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The Ekklesia is in the world but not of the world. In the world it is the manifestation of the Living Christ. As such, it must apply the finished work of Christ. In other words, it must destroy the works of the devil. It can only do this by spiritual warfare. The Ekklesia, then must tirelessly and relentlessly engage in spiritual conflict. But, how well do we actually understand spiritual warfare? We must be discerning as Christians, recognizing when Satan is at work, as opposed to when we are walking through a quite natural situation.
JESUS PROMISED TO BUILD SOMETHING. DO WE EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS? Fill in the blank: "Upon this rock I will build My ________?" For generations, we have been taught that Jesus promised to build His "church" in Matthew 16:18, so we've dutifully tried to build the church with Him. But there's a big problem: that's not the word He used. Instead, He announced something far more potent: "I will build My ekklesia!" Have you ever wondered why the established church culture so often seems stuck in neutral? If Jesus gave His disciples authority and keys to bind and loose, why are so many churches either apathetic or chronically weak in prayer? The reason is because a motherlode of identity and mission separates those two words. In Ekklesia Rising, you'll learn: The DNA of ekklesia: how revelation produces dominion The "keys" Christ gives, and how to receive and use them Divine design: masculine authority with bridal love The role of the Divine Council in heaven and on earth The inner constitution of contending, covenantal communities Make no mistake, Jesus will build His ekklesia. His Father's house will be a "House of Prayer for All Nations." For hundreds of years, we have been the church. Finally, let us become His ruling ekklesia.
The glory of God is real. It brings breakthrough and deliverance. The church should be tapping into this glory through righteous living. There is more to God than what we are experiencing now. The glory of the latter house ought to be shining today for all the world to see, leading people to accept JESUS as Lord and Savior of their lives and living a victorious and spirit-filled life on this earth. Christians are God's temple, the latter house, and Jesus is the glory of the latter house. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, righteous people can experience the full manifested glory of God. May this book ignite within you a hunger and thirst for the full manifestation of the glory and power of God. As a believer, you need to arise and enter the glory of the latter house. The church must become the shining star, the glow, that place where all seek comfort, joy, peace of mind, a purposeful life, a walk of power and people taking great stride in fulfilling their destiny on this earth as designed by God for their lives. I call the church to action, let the glory of the Lord rise among us.
2020... The year which shook the whole world. But this was also a year of repositioning and change for the people of God. The Ekklesia. The Bride of Christ. We are in a new era and The Lord wants to do a new thing amongst His people. This 'new thing' will require new wineskin, and there is a Kingdom mandate for the Ekklesia to go forth in the Dunamis Power from Heaven. However, God wants His Church to become cleansed and purged from everything which will hinder the great move of His Spirit in these last days. The idolatry of man-made culture, demonic traditions, unbiblical mindsets, deception, division within the Church... There is a divine calling for a deep purging. So the clarion call stands: Shema O' Ekklesia! Jesus Christ is coming back soon, but this is not an excuse to become idle. We must become serious about building and advancing the Kingdom of God. The true sons and daughters of God are arising to bring about The Revival of Kingdom Culture to the four corners of this world.The time is now for the manifestation of, "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done In Earth, As It Is In Heaven" - Matthew 6:10. This book will give you keys, wisdom and prophetic insight in preparation for the Kingdom mission ahead of us, in these end times.
"I truly believe that reading this book your life will never be the same. Every word is imbued with the Presence of Jesus and has been birthed through supernatural encounter." Wendy Alec. We are rising out of the ashes of pain and powerless religion, becoming a pure reflection of God in the earth. Destined to be fully filled with His beautiful, powerful Spirit we are together, an emerging unstoppable force of love and transforming authority. A people the realm of darkness cannot prevail against. As we learn to abide, experiencing and yielding to His life changing indwelling Presence, we receive the ability to live out of who we truly are in Christ. We find His Spirit increasingly flowing through us to heal and align every aspect of our life and identity with truth and to restore every hurting life we touch. Where lifes challenges, the brokenness in others or the enemies lies have defined you and held you captive, as you read the heart and wisdom of Jesus contained within these pages the eyes of your understanding will be flooded with light. You will become empowered to experience a level of freedom and peace you never thought possible. With a renewed security in the absolute love of God, you will be set free to live out of your authentic self and so begin to produce your highest purpose. We are Children of Light, Carriers of God, We are the most valuable, powerful thing in all of creation. This book is a remarkable treasure heralding a message that is sure to impact lives around the world. Gary Beaton - Founder, Transformation Glory Ministries. Ekklesia Rising contains more than just knowledge, it is truly revolutionary revelation. Shawn Bolz - Senior Pastor, Expression 58. This is a unique work and critical message for the Body of Christ today. Rhonda Hughey - Director, Fusion Ministries. I would recommend this book to anyone who is hungry for that 'more' of God that is so prevalent in the earth in this season. Ian Clayton - Founder, Son of Thunder Ministries.
There is danger on the horizon, but tomorrow dawns a new day. As the world boils in chaos, God's people scour the Earth in search of healing. Over the past several millennia, Christ's body has progressively taken on the name, identity, and practices of what is now known as the Church. Sadly, this word, along what it often represents, falls dangerously short of it's potential. For all of it's glory the Church is broken, battered, and in need of restoration. The Bible contains hidden truths that are, at this very moment, being revealed throughout creation. This book opens the door to a journey of reformation. As sure as the Son is risen, so too will His Ekklesia Rise. This book highlights a Biblical blueprint for reconciling Christ's glorious organization - The Ekklesia. This book is the first step toward demystifying the increasingly popular term "Ekklesia." It is the first step toward the healing of God's people and the cultural transformation of the world.
Another book in the Ron Cottle Teaches the Masters series, The Work and Responsibility of the Ekklesia draws from the writings of the Watchman Nee book, The Glorious Church. Dr. Cottle shows that the Ekklesia is best suited and set in place for reinforcing and maintaining the Lord's redemptive victory in the earth!The Ekklesia's assignment is to execute the Lord's victory and bring in the Kingdom. When all has been done that will be done in the earth to bring about the ultimate defeat of Satan and his power, God will bring to Himself one glorious Church, the predetermined Ekklesia, arrayed in all the glory and honor determined before the fall.
Dynamic New Teaching from Bestselling Author Ed Silvoso The word church has many connotations; we think of it as a specific building, as a group of people, even as a long service to sit through. We hardly ever think of it as world-changing--and neither does society. Yet this is exactly what the first-century ekklesia was. In these vital, eye-opening pages, bestselling author Ed Silvoso takes you back to the first days of the church. Digging into Scripture, he shows how the New Testament church--devoid of buildings, professional clergy, and religious freedom--was able to transform the hostile, pagan places into which it was born and set in motion a process that changed the world forever. Even more, Silvoso offers a roadmap back to becoming the ekklesia Jesus called his church to be. In the midst of the social, economic, political, and moral chaos in our world today, we possess the hope that people and nations so desperately need--and we can become the revolutionary, transformational, life-giving voice Jesus called us to be. A new, in-depth curriculum kit--which features a DVD with 12 brand-new teaching sessions, a group guide for both leaders and participants, and a copy of the book--is also available. Expounding on the book's dynamic teachings, each kit contains everything you need to equip your group to transform the world around them.
Unique Study Guide on the Second Coming of Christ If you are excited about the coming of the Lord, you’re going to love this book! If you’d like to be able to look in one place to see what every New Testament book says about your eternal inheritance in the coming kingdom of God, you’re going to love this book! Written Conversationally and Easy to Understand The Coming Kingdom of God is a unique and easy-to-understand reference that identifies popular and overlooked Scriptures that directly and indirectly discuss the coming of the Lord and His physical kingdom to the earth. Insightful commentary is provided that will inform, encourage, and thrill you. This handy reference explains the differences in the invisible kingdom of God, the heavenly kingdom of God, and the physical coming kingdom of God. It also clearly proves that the "kingdom now" doctrine is false. Explains End-Times and End-of-Age Topics It discusses and makes understandable topics such as the rapture of the church, the great tribulation, the antichrist, the millennium, the first and second resurrections, our new bodies, the judgment seat of Christ, eternal rewards, and the great white throne judgment. The Coming Kingdom of God powerfully shows and reminds you that you are an actual child of the Most High God, that your true citizenship is in heaven, and that your best days are ahead of you—forever! People who like books on Bible prophecy by Dr. David Jeremiah, John Hagee, Tim LaHaye, Amir Tsaffati, and Jimmy Evans should love this book.