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This volume reviews recent advances in the development and application of the recursion method in computational solid state physics and elsewhere. It comprises the invited papers which were presented at a two-day conference at Imperial College, London during September 1984. The recursion method is based on the Lanczos algorithm for the tridiago nalisation of matrices, but it is much more than a straightforward numerical technique. It is widely regarded as the most elegant framework for a variety of calculations into which one may incorporate physical insights and a num ber of technical devices. The standard reference is Volume 35 of Solid State Physics, which contains all the early ideas of Heine, Haydock and others, upon which the method was established. The present volume provides the first review of subsequent developments. It also indicates where problems remain, or opinions differ, in the interpretation of the mathematical details or choice of practical techniques in applications. The field is still very li vely and much remains to be done, as the summary chapter clearly demonstra tes. We are grateful to the S. E. R. C. 's Collaborative Computational Project No. 9 on the electronic structure of solids and the Institute of Physics's Solid State Sub-committee for their sponsorship of the conference. We thank Angus MacKinnon for his help in conference organisation and Jacyntha Crawley for secretarial assistance. December 1984 David G. Pettifor Denis L. Weaire v Contents Part I Introduction Why Recur? By V.
In this monograph the recursion method is presented as a method for the analysis of dynamical properties of quantum and classical many-body systems in thermal equilibrium. Such properties are probed by many different experimental techniques used in materials science. Several representations and formulations of the recursion method are described in detail and documented with numerous examples, ranging from elementary illustrations for tutorial purposes to realistic models of interest in current research in the areas of spin dynamics and low-dimensional magnetism. The performance of the recursion method is calibrated by exact results in a number of benchmark tests and compared with the performance of other calculational techniques. The book addresses graduate students and researchers.
This book presents a thorough development of the modern theory of stochastic approximation or recursive stochastic algorithms for both constrained and unconstrained problems. This second edition is a thorough revision, although the main features and structure remain unchanged. It contains many additional applications and results as well as more detailed discussion.
Multiple complex pathways, characterized by interrelated events and c- ditions, represent routes to many illnesses, diseases, and ultimately death. Although there are substantial data and plausibility arguments suppo- ing many conditions as contributory components of pathways to illness and disease end points, we have, historically, lacked an e?ective method- ogy for identifying the structure of the full pathways. Regression methods, with strong linearity assumptions and data-basedconstraints onthe extent and order of interaction terms, have traditionally been the strategies of choice for relating outcomes to potentially complex explanatory pathways. However, nonlinear relationships among candidate explanatory variables are a generic feature that must be dealt with in any characterization of how health outcomes come about. It is noteworthy that similar challenges arise from data analyses in Economics, Finance, Engineering, etc. Thus, the purpose of this book is to demonstrate the e?ectiveness of a relatively recently developed methodology—recursive partitioning—as a response to this challenge. We also compare and contrast what is learned via rec- sive partitioning with results obtained on the same data sets using more traditional methods. This serves to highlight exactly where—and for what kinds of questions—recursive partitioning–based strategies have a decisive advantage over classical regression techniques.
Most of the problems arising in science and engineering are nonlinear. They are inherently difficult to solve. Traditional analytical approximations are valid only for weakly nonlinear problems, and often break down for problems with strong nonlinearity. This book presents the current theoretical developments and applications of the Keller-box method to nonlinear problems. The first half of the book addresses basic concepts to understand the theoretical framework for the method. In the second half of the book, the authors give a number of examples of coupled nonlinear problems that have been solved by means of the Keller-box method. The particular area of focus is on fluid flow problems governed by nonlinear equation.
The free book "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" is a comprehensive computer programming tutorial that teaches programming, logical thinking, data structures and algorithms, problem solving and high quality code with lots of examples in C#. It starts with the first steps in programming and software development like variables, data types, conditional statements, loops and arrays and continues with other basic topics like methods, numeral systems, strings and string processing, exceptions, classes and objects. After the basics this fundamental programming book enters into more advanced programming topics like recursion, data structures (lists, trees, hash-tables and graphs), high-quality code, unit testing and refactoring, object-oriented principles (inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism) and their implementation the C# language. It also covers fundamental topics that each good developer should know like algorithm design, complexity of algorithms and problem solving. The book uses C# language and Visual Studio to illustrate the programming concepts and explains some C# / .NET specific technologies like lambda expressions, extension methods and LINQ. The book is written by a team of developers lead by Svetlin Nakov who has 20+ years practical software development experience. It teaches the major programming concepts and way of thinking needed to become a good software engineer and the C# language in the meantime. It is a great start for anyone who wants to become a skillful software engineer. The books does not teach technologies like databases, mobile and web development, but shows the true way to master the basics of programming regardless of the languages, technologies and tools. It is good for beginners and intermediate developers who want to put a solid base for a successful career in the software engineering industry. The book is accompanied by free video lessons, presentation slides and mind maps, as well as hundreds of exercises and live examples. Download the free C# programming book, videos, presentations and other resources from Title: Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# (The Bulgarian C# Programming Book) ISBN: 9789544007737 ISBN-13: 978-954-400-773-7 (9789544007737) ISBN-10: 954-400-773-3 (9544007733) Author: Svetlin Nakov & Co. Pages: 1132 Language: English Published: Sofia, 2013 Publisher: Faber Publishing, Bulgaria Web site: License: CC-Attribution-Share-Alike Tags: free, programming, book, computer programming, programming fundamentals, ebook, book programming, C#, CSharp, C# book, tutorial, C# tutorial; programming concepts, programming fundamentals, compiler, Visual Studio, .NET, .NET Framework, data types, variables, expressions, statements, console, conditional statements, control-flow logic, loops, arrays, numeral systems, methods, strings, text processing, StringBuilder, exceptions, exception handling, stack trace, streams, files, text files, linear data structures, list, linked list, stack, queue, tree, balanced tree, graph, depth-first search, DFS, breadth-first search, BFS, dictionaries, hash tables, associative arrays, sets, algorithms, sorting algorithm, searching algorithms, recursion, combinatorial algorithms, algorithm complexity, OOP, object-oriented programming, classes, objects, constructors, fields, properties, static members, abstraction, interfaces, encapsulation, inheritance, virtual methods, polymorphism, cohesion, coupling, enumerations, generics, namespaces, UML, design patterns, extension methods, anonymous types, lambda expressions, LINQ, code quality, high-quality code, high-quality classes, high-quality methods, code formatting, self-documenting code, code refactoring, problem solving, problem solving methodology, 9789544007737, 9544007733
There is a continuing growth of interest in the computer simulation of materials at the atomic scale, using academic and commercial computer programs. Such programs work with very diverse models of the inter-atomic forces. This book explains how these are constructed, their scientific basis, and the approximations that are made in deriving them.
Everyone knows that symmetry is fundamentally important in physics. On one hand, the symmetry of a system is often the starting point for general physical considerations, and on the other hand, particular problems may be solved in simpler and more elegant ways if symmetry is taken into account. This book presents the underlying theories of symmetry and gives examples of their application in branches of physics ranging from solid-state to high-energy physics via atomic and molecular physics. The text is as self-contained as possible, with as much mathematical formalism given as required. The main emphasis is on the theory of group representations and on the method of projection operators, this is a very powerful tool which is often treated only very briefly. Discrete symmetries, continuous symmetries and symmetry breaking are also discussed, and exercises are provided to stimulate the reader to carry out original work.
What is thermodynamics? What does statistical physics teach us? In the pages of this slim book, we confront the answers. The reader will discover that where thermodynami cs provi des a 1 arge scal e, macroscopi c theory of the ef fects of temperature on physical systems, statistical mechanics provides the microscopic analysis of these effects which, invariably, are the results of thermal disorder. A number of systems in nature undergo dramatic changes in aspect and in their properties when subjected to changes in ambient temperature or pres sure, or when electric or magnetic fields are applied. The ancients already knew that a liquid, a solid, or a gas can represent different states of the same matter. But what is meant by "state"? It is here that the systematic study of magnetic materials has provided one of the best ways of examining this question, which is one of the principal concerns of statistical physics (alias "statistical mechanics") and of modern thermodynamics.
This volume contains the proceedings of the Eighth Taniguchi Interna tional Symposium on the Theory of Condensed Matter, which was held at Shima Kanko Hotel in Shima, Japan, 10-13 April 1985. The topic of the Symposium was Valence Fluctuation and Heavy Fermion Systems, one of the most fundamental problems in present-day condensed matter physics. The dilute Kondo problem, which is one of the most typical and unique many-body problems in condensed matter physics, developed recently into the dense Kondo and the coherent Kondo lattice problems in the 4f elec tron systems. It is accepted now that a large degeneracy in f-electron systems makes this latter situation possible by enhancing the single-site Kondo state relative to the inter-site magnetic interactions. Now, anoma lous behavior in f-electron systems show rich variety and are called valence fluctuation phenomena as a whole. They have, however, a common fea ture. In the lowest temperature region, they show either heavy Fermion like character or a narrow gap formation at the Fermi energy. Discovery of superconductivity in the heavy Fermion systems is attracting more in terest. Anyway, the valence fluctuating states are thought to be of fun damental importance to bridge the gap between the localized magnetic states and the delocalized nownagnetic states.