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"The Rampa Story" is an autobiographical book by Lobsang Rampa, author who wrote books with paranormal and occult themes. The book describes his adventures and experiences on his journey all over the world, providing colorful portrayals of mountains and nature. Lobsang Rampa shares his own personal experiences and his writing concerns the ramifications of the human personality and ego, a matter at which the people of the Far East excel.
The author has created 30 easy-to-follow lessons on the basic metaphysical arts. Instructions for reading an aura, seeing the etheric, traveling in the astral plane, developing your psychic senses, and much more.
This book is a guide to help you clear away the mystery of enlightenment that is very difficult to come by. Have you ever wondered what 'prana' is? Well Dr. Rampa will explain it in Supplement A which consists of valuable breathing exercises that will help clear your mind. He elucidates on what the Kundalini is, the subconscious mind, the devil, Zen, love and so much more; all in easy to understand plain English. Reading Dr. Rampa's books is the first step to understanding the sutras and treatises on enlightenment and well worth reading over and over again to finally 'see the light'. Lobsang Rampa was one of the mystic pioneers, bringing the 'unknown' to the Western worlds. Reading his adventures will enrich any person.
THIS WORK IS PROOF THAT ANIMALS ARE NOT THE 'DUMB CREATURES' MANY PEOPLE MAKE THEM OUT TO BE! This book is NOT a work of fiction, but was transmitted to the author via mental telepathy from his pet cat -- yes! you read that correctly. "You've gone off your head Feef," said the Lama. "Who will believe YOU wrote a book?" He smiled down at me and rubbed under my chin in just the way I liked best before he left the room on some business. I sat and pondered. "Why should I NOT write a book? I thought. True, that I am a Cat, but not an ordinary cat. Oh dear! No! I am a Siamese Cat who has traveled far and seen much. "Seen? Well of course. I am quite blind now, and have to rely on the Lama to tell me of the present scene, but I have my memories! Of course, I am old, very old indeed, and not a little infirm, but is that not good reason why I should put on paper the events of my life, while I am able? Here, then, is my version of Living with the Lama, and the happiest days of my life; days of sunshine after a lifetime of shadows."
Ben and Mum are at home one night when suddenly all the lights go out. So they use a candle while they eat dinner. The candle-light night is fun!
NEWS FLASH! SECRET LONG LOST MANUSCRIPT FOUND! FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY RAMPA'S FASCINATING NARRATIVES HAVE BROUGHT GREAT JOY AND ENLIGHTENMENT TO MILLIONS WORLDWIDE Always at the center of controversy, T. Lobsang Rampa initially came to the attention of the public in the 1950's. THE THIRD EYE received wide acclaim by a public that was just beginning to awaken to diverse forms of spirituality. WHAT MADE RAMPA DIFFERENT from other "teachers," is he did not push any of his experiences down the throats of others, but in a simple, humble fashion, told of a more peaceful, serene life style which had come to him after years of hardship in his homeland. Tibet had been invaded by the Chinese communists, and many monks and adepts had to flee for their lives. But Rampa was able to survive due to his deep understanding and application of cosmic laws he had learned from several sources, including masters of the planet Venus, as well as beings from the Inner Earth. What makes Rampa's books so unique is that they are NOT transferred through channeling, but by way of self experience in the REAL WORLD. The many topics in his works has included: O The Death Process On The "Other Side." O The Earth's Far Past. O Contact With Space People. O The Human Aura. O Telepathy And Clairvoyance. O Astral Travel And Life Forms on Other Dimensions. O The Aksahic Records. RAMPA HAS LEFT THE PHYSICAL PLANE, yet his teachings continue to attract new followers every day. any do not realize that Rampa's books were written over several decades and that he has transcended from the physical plane. Unfortunately, even though he authored 30 books, the majority were never published in the U.S. Recently a manuscript was uncovered detailing Rampa's travels to Agharta, the capitol of the Inner Earth. Along with this length -- previously unpublished -- work the published has collected excerpts from his prior works that have not been issued before, making this a true collectors edition you will want to own.
When it was suggested to the man who came to be known as T. Lobsang Rampa that he should write a book about his early life in Tibet he rejected the idea. He had no wish for the fame he knew it would bring, nor for the jealousy and the problems that jealousy would engender. But he needed money to do the research he had undertaken for the benefit of mankind, so eventually he agreed and wrote "The Third Eye," a classic that brought Buddhism to the Western world and shed light in countless dark corners the world over. Now, his only close friend and confidante throughout his last quarter century on Earth has given us an inside look at the life of struggle and suffering endured by this fascinating and remarkable man in his effort to help humanity. Her own life of dedication and devotion to Lobsang Rampa is interwoven with his, and this book should be read by his followers and detractors alike, as well as by those new to metaphysics.
AGELESS WISDOM FROM THE LAMA Inside the cave, the young monk bowed respectfully. "I have come to you for instruction, Venerable One," he said to the old hermit in a low voice. In response, the hermit instructed the monk in true cosmic laws and in the universal order that governs nature and humankind. He told of deep, dark secrets which had been passed on to him by a mysterious "Higher Order" who have protected and guided humans since the dawn of creation. The old hermit told of a trip inside a "great metallic body" (a UFO perhaps) and of the visit to a vast cavern where he was surrounded by various beings: "Here were small men and women, seemingly perfect in every detail and of god-like mien, radiating an aura of purity and calm. Others were also man-like but with a curious, quite bird-like head complete with scales or feathers and with hands which, although human in shape, still had astounding scales and claws. Also there were the giants, immense creatures who loomed like statues, and over-shadowed their more diminutive companions." Though blind, the old hermit was handed an amazing "sight box" which enabled him to view scenes that had been hidden from humankind for centuries to protect them from unnecessary self-abuse and harm.
THERE ARE MANY CHAPTERS IN EACH OF OUR LIVES Some of these chapters are good, many of them filled with love and joy . . . Others are inflicted with pain and sometimes deep suffering. We must experience all these Chapters of Life before we can move forward on the karmic wheel. . . In this volume we will learn about: A coming new world leader. . . The many mansions and dimensions of the universe. . . A world we all must visit . . . How to close and open a chapter in your life. . .Finding out if Astral is for YOU? . . .Its all here in the CHAPTERS OF LIFE. Rampa's teachings have circled the earth and are just as popular today as they were in decades past. His stories are of a spiritual nature, but they transcend all religion as what he has to say has great meaning for all of us. This is one of his most personal works -- a book that has been written JUST FOR YOU. So take it in hand and explore the world of the unknown -- and let all become know to you in both your heart and your mind!