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God tells us not to be deceived about the timing of us being caught up to meet Jesus in the air, an event Christians refer to as the rapture. He would not have said that unless there was going to be an avalanche of false teaching with regard to the timing of the rapture in the sequence of end-time events. Diligently studying pertinent Scriptures in God's Word is the only way one can be free of deception and be spiritually prepared for the times that may befall us. This book helps the reader to deeply study the Word of God to see the truth. "I've read a large number of books on the rapture debate, and in my opinion, this excellent book is by far the best. While reading this book I felt like my spiritual glasses were being cleaned so I could see the simplicity of the truth of scripture again. Well done, Colleen. Marvelous! Five gold stars from me." "I have read several books about the rapture and end-time prophecy including Pre-Tribulation and Mid-Tribulation, and when I come across this book, it was so clear, logical, and well-written based solely on the scripture that I could grasp the subject clearly and convincingly which has helped me tremendously in making up my mind where to stand on the subject of the timing of the rapture at the end time. Really recommended."
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In the opening chapter, Robert Gundry states, "It is hoped that the following pages will contribute to an understanding and appreciation of the posttribulational position and that it will do so in a manner characterized by 'wisdom from above. . . First pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy' (James 3:17)." In keeping with this expressed desire, the author presents his thesis regarding Christ's second coming, not as a polemical argument, but as a reasonable and tenable position. This book propounds the thesis that Jesus will return after the tribulation and that the first resurrection will occur at that time. Dr. Gundry believes that biblical evidence points most naturally to this conclusion. Because of his discerning analysis of Scripture, his careful logic, and the thoughtful presentation of his views, he is one of today's leading spokesmen for posttribulational eschatology.
The idea of "The Rapture" -- the return of Christ to rescue and deliver Christians off the earth -- is an extremely popular interpretation of the Bible's Book of Revelation and a jumping-off point for the best-selling "Left Behind" series of books. This interpretation, based on a psychology of fear and destruction, guides the daily acts of thousands if not millions of people worldwide. In The Rapture Exposed, Barbara Rossing argues that this script for the world's future is nothing more than a disingenuous distortion of the Bible. The truth, Rossing argues, is that Revelation offers a vision of God's healing love for the world. The Rapture Exposed reclaims Christianity from fundamentalists' destructive reading of the biblical story and back into God's beloved community.
The Pre-Tribulational Rapture theory of the end times is the most prevalent and well-known end time scenario of the Bible. It is well entrenched and established in most fundamental churches. The Pre-Tribulational Rapture has been popularized by the Left Behind book and movie series. However, consider the following: What if the blessed hope was not a promise of the Rapture? What if the wrath the Church was not appointed to had nothing to do with the Tribulation? What if the Rapture is not and cannot be an imminent event? What if the Antichrist will not and cannot rule over the entire world? What if the Church is not missing during any portion of the book of Revelation? What if the falling away in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is only a reference to the end time apostasy of the Church predicted by Jesus? What if only unbelievers enter into the Millennial Kingdom? What if Enoch is no more a representation of a Pre-Tribulational Rapture than Elijah is a representation of a Post-Tribulational Rapture? What if the time at which both the Rapture and the Second Coming will occur is unknown? What if Jesus, Paul, and Daniel presented the exact same end-time scenario? What if a literal interpretation of Scripture reveals a Post-Tribulational Rapture? In a detailed and thorough analysis of Scripture, The Rapture: From the Ground Up explores these and many more questions related to the end-time events surrounding the Rapture in a step-by-step approach. This eschatological study is unsurpassed in detail for the knowledgeable Bible student and yet remains basic, simple, and straightforward for the novice. Using a literal interpretation of Scripture, the Post-Tribulational Rapture is the undeniable result of such a diligent and literal study of Gods Word.
There are numerous texts written about the rapture and the end times. A brief excursion to your local Christian bookstore will provide ample evidence of the interest in this topic. From time to time people will attempt to give their text a twist or a slant in order to make their text different from the others. Nevertheless, most books about the rapture present the standard pretribulational argument, and their unique nesses rest primarily in the contemporary issues which have stimulated the renewed discussion. New developments in the Middle East will usually generate a new set of books. Today the New World Order, Y2K, and even El Nino have provided fresh grist for predicting an imminent rapture. The interest, enthusiasm, publications, and even movies about the rapture are still increasing. A series of fictional novels about the tribulation period are cranked out monthly. Recent Hollywood motion pictures, including "Left Behind", are based upon this. This book is different for several reasons. It does not emphasize any contemporary issue or current events which relate to the pretribulational scenario. Instead, it will spend its energies on specific biblical principles and doctrines, and leave the application of those doctrines to the reader. What is more unique is that this book promotes a posttribulational rapture, a position which is different from most of the other books, and it critiques the theology of the pretribulational rapture which is the foundation for most of the other texts. Books which promote a posttribulational rapture are few, indeed, and they are often too technical for the average lay-person. There is a need for a book which is a comprehensive look at the rapture question, and yet attempts to keep the language more understandable. To achieve the goal of being comprehensive, this book is divided into three parts: 1.) a critique of the major arguments for a pretribulational rapture, 2.) an analysis of the major biblical sections which discuss the rapture, and 3.) a selective commentary on the Book of Revelation. The first section defines and evaluates the major pretribulational arguments. These arguments are repeated time and again in books promoting a pretribulational rapture. They are significant because they either help sustain a pretribulational rapture if justified, or they weaken it significantly if not. " The church is not destined for wrath." "The rapture must be imminent." "The distinction between the church and Israel." "The posttribulationists spiritualize the Bible." "The types and parables teach a pretribulational rapture." "The differences between the rapture and second coming." The second part of the book is an exposition of the major sections of the Bible which discuss the rapture. As the first part writes from the perspective of systematic theology, the second part deals with biblical theology. The Bible is evaluated independently from a system of theology, and attempts to interpret the major texts on the rapture. Here are the passages to be addressed. "The rapture passages in the Gospels." "The rapture passages In First and Second Thessalonians." "The rapture passages in First Corinthians." "The rapture passages in Second Peter". The third part focuses upon the Book of Revelation. No discussion of the issue of the rapture or eschatology could be complete without including a discussion on this book. This book is both complicated and controversial, and my intent is not to write a complete commentary about Revelation, but only to discuss what is necessary to
High school Bible teachers often struggle with holding students' interest while challenging their young minds. For years, Bible classes have been considered bland, shallow, and safe. The result is that high school students leave school largely unprepared to defend their faith. Bob Van Allen's Issues in Christianity provides a series of lessons designed to address these matters. This course explores serious and controversial theology in a way that is accessible to high school juniors and seniors. The topics supply a starting point for discussion and are designed to provoke deeper thought, understanding, and spiritual growth. Van Allen expounds on such topics as tithing, dating, and end-times events, including the history surrounding the issue and how it is now viewed by modern-day theologians. This is not a read and fill-in-the-blank curriculum that leaves the teacher out of the equation. Teacher involvement is crucial to present the material, encourage questions, and guide the discussions. As students engage in this material they will begin to think and ask questions. By the end of this course they will know what they believe and why after delving deep into Issues in Christianity.
The author of this book, Rutherford, draws a comparison between the historical events of his time and biblical prophecies. In conclusion, he states that many of the events speaking of the end of times had actually happened and that the final end of the world would come in 1925. Among other interesting facts, it describes the religious values of Napoleonic campaigns and other political events.
The Word of God alone gives us the account of the most astounding happenings for the future that Planet Earth will ever see. They are soon to come to pass. They are: • The Rapture of the Church. • The Rise of the Antichrist. • The Great Tribulation. • The Battle of Armageddon. • The Second Coming of the Lord. • The 1,000 Year Kingdom Age. • The Perfect Age to come, which will last forever. This book, we believe, will help you to understand these great events to come as possibly you’ve not experienced previously. The material therein is a must for every Believer.