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There are many teaching methods with different means and aids. Correcting mistakes is one of these teaching methods and educationalists call is the "remedial method." Correcting people's mistakes is essential if teaching people is the aim. Correcting mistakes is a divine method the Prophet (pbuh) practiced as the Qur'an was sometimes revealed to correct some mistakes of the Sahabah (companions of the Prophet). The Prophet (pbuh) was divinely guided in correcting the mistakes of people. So his methods are the best mankind has ever known. Following the example of the Prophet (pbuh) is therefore the best approach if one is really keen to teach Islamic knowledge and all the other branches of knowledge. The author has in this book compiled many methods of the Prophet (pbuh) for teaching people and correcting their mistakes. This book, as such, is indispensable for everyone who is concerned with education in general, and Islamic knowledge in particular.
The fascinating book not only highlights the various aspects of the life of Holy Prophet but also presents the prominent events and episodes in the history of Islam with solid historical testimonies.
In today’s complex and volatile world the consequences of relying on fraudulent and counterfeit Hadith to legitimize extremist behavior, issue violent fatwas, and justify blatant abuse, particularly of women, is not only far too easy but in fact dangerous. Israr Khan addresses the sensitive topic of Hadith authentication, focusing on the criteria adopted by classical scholars to maintain that concentration on the continuity and accuracy of the chain of narrators, rather than the textual content of Hadith, has led to particular Hadith being included which either contradict other Hadith directly, project the Prophet (SAAS) in an uncharacteristic light, or do not reflect and/or conflict with the teachings of the Qur’an. The study traces in careful detail the historical development of the oral and written traditions, as well as the many targeted attempts at fabrication that took place, critiquing in methodical detail certain Hadith which have come to be widely accepted as “authentic.” The prominent collections we have today, were made possible by the development of the science of Hadith criticism, and Muslim scholars deserve deep appreciation for their painstaking work, as well as their invaluable contribution towards preserving the Hadith literature to the best of their ability. However, insists the author, the process is ongoing, and the closed door policy which currently surrounds Hadith authentication needs to be carefully reexamined.
What happens when authorities you venerate condone something you know is wrong? Every major religion and philosophy once condoned or approved of slavery, but in modern times nothing is seen as more evil. Americans confront this crisis of authority when they erect statues of Founding Fathers who slept with their slaves. And Muslims faced it when ISIS revived sex slavery, justifying it with verses from the Quran and the practice of Muhammad. Exploring the moral and ultimately theological problem of slavery, Jonathan A.C. Brown traces how the Christian, Jewish and Islamic traditions have tried to reconcile modern moral certainties with the infallibility of God’s message. He lays out how Islam viewed slavery in theory, and the reality of how it was practiced across Islamic civilization. Finally, Brown carefully examines arguments put forward by Muslims for the abolition of slavery.
In making the Prophet Muhammad the greatest figure, and consequently one of the most resplendent landmarks in human history, God has bestowed his greatest favour on mankind. Whoever seeks guidance cannot fail to see him, for he stands out like a tower, a mountain on the horizon, radiating light like a beacon, beckoning all to the true path. It is inevitable that the seekers of truth will be drawn up to the magnificent pinnacle on which he stands.
Granted his Prophet, Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa sallam, qualities of perfection and noble characteristics which distinguished him from all other human beings. Consequently, he, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa Sallam, combined all the possible virtuous human traits and was the best leading example in treating others with benevolence. He, sallallaahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam, was a sublime example in his interactions with people, old and young, believers and disbelievers, the common people, and close Companions. He, sallallaahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam, would support the oppressed, aid the needy, persevere patiently despite the harm he faced from foolish people, face evil with goodness, meet people with a smiling and cheerful face, and was unfailingly generous and kind when dealing with people. As soon as his enemies discovered his extraordinary personality and his exceptional manners, they immediately responded to his call and believed in the message he was preaching. One such person who came to believe in him told him after accepting Islaam: "I swear by Allaah O Muhammad! There was no one on the face of the earth who was more detested to me than you. However, now your religion (the religion you are conveying) is the dearest religion to me. There was no land more hated by me than your land, but now it is the dearest part of earth to me". In this book, you will come to know the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and how he dealt with different types of people, each according to their qualities and particular circumstances. You will know him as a husband, a father, a neighbor, a friend, as a buyer and a seller, a judge, and someone who gave jurisprudential verdicts. Allaah The Almighty sent the Prophet, Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam, as a slave and a Messenger and bestowed upon him the best manners and the most beautiful qualities. We have outlined some of the interpersonal interactions of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, in order to highlight how a person whose manners are in consonance with the teachings of the Qur'aan should be. By learning about his qualities and the way he, sallallaahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam, interacted with people, one would know how he dealt with people in their homes, in the market, and other places in all walks of life. How did this unlettered Prophet, sallallaahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam, treat people whether they were relatives or strangers, virtuous or sinners, noble or evil? What benefit can one derive by studying his qualities and manners, that reflect his nobility, generosity and perfect manners? This book answers all these questions and more, and paints a vivid picture of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam, who was sent by his Lord to perfect good manners. سيد الخلق صلى الله عليه وسلم