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The Quran is certainly one of the most important texts in human history. But it wasn’t originally a text at all. When the Quran appeared in the seventh century, it was a vocal recital performed by an unlettered man named Muhammad. It remains an oral performance for Muslims all over the world to this day. The Prophet’s Whistle is a study of the ancient, nonliterary features of the Quran, many of which are often overlooked by historians and the public. George Archer corrects this striking absence by using observations from the anthropologies of living oral cultures, the cognitive sciences of literacy, and the study of other dead oral cultures. The Prophet’s Whistle shows that the thought systems of the Quran are oral, through and through, but by the end of the life of its Prophet, the Quran likewise hints at a personal and cultural embrace of writing and the mindsets of literate people.
Brown takes a simple thing like a whistle and turns it into an all-encompassing symbol of life, suffering, pain, and loss. This collection of poems will be particularly therapeutic for those who have suffered trauma.
What is Jewish Music? What makes a song sound Jewish? What is the place of music in Jewish history and philosophy? The author writes, What is known to us as Jewish music is actually a compilation of styles and rhythms gathered over centuries and obtained in various manners and from countless sources. However, musicologists the world over agree that the purity of the Jewish song has always been retained. The quality which makes it uniquely Jewish, regardless of the influence on it, has remained untouched and clearly identifiable. What is this quality? What is it that makes a song sound Jewish? It is a note of longing, of a child yearning to unite with his parent, a nation pining for its homeland and lost temple, a soul in this world remembering the holiness above and longing to reunite. Each song resonates with the entirety of the Jewish experience, the devastations and victories, the separations and reunifications and above all the constant bound with the eternal. The study of Jewish music is vast and requires volumes to contain it. There are many who have analyzed its unique qualities and have written extensively on it. Their examination of music is essentially a lesson in history, another means of glimpsing a rich and diverse past. There is yet another way to examine a song, and that is, to view it as an eternal message, as relevant today as it was hundreds of years ago, at the time of its composition. Each song tells its own story in the heart of the one who sings it. It evokes a unique response in each listener. A tune can touch a soul, in a way no words ever could. The study of music as response is what I aim to portray in this work. Music can be used in a myriad of ways in our everyday lives. Especially today with all of the gadgets that can convey music, we are bombarded by sound. Just by taking a long walk, a person changes zones of melodies, beats, and compositions of various types. Our bodies seem to vibrate to uninvited songs and noises that permeate the air around us. But invited
Here, Ed Fagen, one of the nation s foremost authorities on steam whistles, has provided us with a broadly researched, eloquently written and marvelously witty book, the first and only one on the subject. It includes comprehensive, illustrated chapters on: the history of the steam whistle, the voice of the Industrial Revolution, and how it developed; the various uses of steam whistles on locomotives, ships, factories, firehouse roofs, circuses; the broad range of whistle manufacturers, their histories and their product lines (including how to identify and date whistles, as well as an extensive discussion on the relative rarityof whistle types); how to acquire, organize, and preserve a whistle collection; how to repair and restore steam whistles; how to blow steam whistles on steam or compressed air; how a steam whistle actually works a point that remains somewhat controversial even today. Also included are an illustrated glossary of whistle terms, an illustrated review of the major whistle-related U.S. design patents, and a comprehensive index. A joy to read, this book is a true must have for the railfan, collector, curator, historian of science, industrial archeologist, and anyone for whom the sound of this icon of connotative richness has ever beckoned to adventures that live in the imagination.
Rethinking the great literary prophets whose ministry ran from the eighth to the sixth centuries BCE--Amos, Hosea, First Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Second Isaiah, and Job--Thinking about the Prophets examines their often-shocking teachings in light of their times, their influence on later Western and Jewish thinkers, and their enduring lessons for all of us. As a noted scholar of Jewish philosophy, Kenneth Seeskin teases out philosophical, ethical, and theological questions in the writings, such as the nature of moral reasoning, the divine persona, divine providence, the suffering of the innocent, the power of repentance, and what it means to believe in a monotheistic conception of God. Seeskin demonstrates that great ideas are not limited by time or place, but rather once put forth, take on a life of their own. Thus he interweaves the medieval and modern philosophers Maimonides, Kant, Cohen, Buber, Levinas, Heschel, and Soloveitchik, all of whom read the prophets and had important things to say as a result. We come to see the prophets perhaps in equal measure as divinely authorized whistle-blowers and profound thinkers of the human condition. Readers of all levels will find this volume an accessible and provoking introduction to the enduring significance of biblical prophecy.
Science and Technology in transport and communication has turned the world into a kingdom that lived before with remains as sacred Dome of the Rock of Agsa Mosque know to others as temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. The was Suuh Kingdom of Prophet David(Dawud) whom made everything from steel only by command of his words,while his son King Solomon (Prophet Sulaiman) was the first to fly in air without a plane but by a command of his words,.The Bird was his envoy to the Queen of Shiba(Shabae), he communicated with queen ants who was inside the soil from a distance without a telephone, The throne of Queen of Shiba was brought to him in his Palace in less than a blink of an eye on his command,same kind of kingdom will live again hereafter for eternity only for believers. Read about Suuh Kingdom,the Kingdom of God(Allah) to attain certainty of this life and life hereafter. This is a book of wisdom with light upon light that opens eyes of your heart and soul to know the certainty of God ( Allah)
The Book of Zechariah may be one of the least read books in the Bible. For the past twenty years I have taught the Bible to pastors in Asian countries where life is difficult for them. My pattern was to begin each day with a devotional that would apply specific Bible lessons to their lives. When I started giving devotional thoughts from Zechariah, I learned that the Asian pastors had a keen interest in that prophet. They would often ask questions or share their thoughts about Zechariah long after our devotional had ended. I believe that a daily time with the Lord is essential for believers who desire to serve Him in this knotty world. According to Proverbs, life is a series of choices between which roads we will travel. We decide daily to either take the path of the righteous or the way of the wicked. We choose regularly to either walk on the path of the wise person or stroll along the way of the fool.