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Studies the causes, character, and consequences of the rise of Protestantism and the Catholic reforms within the context of European history.
Although religious unrest had been brewing in Western Europe long before Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, historians view this event as the tipping point that shattered the unity of the Medieval Catholic civilization. Disillusioned by Church bureaucracy and awakened by the rise of Renaissance Humanism, Western Europe was primed for an alternative to the old order. Protestant reformers called for a return to scripture and a focus on individual faith, and the Catholic Church responded with a new focus on spirituality that culminated in the Council of Trent. In modern spiritual revivals, religious debates, and newer Church reforms, we can still see the legacy of the era Linder calls Midwife to the Modern World.
The Reformation transformed Christian Hebraism from the pursuit of a few into an academic discipline. This book explains that transformation by focusing on how authors, printers, booksellers, and censors created a public discussion of Hebrew and Jewish texts.
In a work that is as much about the present as the past, Brad Gregory identifies the unintended consequences of the Protestant Reformation and traces the way it shaped the modern condition over the course of the following five centuries. A hyperpluralism of religious and secular beliefs, an absence of any substantive common good, the triumph of capitalism and its driver, consumerism—all these, Gregory argues, were long-term effects of a movement that marked the end of more than a millennium during which Christianity provided a framework for shared intellectual, social, and moral life in the West. Before the Protestant Reformation, Western Christianity was an institutionalized worldview laden with expectations of security for earthly societies and hopes of eternal salvation for individuals. The Reformation’s protagonists sought to advance the realization of this vision, not disrupt it. But a complex web of rejections, retentions, and transformations of medieval Christianity gradually replaced the religious fabric that bound societies together in the West. Today, what we are left with are fragments: intellectual disagreements that splinter into ever finer fractals of specialized discourse; a notion that modern science—as the source of all truth—necessarily undermines religious belief; a pervasive resort to a therapeutic vision of religion; a set of smuggled moral values with which we try to fertilize a sterile liberalism; and the institutionalized assumption that only secular universities can pursue knowledge. The Unintended Reformation asks what propelled the West into this trajectory of pluralism and polarization, and finds answers deep in our medieval Christian past.
An unabridged, unaltered edition of the Disputation on the Power & Efficacy of Indulgences Commonly Known as The 95 Theses
This volume studies Reformation-Era theology by comparing how various denominations formulated and treated topics, thus encouraging ecumenical dialogue. It will remain the definitive place for teachers and students of theology to begin any further study into the origins and formulation of their denomination's teachings during this period.
These essays add a unique perspective to studies that reconstruct the identity of manhood in early modern Europe, including France, Switzerland, Spain, and Germany. The authors examine the ways in which sixteenth- and seventeenth-century authorities, both secular and religious, labored to turn boys and men into the Christian males they desired. Topics include disparities among gender paradigms that early modern models prescribed and the tension between the patriarchal model and the civic duties that men were expected to fulfill. Essays about Martin Luther, a prolific self-witness, look into the marriage relationship with its expected and actual gender roles. Contributors to this volume are Scott H. Hendrix, Susan C. Karant-Nunn, Raymond A. Mentzer, Allyson M. Poska, Helmut Puff, Karen E. Spierling, Ulrike Strasser, B. Ann Tlusty, and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks.
Seventeen respected colleagues and former students of David C. Steinmetz have contributed to this important collection of essays produced in honor of Steinmetz's sixtieth birthday. The burden of the present volume is to examine the sources and resources and to illustrate the continuities and discontinuities in the exegetical tradition leading into and through the Reformation. Specifically, this collection of essays proposes to highlight the historical context of Reformation exegesis and to describe how a truly contextual understanding signals a highly illuminating turn in Reformation studies. The three essays included in Part 1 offer background perspectives on Reformation-era exegesis. Richard A. Muller provides background on biblical interpretation in the Reformation from the perspective of the Middle Ages. Karlfried Froelich examines the fourfold exegetical method presented on the eve of the Reformation by Johannes Trithemius. John B. Payne offers a view of Erasmus's exegetical method in its relation to the approaches of Zwingli and Bullinger. The five essays included in Part 2 explore exegesis and interpretation in the early Reformation. Kenneth Hagen examines Luther's many approaches to the text of Psalm 116. Carl M. Leth discusses Balthasar Hubmaier's "Catholic" exegesis of the power of the keys in Matthew 16:18-19. Timothy J. Wengert takes on the issue of method, specifically the impact of humanist rhetoric on the exegetical method of Philip Melanchthon. Irena Backus examines Martin Bucer's efforts to make sense of the difficult chronology of John 5-7 in the light of his dialogue with the exegetical tradition. W.P. Stephens addresses Zwingli's understanding of John 6:63, a text crucial to Zwingli's eucharistic debate with Luther. The seven essays included in Part 3 examine continuity and change in mid-sixteenth-century biblical interpretation. Susan E Schreiner probes Calvin’s relation to the sixteenth-century debate regarding the grounds of certainty. Craig S. Farmer examines the exegesis of Bern theologian Wolfgang Musculus against the background of a catena of medieval readings of John 8. Joel E. Kok discusses the question of Bullinger’s status as an exegete in relation to Calvin, with a special focus on the exegesis of Romans. John L. Thompson considers the survival of allegorical argumentation in Peter Martyr Vermigli’s Old Testament exegesis. Lyle D. Bierma shows a clear relationship between Zacharias Ursinus’s exposition of Exodus 20:8-11 and aspects of interpretations offered by Calvin, Vermigli, Bullinger, and Melanchthon. John L Farthing offers a fresh study of Girolamo Zanchi’s interpretation of Gomer’s harlotry in Hosea 1-3. Robert Kolb considers the doctrine of Christ in Nikolaus Selnecker’s interpretation of Psalms 8, 22, and 110. Following a concluding essay by the editors on the significance of precritical exegesis, the final section of the volume, prepared by Micken L. Mattox, presents an up-to-date bibliography of the writings of David C. Steinmetz.
Sixteenth-century Augsburg comes to life in this beautifully chosen and elegantly translated selection of original documents. Ranging across the whole panoply of social activity from the legislative reformation to work, recreation, and family life, these extracts make plain the subtle system of checks and balances, violence, and self-regulation that brought order and vibrancy to a sophisticated city community. Most of all we hear sixteenth-century people speak: in their petitions and complaints, their nervous responses under interrogation, their rage and laughter. Tlusty has done an invaluable service in crafting a collection that should be an indispensable part of the teaching syllabus. --Andrew Pettegree, University of St. Andrews
"The Reformation Era: 1500-1650 is designed for understanding history courses in "The Reformation" of The Renaissance and Reformation." It is conceded to be the fullest and most dependable account of those sixteenth and seventeenth-century movements termed the "Reformation" and the "Counter-Reformation." This text is a dispassionate and scholarly treatment of the Catholic Reformations as a Counter reformation. The author's point of view is an ecumenical one. The first edition published in 1954 became the leading text in its field, a position it has held for nearly a generation. This new edition incorporates the major advances in Reformation scholarship since the publication of the first edition, plus illustrations and a list of Popes and sovereigns of the period. The first section is devoted to the changing social structure and the cultural life of Europe on the eve of the Reformation. The second section, on the reformation in Germany, covers the rise, spread, and institutionalization of Lutheranism. The third section covers the spread of Protestantism in its various forms, evangelical radicalism, and the rise of Catholic Reformation. The final section deals with the conflicts between militant Catholicism and Protestantism and their consequences. The Reformation Era has the fullest and most usefully detailed bibliographical essay of any historical work of its type on the Reformation. Not only does this book include the maps of the first edition; but it presents a gallery of portraits of the leading figures of the Reformation." -Publisher