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A half century ago, leaders in Germany, a Christian nation, decided to kill every Jewish child, woman, and man they could lay their hands on. Now, David Gushee explores the actions and inactions of millions of Europeans whose Jewish neighbors were being led to the slaughter. What motivated this extremely small minority--at the risk of their own lives--to rescue Jews in need?
A relentless band of propagandists has convinced much of the world that Pope Pius XII and the Catholic Church, in the face of the great moral crisis of the twentieth century, were little more than Nazi lapdogs. The myth of ?Hitler's pope, ? however, is grounded not in the facts of history but in the ideological agenda of Pius's detractors. Given unprecedented access to Church archives'including a confidential Vatican report on Pius XII?Ronald J. Rychlak documents the heroic response of the Holy Father and countless other Catholics to the plight of Jews under Nazi rule. From the end of World War II until well after his death, Pius XII was universally respected for his leadership in t
In this remarkable, historically significant book, Mordecai Paldiel recounts in vivid detail the many ways in which, at great risk to their own lives, Jews rescued other Jews during the Holocaust. In so doing he puts to rest the widely held belief that all Jews in Nazi-dominated Europe wore blinders and allowed themselves to be led like "lambs to the slaughter." Paldiel documents how brave Jewish men and women saved thousands of their fellow Jews through efforts unprecedented in Jewish history. Encyclopedic in scope and organized by country, Saving One's Own tells the stories of hundreds of Jewish activists who created rescue networks, escape routes, safe havens, and partisan fighting groups to save beleaguered Jewish men, women, and children from the Nazis. The rescuers' dramatic stories are often shared in their own words, and Paldiel provides extensive historical background and documentation. The untold story of these Jewish heroes, who displayed inventiveness and courage in outwitting the enemy--and in saving literally thousands of Jews--is finally revealed.
"Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust by David P. Gushee is an authoritative and indispensable exploration of a highly important aspect of the Holocaust, the willingness of a small, but morally significant, number of non-Jews to take on great risks for themselves and their families to rescue Jews from the Nazi death machine. In this well-documented, well-written book, Gushee explores the full range of Gentile responses to the plight of the Jews from overt hostility and obscene brutality to altruistic rescue, the better to understand the achievements of truly Righteous Gentiles. Highly recommended for anyone interested in the Holocaust."--Richard L. Rubenstein, President Emeritus, Distinguished Professor of Religion, University of Bridgeport
Why, during the Holocaust, did some ordinary people risk their lives and the lives of their families to help others--even total strangers--while others stood passively by? Samuel Oliner, a Holocaust survivor who has interviewed more than 700 European rescuers and nonrescuers, provides some surprising answers in this compelling work.
Sets the scene with a brief history of anti-Semitism prior to Hitler, and documents the horrors of the Holocaust from 1933 onward, in an incisive, interpretive account of the genocide of World War II.
The Path of The Righteous by Mordecai Paldiel recounts the inspiring stories of several hundred "Righteous Among the Nations" - heroic gentile men and women, in virtually all the countries of Nazi-occupied Europe, who put themselves and their families at risk in order to save the lives of Jews fleeing the Nazi terror. Drawn from the files of Yad Vashem Memorial in Israel, these stories are a badly needed corrective to the pessimistic view of human nature which has become all too common in the Holocaust's aftermath. They prove that decency, morality, and altruism can survive even under the most horrendous of circumstances, and that some people will always be willing to act selflessly. It also serves to disprove the cruel lie being promulgated by some that the Holocaust never took place, or did not take place as described in eye witness accounts. The courageous individuals whose tales are recounted in this book are monuments to the nobility of the human spirit. They did what they did not for the sake of reward or prestige, but because they believed it was right. Some of them were pious Christians motivated by religion. Others were energized by feelings of intense compassion. Neither the threat of punishment nor ostracism by relatives and neighbors deterred them. Love for their fellow human beings was a higher value. The book contains a foreword by Rabbi Harold Schulweis, founding chairman of the Jewish Foundation for Christian Rescuers/ADL, and an afterword by Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League and a Holocaust survivor who was saved by his Polish nursemaid, poignantly express their recognition of and gratitude to the untold numbers of righteous gentiles, many of whom will never be known by us.
Two Among the Righteous FewBy: Marty Brounstein Can hope be found amidst tragedy? Nestled in the hills on the western side of Jerusalem is a museum called Yad Vashem. There, people from around the world visit daily to learn about the tragic period of history from 1933 to 1945 known as the Holocaust. The museum serves as an education, research, and historical center in remembrance of the six million Jews across Europe who were murdered at the hands of the Nazi Party machine led by Adolf Hitler. A special section of Yad Vashem is dedicated to those who carried out acts of courage to save the lives of Jews during the Holocaust. Remembered there is a couple from Dieden of the Netherlands, Frans and Mien Wijnakker. Two Among the Righteous Few: A Story of Courage in the Holocaust is the remarkable tale of how Frans and his wife, Mien, saved the lives of at least two dozen Jews in southern Holland during World War II. They were Catholics who led a simple life in a small town, but they took risks and displayed bravery to help others in dire need, instilling hope during one of the most horrific points of history.
A select list of recipients of Yad Vashem's "Righteous Among the Nations" title and their stories of courage and humanity.
Who are the ancient role models for the sacred relationship between Jews and non-Jews today? Now more than ever, gentiles are an integral part of the Jewish community. But they are not new to the Jewish story. In fact, righteous gentiles go back to Abraham. The story of the Jewish people can’t be told without them. Noted author and educator Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin provides an informative and inspiring look at the sympathetic non-Israelite characters of the Hebrew Bible and the redemptive relationships they had with the Jewish people. Relying on biblical and extra-biblical sources, he introduces each character, drawing lessons from the life of each that will be relevant to you, whatever your faith tradition. They include the ... First gentile to bless a Jew First woman to hear the Divine voice and save a Jewish baby First teacher of morality to the Jews First gentile mother of Jewish children Gentile midwives who invented civil disobedience Mother of Moses and nurturer of the Jewish people Father-in-law and teacher of Moses First “gentile Zionist” Gentile warrior who fought for the Israelites Gentile contractor for Solomon’s Temple Gentiles who acknowledged God and repented Creator of the Second Jewish Commonwealth