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Allah created the earth and then bestowed on man His favor to extract sustenance from it. He also creates the sun moon and the stars to create a just equilibrium and harmony in the universe. The sun provides energy for the growth, sustenance and wellbeing of the humans’ plants and the animals. Gradually man began to extract more than his personal needs from the earth and the boom of economics, trade and commerce started, creating, cycle’s imbalance, disharmony, wars, poverty, and injustice throughout the globe. This disharmony caused by greed not only blemished the humans, but the animal life also suffered by disappearance of species. Pollution and contamination of the environment resulted from race to accumulate and hoard the world’s wealth in a few hands. Man, disobeyed Allah’s universal laws and Allah’s Covenant. In return for all of Allah’s favors Allah commands: Justice, Al-‘Adl. Justice, fairness honesty, integrity and even-handed dealings are a prerequisite of every Muslim’s conduct when dealing with others whether socially or in business transaction Doing what is good and that is beautiful. Al-Ihsan. This attribute includes every positive quality such as goodness, beautiful, pleasing, harmony. Human beings have an obligation to do what is wholesome and beautiful in their relationship with Allah and His creatures. Provide for those near to you, qurba and kith and kin. Help them with wealth, kindness, compassion, humanity, and sympathy. Allah forbids Al-Fahasha, all evil deeds, lies, false testimony, fornication, selfishness, ingratitude, greed, and false belief. One must fulfill the Covenant of Allah and who so ever does beautiful and righteous deeds Allah will give him or her new life and reward them with greater wages. Allah commands justice, the doing of good and liberality to kith and kin and He forbids all shameful deeds and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition. Fulfill the Covenant of Allah when ye have entered into it and break not your covenants after ye have confirmed them: indeed, ye have made Allah your surety; for Allah knows all that you do. (Qur’an 16:90-91)ô Whoever works righteousness, man or woman and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best their actions. (Qur’an16:97) Tawhid the main pillar off Islam signifies that human’s economic life depends wholly on Allah’s Laws of the universe that their relationship to those who believe is through the obedience to the Covenant of Allah. Allah maintains in the Qur’an that there is no creature on earth the responsibility of whose sustenance is not assumed by Allah. No creature crawls on earth that Allah does not nourish. He knows its essential nature and its varying forms; every detail has its place in the obvious plan. (Qur’an 11:6) How are the people in need provided for their sustenance and needs of daily lives? All wealth belongs to Allah who bestows it on some persons more than others. This wealth is given in trust, whereby the possessor is obliged to give the surplus in Allah’s cause, to his kin, to the widows and orphans and to the needy first in his community and then in the other communities around him. Wealth is to be shared so that not a single individual of the Ummah, or indeed in the world should go hungry or without education and shelter.
Allah created the earth and then bestowed on man His favor to extract sustenance from it. He also creates the sun moon and the stars to create a just equilibrium and harmony in the universe. The sun provides energy for the growth, sustenance and wellbeing of the humans' plants and the animals. Gradually man began to extract more than his personal needs from the earth and the boom of economics, trade and commerce started, creating, cycle's imbalance, disharmony, wars, poverty and injustice throughout the globe. This disharmony caused by greed not only blemished the humans, but the animal life also suffered by disappearance of species. Pollution and contamination of the environment resulted from race to accumulate and hoard the world's wealth in a few hands. Man, disobeyed Allah's universal laws and Allah's Covenant. In return for all of Allah's favors Allah commands: Justice, Al-'Adl .Justice, fairness honesty, integrity and even-handed dealings are a prerequisite of every Muslim's conduct when dealing with others whether socially or in business transaction Doing what is good and that is beautiful. Al-Ihsan. This attribute includes every positive quality such as goodness, beautiful, pleasing, harmony. Human beings have an obligation to do what is wholesome and beautiful in their relationship with Allah and His creatures. Provide for those near to you, qurba and kith and kin. Help them with wealth, kindness, compassion, humanity, and sympathy. Allah forbids Al-Fahasha, all evil deeds, lies, false testimony, fornication, selfishness, ingratitude, greed, and false belief. One must fulfill the Covenant of Allah and who so ever does beautiful and righteous deeds Allah will give him or her new life and reward them with greater wages. Allah commands justice, the doing of good and liberality to kith and kin and He forbids all shameful deeds and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition. Fulfill the Covenant of Allah when ye have entered into it and break not your covenants after ye have confirmed them: indeed, ye have made Allah your surety; for Allah knows all that you do. (Qur'an 16:90-91)ô Whoever works righteousness, man or woman and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best their actions. (Qur'an16:97) Tawhid the main pillar off Islam signifies that human's economic life depends wholly on Allah's Laws of the universe that their relationship to those who believe is through the obedience to the Covenant of Allah. Allah maintains in the Qur'an that there is no creature on earth the responsibility of whose sustenance is not assumed by Allah. No creature crawls on earth that Allah does not nourish. He knows its essential nature and its varying forms; every detail has its place in the obvious plan. (Qur'an 11:6) How are the people in need provided for their sustenance and needs of daily lives? All wealth belongs to Allah who bestows it on some persons more than others. This wealth is given in trust, whereby the possessor is obliged to give the surplus in Allah's cause, to his kin, to the widows and orphans and to the needy first in his community and then in the other communities around him. Wealth is to be shared so that not a single individual of the Ummah, or indeed in the world should go hungry or without education and shelter.
Dar es Salaam is the Abode of Peace, which Allah has promised to His righteous servants who follow the Straight Path of Allah. Dar es Salaam is the home of the Ummah, which extends in the East from the Muslim populations of the Philippines to the Atlantic coast of Africa and in the North its domains extend from the Muslim population of Russia to those of Indonesia to the South. Every place with a majority of Muslims constitutes the domain of Islam, the Abode of Peace. Believers within and outside the domain of Islam, have the right to the citizenship of the Dar es Salaam, and shall enjoy all the benefits and the obligations that go with such citizenship. Every home and every place of worship of Believers everywhere on earth constitute a piece of the Dar es Salaam. There is neither a border nor frontiers in the Dar es Salaam. Through obedience of Covenant of Allah, the Ummah is at this point of time ready to roll over artificial borders and barriers dividing the Dar es Salaam and to assume its executive sovereignty over the land of Islam. The Ummah is prepared to establish the Covenant of Allah in the governance of its communities through peace, justice, consultation and consensus of the community. The greatest miracle of Islam is the Revelation and the preservation of the Divine Word, the Qur’an. The next greatest miracle is survival, and continuing expansion of the Ummah, through the centuries of tyrannical and turbulent Sultanic and colonial rule. In spite of the alien systems of governments of sultans and dictators, founded on self-aggrandizement and personal power, the common people and the community of Islam have continued to receive nurturing and spiritual enlightenment, through love of Allah and His Blessed Nabi. Holy men, sages, Sufi, and other humble religious teachers have continued to nurture the love of Allah in the heart of the people. They sought to teach and preach Taqwa of Allah and the knowledge of Allah in humility and sincerity. Insignificant raindrops fall on a parched land singly and disappear forever, the same rain drops in strength coalesce to form little streams, then little rivulets, then join together to become mighty rivers, flowing further dropping into powerful and majestic waterfalls, yet again, joining together with other rivers, lakes, and yet more hill torrents to end up in mighty oceans, ever increasing in size, in length, in depth, in power, yet at all times obedient to the will of Allah. An insignificant human without faith is like a drop of water on parched land. Yet the same human, a Believer strengthened by his Covenant with Allah joins others with the Covenant, to form a little community, that in unity with other Believers, in communion with Allah, in unity become the Ummah of the Believers around the world, a powerful united people, witness over other nations with Allah and His Prophet witness over them. At the turn of the twenty- first century there are more Believers than ever in the history of mankind. These Believers of Allah are in Islam and in other religions. It is the obligation of every Muslim to commune with every Believer of Allah in the brotherhood of the people of Haqq.
The renewal of the Muslim faith, which has occurred not only in Asia but in other parts of the world, has prompted warnings of an imminent "clash of civilizations" between Islam and the West. Islam in an Era of Nation-States examines the history, politics, and meanings of this resurgence in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines and explores its implications for Southeast Asia, the larger Muslim world, and the West. This volume will be of interest to students of Islam, Southeast Asian history, and the anthropology of religion. In examining the politics and meanings of Islamic resurgence, it will also speak to political scientists, religious scholars, and others concerned with culture and politics in the late modern era.
The classic study of post-Cold War international relations, more relevant than ever in today’s geopolitical climate—with a foreword by Zbigniew Brzezinski. Since its initial publication in 1996, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order has become one of the most influential books ever written about foreign affairs. Samuel Huntington explains how clashes between civilizations pose the greatest threat to world peace, but also how an international order based on civilizations is the best safeguard against war. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order explains how the population explosion in Muslim countries and the economic rise of East Asia have changed global politics. These developments challenge Western dominance, promote opposition to supposedly “universal” Western ideals, and intensify inter-civilization conflict over such issues as nuclear proliferation, immigration, human rights, and democracy. In his incisive analysis, Huntington offers a strategy for the West to preserve its unique culture and emphasizes the need for people everywhere to learn to coexist in a complex, multipolar, multi-civilizational world.
“Superb... A tour de force.” —Ebrahim Moosa “Provocative... Aydin ranges over the centuries to show the relative novelty of the idea of a Muslim world and the relentless efforts to exploit that idea for political ends.” —Washington Post When President Obama visited Cairo to address Muslims worldwide, he followed in the footsteps of countless politicians who have taken the existence of a unified global Muslim community for granted. But as Cemil Aydin explains in this provocative history, it is a misconception to think that the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims constitute a single entity. How did this belief arise, and why is it so widespread? The Idea of the Muslim World considers its origins and reveals the consequences of its enduring allure. “Much of today’s media commentary traces current trouble in the Middle East back to the emergence of ‘artificial’ nation states after the fall of the Ottoman Empire... According to this’s unrest is simply a belated product of that mistake. The Idea of the Muslim World is a bracing rebuke to such simplistic conclusions.” —Times Literary Supplement “It is here that Aydin’s book proves so valuable: by revealing how the racial, civilizational, and political biases that emerged in the nineteenth century shape contemporary visions of the Muslim world.” —Foreign Affairs
My study of Islam is joined to a quest for truth that has been my companion from an early age. Even then it caused me to bite the many hands that fed me, hence, certain persons mentioned herein are subject to this beleaguering habit for which I apologize but without regret. I have done so because during the course of ceaseless studies I encountered contradictions in deed and doctrine for which no other remedy is possible, especially in light of the command given to Muslims to right that which is wrong and treat the enemies of Islam as such whenever possible. And though I have some reservations as I am yet a novice in the school of Islam's wisdom, I make this offering.
Published in 1974, Marshall Hodgson’s The Venture of Islam was a watershed moment in the study of Islam. By locating the history of Islamic societies in a global perspective, Hodgson challenged the orientalist paradigms that had stunted the development of Islamic studies and provided an alternative approach to world history. Edited by Edmund Burke III and Robert Mankin, Islam and World History explores the complexity of Hodgson’s thought, the daring of his ideas, and the global context of his world historical insights into, among other themes, Islam and world history, gender in Islam, and the problem of Muslim universality. In our post-9/11 world, Hodgson’s historical vision and moral engagement have never been more relevant. A towering achievement, Islam and World History will prove to be the definitive statement on Hodgson’s relevance in the twenty-first century and will introduce his influential work to a new generation of readers.
This book utilizes the gender polemics of neo-Islams selective employment of a historical narrative which dwells disproportionately on the militant Islam of the post-immigration (hijra) period when the sword substituted the word for the spread of a spiritual faith. Given the fact that such neo-Islamists, like very many unlettered Muslims, mistake religion for history and vice versa, Al Dami justifiably hypothesizes that neo-Islam is not Islam. It is not the Islam of the God-fearing and virtuous mosque-goers as it propagates a cult of conflict, violence and hatred, rather than the faith of peace from which it derives its very Arabic name, salam. Neo-Islams theorists manufactured their own puritanical concepts of religious renewal, holy war and state-building in an endeavor to mobilize young zealots to restore power in the Islamic World to a reformed Islam through their form of government, better known as the caliphate, a government which had deteriorated, failed and, eventually, lost its historical state for fierce foreign foes due to proven flaws. To activate the above renovation program, the neo-Islamists retreated to history for Shii Islams opposition techniques and secret societies (such as those of the Brethren of Purity and the Order of the Assassins) for inspiration and expertise to fulfill their ancestral dream of building a global Islamic state in the future. As they adopted the masculine vs. feminine polemic, which was originally inspired by a desert low opinion of womanhood and by a post-colonial retrospective conception, the neo-Islamists proceeded on in an attempt to feminize the Western World. It is meant to reverse the discourse of the Industrial West which is conceived to have opportunely penetrated into a feminized, veiled Islamic World in times of passivity and frailty. To develop the above argument, Professor Al Dami explores various formulations of neo-Islam as those of the Wahabis, the Muslim Brothers and the later terror groups with a specific reference to their common principles and goals.