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Twenty-five years after the fall of Saigon, two prominent scholars, Moore and Turner (who debated in the 1960s), assembled a distinguished group of Vietnam experts at the University of Virginia to reexamine the conflict and search for its "real" lessons. This resulting volume includes contributions by senior diplomats, retired military officers, experts on Vietnamese Communism, and senior scholars of history, political science, and law. Given the diversity of the participants, the general consensus that emerges will surprise and enlighten many readers. The book corrects various myths that continue to influence American thinking about Vietnam. The idea that the U.S. military and CIA were intentionally engaged in "war crimes," such as the assassination of political opponents of the South Vietnamese government in the Phoenix Program, is laid to rest; and military legal experts address the tragic realities of My Lai and measures taken to prevent reoccurrence. It is popular today to say that Vietnam "could not have been won." The message emerging from this new study, on the contrary, is that despite some horrible blunders and incompetent political leadership at the highest levels, by 1973 the war had essentially been won. Partisan politics and mutual mistrust in Washington kept that message from reaching the right people, and a misunderstanding of public opinion prompted Congress to outlaw further U.S. military involvement--essentially snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. "The Real Lessons of the Vietnam War: Reflections Twenty-Five Years After the Fall of Saigon, edited by John Norton Moore and Robert F. Turner, has a number of fine chapters... The chapter 'Internationalist Outlook of Vietnamese Communism' by Stephen J. Morris, is excellent... The chapter 'Legal Issues in the U.S. Commitment to Vietnam: A Debate' by John Norton Moore is also well worth reading... Dr. Turner provides an excellent chapter dealing with how we turned victory into defeat... Dr. Gregory H. Stanton is the Director of Genocide Watch and has written a staggeringly powerful chapter that should be assigned reading for all students of American history and foreign policy, members of the press, and those serving in both the Congress and the executive branch of government." -- Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly, Autumn 2003
In Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, decorated Vietnam veteran Leonard M. Scruggs tells the gripping and ultimately tragic story of America's military involvement in Southeast Asia from 1960 to its heartbreaking conclusion in 1975.
The lessons, legacies, and implications for future conflicts are the purpose of this collection of work on The American War in Vietnam. This is an assemblage of ten superb papers which outline why America failed in Vietnam. . . . Military readers will find the section on How the War Was Fought especially interesting in that the authors suggest that had we pursued a more exhaustive air campaign against the North early in the war, then it could have been won. . . . This book is for serious students of the Vietnam War, for historians looking for a complete picture, it has a superb bibliography, and the authors have outstanding credentials. Armor The essays in this collection were assembled to provide answers to the question of why the United States lost the war in Vietnam. They examine four major factors that affected U.S. policy: how the war was perceived, how it was fought, the possible effect of alternative strategies, and the war's legacy for future warfare. The contributors include both military officers and scholars, all but one of whom participated in the Vietnam War. All the authors reflect the more tempered nature of current Vietnam War scholarship. Although their appraisals differ, the overall effect is to offer insight and clarification into the failure of U.S. and South Vietnamese policy, backed by the Grinter's and Dunn's first-hand experiences.
Lessons of the Vietnam War covers all facets of the war from a diversity of perspectives. It teaches students how to think critically about conflict resolution in international relations. -- Teaches students how to reason ethically about moral choices. -- Sensitizes students to cultural differences. -- Written, reviewed and classroom tested by a nationwide network of Vietnam War scholars, teachers and veteran. -- Over 200 illustrations -- Discussion questions in all units.
From the launch of the "Shock and Awe" invasion in March 2003 through President George W. Bush's declaration of "Mission Accomplished" two months later, the war in Iraq was meant to demonstrate definitively that the United States had learned the lessons of Vietnam. This new book makes clear that something closer to the opposite is true--that U.S. foreign policy makers have learned little from the past, even as they have been obsessed with the "Vietnam Syndrome." Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam brings together the country's leading historians of the Vietnam experience. Examining the profound changes that have occurred in the country and the military since the Vietnam War, celebrated historians Marilyn B. Young and Lloyd Gardner have assembled a distinguished group to consider how America has again found itself in the midst of a war in which there is no chance of a speedy victory or a sweeping regime change. Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam explores how the "Vietnam Syndrome" fits into the contemporary debate about the purpose and exercise of American power in the world. With contributions from some of the most renowned analysts of American history and foreign policy, this is an essential recovery of the forgotten and misbegotten lessons of Vietnam. Contributors: Christian G. Appy Andrew J. Bacevich David Elliott Alex Danchev Elizabeth L. Hillman Gabriel Kolko Walter LaFeber Wilfried Mausbach Alfred W. McCoy Gareth Porter John Prados Marilyn B. Young
A history of the four decades leading up to the Vietnam War offers insights into how the U.S. became involved, identifying commonalities between the campaigns of French and American forces while discussing relevant political factors.
"The war in Vietnam was not lost in the field, nor was it lost on the front pages of the New York Times or the college campuses. It was lost in Washington, D.C." —H. R. McMaster (from the Conclusion) Dereliction Of Duty is a stunning analysis of how and why the United States became involved in an all-out and disastrous war in Southeast Asia. Fully and convincingly researched, based on transcripts and personal accounts of crucial meetings, confrontations and decisions, it is the only book that fully re-creates what happened and why. McMaster pinpoints the policies and decisions that got the United States into the morass and reveals who made these decisions and the motives behind them, disproving the published theories of other historians and excuses of the participants. A page-turning narrative, Dereliction Of Duty focuses on a fascinating cast of characters: President Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, General Maxwell Taylor, McGeorge Bundy and other top aides who deliberately deceived the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the U.S. Congress and the American public. McMaster’s only book, Dereliction of Duty is an explosive and authoritative new look at the controversy concerning the United States involvement in Vietnam.
"Examines the history of Vietnam leading up to the war, investigates the reasons for the conflict, looks at the war's escalation and progression (or lack thereof), and explores its repercussions then and now"--Provided by publisher.