitial compartments is regulated by forces (hydrostatic and oncotic) operating across the microvascular walls and the surface areas of permeable structures comprising the endothelial barrier to fluid and solute exchange, as well as within the extracellular matrix and lymphatics. In addition to its role in the regulation of vascular volume, transcapillary fluid filtration also allows for continuous turnover of water bathing tissue cells, providing the medium for diffusional flux of oxygen and nutrients required for cellular metabolism and removal of metabolic byproducts. Transendothelial volume flow has also been shown to influence vascular smooth muscle tone in arterioles, hydraulic conductivity in capillaries, and neutrophil transmigration across postcapillary venules, while the flow of this filtrate through the interstitial spaces functions to modify the activities of parenchymal, resident tissue, and metastasizing tumor cells. Likewise, the flow of lymph, which is driven by capillary filtration, is important for the transport of immune and tumor cells, antigen delivery to lymph nodes, and for return of filtered fluid and extravasated proteins to the blood. Given this background, the aims of this treatise are to summarize our current understanding of the factors involved in the regulation of transcapillary fluid movement, how fluid movements across the endothelial barrier and through the interstitium and lymphatic vessels influence cell function and behavior, and the pathophysiology of edema formation. Table of Contents: Fluid Movement Across the Endothelial Barrier / The Interstitium / The Lymphatic Vasculature / Pathophysiology of Edema Formation
In the last several years, the development of reagents that recognize smooth muscle-specific proteins has enabled researchers to identify smooth muscle cells (SMC) in tissue undergoing both differentiation and repair. These developments have led to increased research on SMC. The latest volume in the Biology of the Extracellular Matrix Series takes a current and all-encompassing look at this growing area of research. Devoted entirely to the subject of SMC, the book covers a diversity of topics-from SMC architecture and contractility to differentiation and gene expression in development. It also examines the proliferation and replication of SMC and its role in pharmacology and vascular disease. A must for cell, developmental, and molecular biologists, this book also will appeal to cardiologists, pathologists, and biomedical researchers interested in smooth muscle cells. Presents a molecular, genetic, and developmental perspective of the vas smooth muscle cell Overview sections highlight key points of chapters, including the clinical relevance of the research and expectations for future study Appeals to both the basic biologist and to the biomedical researcher of vascular disease
This e-book will review special features of the cerebral circulation and how they contribute to the physiology of the brain. It describes structural and functional properties of the cerebral circulation that are unique to the brain, an organ with high metabolic demands and the need for tight water and ion homeostasis. Autoregulation is pronounced in the brain, with myogenic, metabolic and neurogenic mechanisms contributing to maintain relatively constant blood flow during both increases and decreases in pressure. In addition, unlike peripheral organs where the majority of vascular resistance resides in small arteries and arterioles, large extracranial and intracranial arteries contribute significantly to vascular resistance in the brain. The prominent role of large arteries in cerebrovascular resistance helps maintain blood flow and protect downstream vessels during changes in perfusion pressure. The cerebral endothelium is also unique in that its barrier properties are in some way more like epithelium than endothelium in the periphery. The cerebral endothelium, known as the blood-brain barrier, has specialized tight junctions that do not allow ions to pass freely and has very low hydraulic conductivity and transcellular transport. This special configuration modifies Starling's forces in the brain microcirculation such that ions retained in the vascular lumen oppose water movement due to hydrostatic pressure. Tight water regulation is necessary in the brain because it has limited capacity for expansion within the skull. Increased intracranial pressure due to vasogenic edema can cause severe neurologic complications and death.
The integrin family is composed of 24 members and approximately ten years ago (2003) we published a book devoted to the nine I domain integrin subunits. In this second edition, I am pleased that most of the original authors have been able to contribute to the updated version. I domain containing integrins include collagen receptors and leukocyte receptors. In 2003 the knockout mouse phenotypes for all of the I domain integrins had not yet been published; they are now, and are summarized and discussed in this edition. Interestingly, a recent 10 integrin mutation in dogs has indicated that collagen-binding integrins in the musculoskeletal system might have much more severe phenotypes in larger animals/humans compared to the mild integrin phenotypes observed in collagen-binding integrin deficient mice. This finding is further discussed in the book. In the cancer field, the microenvironment is taking center stage, and here collagen receptors on fibroblasts are predicted to play important roles in paracrine signaling, in regulating tissue stiffness and matrix remodeling. New technologies, new mouse models in combination with analyses of I integrins in larger animals/humans are thus predicted to increase our knowledge about this group of receptors. With this in mind we look forward to another 10 years of research with I domain integrins.
Emphasizes the research activities of Germany’s Nauheim Institute of the Max Planck Society and its group of investigators both past and present, in the field of collateral artery growth. Incorporates a multidisciplinary in vivo approach to the study of arteriogenesis that includes molecular approaches with classical physiology and immunohistochemistry. Full color throughout and well illustrated.
The ESC Textbook of Vascular Biology is a rich and clearly laid-out guide by leading European scientists providing comprehensive information on vascular physiology, disease, and research.