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Almost unique among the works of Muslim scholars, this book, which for Malikis is THE Risalah, was written for children when the author was 17 years old. The sheer pedagogical audacity of introducing children to what is in effect a complete overview of life and human society escapes most people and most Muslims today. The author commences with usul ad-deen - the roots of the deen - a survey of the vital Muslim worldview, proceeding then through purification and the acts of 'ibadah, the ordinary transactions such as marriage, divorce, buying and selling and so forth, and concluding with chapters of a general and miscellaneous nature. The book is here matched by the outstanding lucidity of the translation which reveals a book written in a narrative descriptive style rather than in a didactic scholarly tone, making it breathtakingly accessible. So significant was the book's authorship and so quickly was it recognised that its author became known as the "Young Malik" and his work became a foundational pillar of the madhhab of the School of Madinah and has endured for a millennium, in use both to teach absolute beginners as intended and as a resource for scholars. This edition presents the translation in parallel with the Arabic text without vowellisation (tashkeel). Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (310 AH/922 CE - 386 AH/996 CE) was born in Qayrawan in Tunisia, arguably one of the most important Muslim cities after Makkah and Madinah, which was always famous for learning and in particular for its staunch adherence to the school of the people of Madinah as transmitted by Imam Malik. His life was overshadowed by the Fatimid dynasty, during which he and the other teachers of Qayrawan calmly kept alive the teaching of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah. Among his other well-known works are the massive multi-volume an-Nawadir wa'z-Ziyadat and a mukhtasar-abridgement of the Mudawwanah of which only the Kitab al-Jami', a comprehensive work containing a wide variety of topics, is extant. Aisha Bewley is the translator of a large number of classical works of Islam and Sufism, often in collaboration with Abdalhaqq Bewley, notably The Noble Qur'an - a New Rendering of Its Meanings in English; Muhammad, Messenger of Allah - the translation of Qadi 'Iyad's ash-Shifa'; the Muwatta' of Imam Malik ibn Anas; and Imam an-Nawawi's Riyad as-Salihin.
This slim volume presents a practical introduction to the essential beliefs, practices, and moral rectifications mentioned in the Sacred Law. The primary text is Ahmed ibn Zayn al-Habashi's Al-Risalah al-Jami ah which has been a popular introductory text during the last four centuries. The text is read by students in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and, recently, North America and Europe. This edition includes the Arabic text, its translation, and notes drawn from the translator's other works. Readers of this text will learn the essential creed, acts of worship, and moral behavior that are considered personal obligations for all Muslims. They will also learn why these particular things are important. The notes are designed to equip students for personal practice and to prepare them for more advanced studies.
The translation, notes, and commentary of Imam al-Harith al-Muhasibi's "Risala al-Mustarshidin (Treatise for the Seekers of Guidance)" serves as a layman's guide to Islamic spirituality.
This book is one of the many Islamic publications distributed by Ahlulbayt Organization throughout the world in different languages with the aim of conveying the message of Islam to the people of the world. You may read this book carefully and should you be interested to have further study on such publications you can contact us through Naturally, if we find you to be a keen and energetic reader we shall give you a deserving response in sending you some other publications of this Organization.
Almost unique among the works of Muslim scholars, this book, which for Malikis is THE Risalah, was written for children when the author was 17 years old. The sheer pedagogical audacity of introducing children to what is in effect a complete overview of life and human society escapes most people and most Muslims today. The author commences with usul ad-deen - the roots of the deen - a survey of the vital Muslim worldview, proceeding then through purification and the acts of 'ibadah, the ordinary transactions such as marriage, divorce, buying and selling and so forth, and concluding with chapters of a general and miscellaneous nature. The book is here matched by the outstanding lucidity of the translation which reveals a book written in a narrative descriptive style rather than in a didactic scholarly tone, making it breathtakingly accessible. So significant was the book's authorship and so quickly was it recognised that its author became known as the "Young Malik" and his work became a foundational pillar of the madhhab of the School of Madinah and has endured for a millennium, in use both to teach absolute beginners as intended and as a resource for scholars. This edition incorporates the Arabic text without vowellisation (tashkeel). Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (310 AH/922 CE - 386 AH/996 CE) was born in Qayrawan in Tunisia, arguably one of the most important Muslim cities after Makkah and Madinah, which was always famous for learning and in particular for its staunch adherence to the school of the people of Madinah as transmitted by Imam Malik. His life was overshadowed by the Fatimid dynasty, during which he and the other teachers of Qayrawan calmly kept alive the teaching of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah. Among his other well-known works are the massive multi-volume an-Nawadir wa'z-Ziyadat and a mukhtasar-abridgement of the Mudawwanah of which only the Kitab al-Jami', a comprehensive work containing a wide variety of topics, is extant. Aisha Bewley is the translator of a large number of classical works of Islam and Sufism, often in collaboration with Abdalhaqq Bewley, notably The Noble Qur'an - a New Rendering of Its Meanings in English; Muhammad, Messenger of Allah - the translation of Qadi 'Iyad's ash-Shifa'; the Muwatta' of Imam Malik ibn Anas; and Imam an-Nawawi's Riyad as-Salihin.
This book offers a comprehensive reinterpretation of Sh?fi 's "Ris?la" and shows how Sh?fi sought to formulate an all-embracing hermeneutic that portrays the law as a tightly interlocking structure organized around defined interactions of the Qur n and the Sunna.
Penned by His Eminence 'Allāmah Ḥasan Muṣṭafawī, who was himself a man of divine gnosis and knowledge, this valuable and precious treatise mystically guides the enthusiasts who are engaged in traversing the stations of mystical wayfaring and way of the truth and reality - station by station. While elucidating in a classical, decisive and convincing manner all the phases, stages and stations from a spiritual perspective, the erudite author had the following ideas in mind: To quote divine verses [of the Qur'an] and sayings of the holy saints[awliyā'] of God who are recipients of divine inspirations and treasuries of mystical knowledge; To explain the underlying concepts of those holy verses and noble traditions; To remind the faithful, nay everyone who is interested in spiritual perfection[kamāl] and bliss[sa'ādah], of the truths and features of perfection and bliss; To deal with the salient features and manner of mystical wayfaring[sayr wa sulūk] and traversing the different phases [marāḥil] of perfection so that the mystical wayfaring is done through a correct program, and thus, bear fruit; To shed light on the salient features and order of the stages[manāzil] of wayfaring so as to avoid straying, error, mistake, and deviation; To state the effects and signs of each of these stages so that the wayfarer[sālik] himself could examine carefully and identify exactly the stages which he imagines to have traversed and the stage [manzil] he is currently treading; and To state the principles and fundamentals of the science of ethics ['ilm al-akhlāq] as well as the essentials of divine knowledge[ma'ārif-e ilāhī] to which every faithful needs to pay heed.
This book is 'Allamah Hasan Mustafawi's exposition of the known treatise on mystical wayfaring (Risaleh-ye Sayr wa Suluk) widely attributed to Sayyid Mahdi Bahr al-Ulum al-Burujirdi al-Najafi (died 1212 AH/1797-98). Though concise, this book has made clear all stages and stations of mystical wayfaring and the degrees of perfection of the human soul in the best and most comprehensive mode of expression and substantiated by holy Qur'anic verses, noble traditions (aḥādīth), and rational proofs. As 'Allamah Mustafawi describes, "This noble treatise, which in my manuscript is entitled Tuhfat al-Muluk fī 's-Sayr wa 's-Suluk and in other manuscripts as Risalah fi 's-Sayr wa 's-Suluk, has been one of the best books ever written in the field of mystical wayfaring, and the purification and refinement of the soul. In fact, this nondescript has not yet come across another book on this subject that is as firm, indisputable, accurate, and comprehensive as this treatise." The eminent author has elaborated and elucidated this treatise, which if meticulously and enthusiastically studied and examined, it is clear that apart from tactfully explaining the concepts and subjects of the esteemed Sayyid, he has also independently stated many divine fundamentals, principles, truths, and knowledge according to his enlightened viewpoint within the framework of the book's exposition-fundamentals and concepts that bespeak of this noble man's unique cognizance and mastery of mystical wayfaring (sayr wa sulūk).
As a response to a request, Imam al-Bajuri, in this short treatise outlines, the core beliefs of the traditional, orthodox Sunni doctrine ('Aqida) that every Muslim should be aware of. Designed to be studied preferably with a teacher or read on one's own, this text will equip the student with sufficient knowledge of the bare essentials of his religion to be able to distinguish truth from falsehood, orthodox from unorthodox, Ahl al-Sunna wa al- Jama'a from others.