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Time is often considered one of man’s greatest enemies. Over two years have passed since the Red Rover’s daring escape from the Galicia star system. Their youthful exuberance to traverse the great unknown has justifiably began to wane, forcing them to part ways with idealism, replacing it instead with pragmatism. When the ship makes an emergency landing on a foreign world named Araneus, questions begin to simmer to the surface regarding Marius’ leadership or lack thereof. They no longer are his neophytes and have zero interest in being treated like his subordinates. The line between life and death has ended their adolescence forever. With the work to resume their space journey yet to be completed, the group splinters, leaving Marius, Jovan, Callista and the androids behind, so the others could do what they were trained to do. Explore! Soon after, the five cadets find themselves face to face with an alien species that is unexpectedly overjoyed by their arrival. A celebration commences as they are heralded as “celestials” to this civilization. Their good fortune is short-lived, however, as the amoral behavior of their hosts slowly reveals itself. A threat beneath the surface looms large as the harvest season fast approaches, putting everyone at risk. For it is a sacrifice of the few, that can influence the lives of the many.
The pulse-pounding finale has arrived. A powerful force seeks to recreate the star system—pushing the Red Rover and its young adult crew to the brink of extinction. There is nowhere to run and hide as only the "strong" will survive the Ingression! From the moment the Red Rover first disembarked from the Rover Base Alpha—they were on a collision course with destiny. The trials and tribulations they had withstood across two-star systems and multiple foreign worlds could attest to that. Their courage and confidence in one another kept them strong—even when presented with overwhelming odds—time and time again. Still reeling from the events of their last mission, the crew sets out to return to the alien world of Kethyrie. Along the way, they are hastily thrown off course by a powerful new enemy—landing them in a place that could only exist in a dream. A paradise to some. A perdition to others. With the fate of the entire system hanging in the balance, against all odds, the crew must do whatever it takes to keep this evil from achieving its malevolent goals—even if it means paying the ultimate price to do so. Our youth remains the key as the journey careens uncontrollably towards its epic conclusion. A space odyssey to the bitter end. Some scholars have opined that the future is unwritten. But what if they were wrong?
For over half-a-decade, Donovan Marius has observed his seven pubescent pupils with a combination of pride and astonishment. The voluminous amount of danger they had faced and overcame without wilting under the pressure—had proven to be one of the great joys of his life. Simply put... the good doctor had taught them well. His once neophytes had gone above and beyond the call of duty—surpassing even his wildest dreams. With the Kethyrian interplanetary conflict behind them, so begins an unexpected phase of listlessness and monotony, that leaves more than a few members of the crew wondering what their purpose might be moving forward. When a person has literally spent years fighting for their survival, is it even possible to enjoy the peace that comes from being victorious? Unfortunately, for the Red Rover team, that existential question gets pushed to the backburner as a new problem has arisen within their ranks—that threatens to unravel everything they have fought so hard to protect. Pressed back into the great unknown, on a race against time itself, the crew risks everything to stave off the unimaginable. On this mission, failure is not an option.
History is written by the victors. Picking up moments after the events in Contingence, the Red Rover crew are faced with an imminent threat that could destroy everything they hold sacred. Much of this world is a barren landscape so ravaged by war and resentment that separating the good from the bad would be contingent on which way the sand dunes blow: Today’s rogue is tomorrow’s redeemer while yesterday’s freedom’s fighter is today’s tyrant. The Paprijians, an ancient Kethyrian civilization, have been meticulously planning a covert operation to destroy their loathsome adversaries to the north, south and east, by any means necessary. This action being a direct violation of the abatement signed by each civilization, generations ago. Having lamented the ignominy of witnessing these invader societies usurp their authority and stature on their historical lands while they themselves have languished in despair and destitution, the Paprijian order, led by the charismatic Menphemas, are determined to right a great wrong. If suffering must be the law of Kethyrie, then it must be felt equally. That is how strong in his convictions Menphemas is. Unfortunately for him and his kind, the only thing standing between him and certain victory is a plucky little group of young people who seem to have a knack for being in the right place at the wrong time. One nation’s savior is another nation’s brigand.
In any genuine pursuit of enlightenment, one of the leading prerequisites for success would have to be considered application, more often than not. Otherwise, the knowledge obtained might hold tangential value at best. From the moment his seven students first entered his survival education simulator, Donovan Marius fought tooth and nail to break them of their individualistic habits—in hopes that they would eventually appreciate the benefits of accomplishing tasks as a collective. While they had been brought many times to the brink of epic disaster, during their seemingly never-ending odyssey, his cadets continued to demonstrate that his messages were loudly and clearly received. Application, along with confidence, were two things this group did not lack. Millions of miles across the far-reaching star system, now revealed to them as Genara, a physical beacon beckons their eponymous spaceship, coming from what they believe to be one of their own. The Red Rover descends into this brave new world with their combat antennas aloft. Their excitement noticeably muted this time, primarily due to their previous entanglements with hostile alien lifeforms, no matter the setting. A familiar sight awaits Marius and the cadets, but the mystery surrounding “it” is far too great for them to ignore. This is a reunion to remember.
Freedom is the type of expression that universally can never be defined. Primarily because it does not hold the same connotation for everyone who uses it. For the members of the Red Rover, never before in their lives have they ever experienced as much latitude to flourish as they currently are right now. They would be returning to the great unknown with a better understanding of who they were and what they stood for. It wouldn't be long before they were considered a force to be reckoned with. In Marius’ eyes, the day he would pass the leadership baton to them was fast approaching. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the only thing they had to look forward to as they soon would be attacked by a group of intergalactic marauders known as the Draconoires. These pirates led by the loathsome Naqwin, would bring their momentum to a grinding halt as they all were to be bonded and sold to the highest bidder. That bidder being the lasting citizens of a dying world known as Felicity. They would immediately be put to work by the Felicians in an attempt to reverse the peril that had inflicted this wandering star or so they would think. As the truth behind their capture comes into sharper focus, each of the cadets must dig deeper than they ever have to break free. While it’s often been said that there’s strength in numbers, their strength must come from within. This is the macrocosm of Felicity. A world in captivity.