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The wisdom of God is revealed in both Old and New Testaments, but it is impossible to appreciate that wisdom fully if the two are read in isolation. Sometimes the New Testament quotes the Old as authoritative. Sometimes it cancels things that the Old says. At other times it indicates that the Old was a type that illustrates New Testament doctrine. How are we to understand and apply its teaching? Is the New Testament being arbitrary when it tells us how to understand the Old, or do its careful interpretations show us how the Old was meant to be understood? Could it be that the New Testament’s many different ways of using some of its passages provide us with guidance for reading, studying and applying the whole of the Old Testament? Drawing upon many years of biblical research and teaching, Professor Gooding addresses these issues by expounding key New Testament passages that use the Old Testament. First he examines the importance of the general relationship of the two testaments. He then considers five major thought categories of the New Testament’s interpretation that encompass the many insights that it employs as tools for harvesting the wealth of the Old. Finally he formulates guidelines for interpreting Old Testament narrative and illustrates them from three familiar passages. Taken together these insights provide invaluable help for appreciating the richness of God’s multifaceted wisdom, which has come down to us as the revenue of all the ages.
The wisdom of God is revealed in both Old and New Testaments, but it is impossible to appreciate that wisdom fully if the two are read in isolation. Sometimes the New Testament quotes the Old as authoritative. Sometimes it cancels things that the Old says. At other times it indicates that the Old was a type that illustrates New Testament doctrine. How are we to understand and apply its teaching? Is the New Testament being arbitrary when it tells us how to understand the Old, or do its careful interpretations show us how the Old was meant to be understood? Could it be that the New Testament's many different ways of using some of its passages provide us with guidance for reading, studying and applying the whole of the Old Testament? Drawing upon many years of biblical research and teaching, Professor Gooding addresses these issues by expounding key New Testament passages that use the Old Testament. First he examines the importance of the general relationship of the two testaments. He then considers five major thought categories of the New Testament's interpretation that encompass the many insights that it employs as tools for harvesting the wealth of the Old. Finally he formulates guidelines for interpreting Old Testament narrative and illustrates them from three familiar passages. Taken together these insights provide invaluable help for appreciating the richness of God's multifaceted wisdom, which has come down to us as the revenue of all the ages.
The wisdom of God defines the greatness of God. By wisdom, He created and established the heavens and the earth and all that there is in.By His love and purpose, He has made available His wisdom to man for Dominion and Blessings upon the face of the earth. The mission of divine wisdom is to add value to every gift and virtue that God gives to man. This wisdom has the content and intent to confer distinction, favour, comfort and greatness to every believer.Without divine wisdom many destinies experience limitations, frustrations and destruction. This book launches you into greater depths of the Word of God for an encounter that will grant you overflowing blessings by the wisdom of God. It is a timely revelation for revolution to mankind.
The book organizes scriptural passages on wisdom and knowledge under various headings and subheadings of meaning, doctrine, acquisition, importance, necessity, blessings of wisdom and knowledge, and consequences of foolishness to aid understanding of the excellency of divine wisdom and knowledge (Phil. 3:8). This organized presentation is to help the reader derive much more from the scriptures cited by the guidance of the Holy Spirit without being limited by the authors concise explanations or interpretations.
How can one book be so widely appreciated and so contested? Millions revere it and many ridicule it, but the Bible is often not allowed to speak for itself. Key Bible Concepts explores and clarifies the central terms of the Christian gospel. Gooding and Lennox provide succinct explanations of the basic vocabulary of Christian thought to unlock the Bible’s meaning and its significance for today.
Accessing divine wisdom is locked in our relationship with God for the bible says, “If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask…” (See James 1:5). When we pray for wisdom, God answers. As humans, we may face situations that we have no idea on how to handle, but that is why we have a father that is full of answers.
Truly divine wisdom is the greatest treasure in heaven and on earth and that is what this book explains. Each human heart seeks for a precious treasure and the Holy Scriptures teaches us to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Because where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also. Divine wisdom is more precious than rubies, gold, silver and diamonds and nothing we desire on earth can be compared with her. It is said that even if there is a perfect man on earth, without divine wisdom he would be considered as nothing. Wisdom’s purpose is for self- management, family management, administering the people of God and to govern the earth. Therefore, wisdom is the kingdom, and the kingdom is wisdom, because the desire for wisdom is the way to acquire a kingdom and the desire for the kingdom is to honour and receive wisdom. Wisdom is for rulership and those who get hold of her will govern nations and rule over people, and the Lord will reign over them forever.
IN VERITÀ, LA SAGGEZZA DIVINA È IL PIÙ GRANDE TESORO QUI SULLA TERRA... “Il desiderio per la saggezza è il modo per acquisire un regno e il desiderio per il regno è di onorare e ricevere la saggezza. La saggezza è per regnare e coloro che entrano in possesso di essa, governeranno nazioni, regneranno sul popolo e il SIGNORE regnerà su di loro per sempre.” Il suo scopo comprende la gestione personale, la gestione familiare, l’amministrazione del popolo di Dio e a governare la terra. “Chi, dopo aver cercato il palazzo del Re, sarebbe contento di stare alla porta, quando viene invitato a dimorare in presenza del Re, e condividere con lui tutta la gloria della sua vita reale? Oh, fateci entrare, rimanere e godere pienamente le sue ricchezze insondabili provvedute per l’amor suo!” “Perciò, il seme della saggezza è l’immortalità e porta uno più vicino a Dio; dunque, se voi re desiderate i troni e scettri, onorate la saggezza e regnerete per sempre.” In questo libro scoprirete il modo per acquistare il tesoro più grande sulla terra e in cielo. E quando viene scoperto, acquisiscilo, anche se ti è costata tutta la vita e tutto quello che possiedi, afferralo!