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The destructive force of earthquakes has stimulated human inquiry since ancient times, yet the scientific study of earthquakes is a surprisingly recent endeavor. Instrumental recordings of earthquakes were not made until the second half of the 19th century, and the primary mechanism for generating seismic waves was not identified until the beginning of the 20th century. From this recent start, a range of laboratory, field, and theoretical investigations have developed into a vigorous new discipline: the science of earthquakes. As a basic science, it provides a comprehensive understanding of earthquake behavior and related phenomena in the Earth and other terrestrial planets. As an applied science, it provides a knowledge base of great practical value for a global society whose infrastructure is built on the Earth's active crust. This book describes the growth and origins of earthquake science and identifies research and data collection efforts that will strengthen the scientific and social contributions of this exciting new discipline.
The dynamics of the earthquake rupture process are closely related to fault zone properties which the authors have intensively investigated by various observations in the field as well as by laboratory experiments. These include geological investigation of the active and fossil faults, physical and chemical features obtained by the laboratory experiments, as well as the seismological estimation from seismic waveforms. Earthquake dynamic rupture can now be modeled using numerical simulations on the basis of field and laboratory observations, which should be very useful for understanding earthquake rupture dynamics. Features: * First overview of new and improved techniques in the study of earthquake faulting * Broad coverage * Full color Benefits: * A must-have for all geophysicists who work on earthquake dynamics * Single resource for all aspects of earthquake dynamics (from lab measurements to seismological observations to numerical modelling) * Bridges the disciplines of seismology, structural geology and rock mechanics * Helps readers to understand and interpret graphs and maps Also has potential use as a supplementary resource for upper division and graduate geophysics courses.
Earthquakes are some of the most dynamic features of the Earth. This multidisciplinary volume presents an overview of earthquake processes and properties including the physics of dynamic faulting, fault fabric and mechanics, physical and chemical properties of fault zones, dynamic rupture processes, and numerical modeling of fault zones during seismic rupture. This volume examines questions such as: • What are the dynamic processes recorded in fault gouge? • What can we learn about rupture dynamics from laboratory experiments? • How do on-fault and off-fault properties affect seismic ruptures? • How do fault zones evolve over time? Fault Zone Dynamic Processes: Evolution of Fault Properties During Seismic Rupture is a valuable resource for scientists, researchers and students from across the geosciences interested in the earthquakes processes.
Recent theoretical developments, acquisitions of large seismic and other data sets, detailed geological studies and novel laboratory experiments offer new opportunities for advancing the understanding of fault zone and earthquake processes. The present and a previous volume provide broad state-of-the-art perspectives on earthquakes and crustal fault zones. Subjects discussed in this volume include imaging of fault zones and the crust, microstructural analyses of fault zone rocks, long paleoseismic record, inferences on stress, stress drops and fault geometries, properties of dynamic ruptures, generation and healing of rock damage, temporal changes of attenuation, postseismic deformation and scaling of earthquake source properties. The volume will be useful to students and professional researchers from Earth Sciences, Material Sciences, Physics and other disciplines, who are interested in properties and processes of earthquakes and faults.
Recent theoretical and technique developments, novel laboratory experiments, dense seismic arrays, and other high quality data sets offer opportunities for advancing significantly the understanding of earthquakes and faults. This volume describes the state-of-the-art in several frontiers in studies of earthquakes and faults. The subjects covered include analysis of earthquake source properties, models of dynamic ruptures and slow slip events, imaging fault zones and the crust, detection of small earthquakes, high-resolution laboratory fracturing experiments, temporal changes of seismic properties, inversions of focal mechanisms to stress and more. The volume will be useful to students and professional researchers from Earth Sciences, Material Sciences, Solid Mechanics and other disciplines, who are interested in properties and processes of earthquakes and faults. Previously published in Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 176, Issue 3, 2019
Faults are primary focuses of both fluid migration and deformation in the upper crust. The recognition that faults are typically heterogeneous zones of deformed material, not simple discrete fractures, has fundamental implications for the way geoscientists predict fluid migration in fault zones, as well as leading to new concepts in understanding seismic/aseismic strain accommodation. This book captures current research into understanding the complexities of fault-zone internal structure, and their control on mechanical and fluid-flow properties of the upper crust. A wide variety of approaches are presented, from geological field studies and laboratory analyses of fault-zone and fault-rock properties to numerical fluid-flow modelling, and from seismological data analyses to coupled hydraulic and rheological modelling. The publication aims to illustrate the importance of understanding fault-zone complexity by integrating such diverse approaches, and its impact on the rheological and fluid-flow behaviour of fault zones in different contexts.
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Using dynamic modeling of earthquake rupture on a strike-slip fault and seismic wave propagation in a three dimensional inhomogeneous elastoplastic medium, I investigate the inelastic response of compliant fault zones to nearby earthquakes. I primarily examine the plastic strain distribution within the fault zone and the displacement field that characterizes the effects of the presence of the fault zone. I find that when the fault zone rocks are close to failure in the prestress field, plastic strain occurs along the entire fault zone near the Earth's surface and some portions of the fault zone in the extensional quadrant at depth, while the remaining portion deforms elastically. Plastic strain enhances the surface displacement of the fault zone, and the enhancement in the extensional quadrant is stronger than that in the compressive quadrant. These findings suggest that taking into account both elastic and inelastic deformation of fault zones to nearby earthquakes may improve our estimations of fault zone structure and properties from small-scale surface deformation signals. Furthermore, identifying the inelastic response of nearby fault zones to large earthquakes may allow us to place some constraints on the absolute stress level in the crust. I also investigate how to distinguish inelastic and elastic responses of compliant fault zones to the nearby rupture. I explore in detail the range of plastic parameters that allow plastic strain to occur and examine its effect on the displacement field around compliant fault zone. I find that the sympathetic motion (i.e., consistent to long-term geologic slip) or the reduced retrograde motion (i.e., opposite to long-term geologic slip) observed in residual displacement on fault parallel horizontal direction can be directly used to distinguish the inelastic deformation from the elastic deformation. This may help better interpret the geodetic observations in the further. In addition, I conduct models with various fault zone geometries (i.e., depth, width and shape) and rigidity reduction properties to test their effects on the displacement field. The results from elastic models suggest that to the same dynamic rupture source, the deeper and wider pre-existing nearby fault zone will result in larger residual displacement. But this only applies to fault zones with large depth extent. For shallow fault zones, residual displacement tends to keep the same magnitude or even decreases with fault zone width. While in plastic models, where plastic strain is allowed, displacement field is more complex. The magnitude of the residual displacement will be enhanced by the occurrence of plastic strain. Then I extend the theoretical simulations of an idealized planar rupture fault system into one in a geometrically complex real fault system in the East California Shear Zone (ECSZ). I compare our simulation results of the 1992 Landers Earthquake with the geodetic observations. Responses of the Calico and Rodman compliant fault zone are better understood by taking into account of both inelastic and elastic responses of compliant fault zones to the nearby Landers rupture. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from