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Whcn the original German edition of this book first appeared in print, the undcrsigned was asked to review it for an English-language journal. In the course of this review process he was so struck by the book's unusual approach, as well as by the realization that no similar collection of information was available in English, that he conceived thc idea of undertaking this translation. Arrangements with the original authors and with the publisher were completed late in 1969; the translation task was begun at that. time and occupied nearly two and onc-half years-largcly because the undersigned's other professional act.ivities permitted him toderote only hisspare time to the translation effort. Because this passage of time also brought with it some advances in the state of t.he art, an attempt was made to include the most significant of these aclvances, as well as newer references and some minor correc tions, in the translatecl rersion. Except for these changes, which were macle with the enthusiastic endorsement and collaboration of the origi nal authors, the translatecl rersion remains very close to the original. In fact, the translator took special care to preserve not only the mean ing, but also the "flaror", of the original text. The translator is most grateful to Professor L. Cremer and Dr
Since structure-borne sound plays an important role in noise control, material testing and machine diagnosis, the relevant properties of the most important elements of a construction (plates, beams and shells) are investigated. Measurement techniques, equations of motion, formulas for wave speeds, resonance frequencies, impedances, transmission coefficients etc. are given. The different damping mechanisms and the radiation properties are treated. The statistical energy analysis (SEA) is also presented. This new edition has been enlarged to include also waves on orthotropic plates, and the vibration and radiation of cylindrical shells.
This book is intended for researchers, graduate students and engineers in the fields of structure-borne sound, structural dynamics, and noise and vibration control. Based on vibration differential equations, it presents equations derived from the exponential function in the time domain, providing a unified framework for structural vibration analysis, which makes it more regular and normalized. This wave propagation approach (WPA) divides structures at “discontinuity points,” and the waves show characteristics of propagation, reflection, attenuation, and waveform conversion. In each segment of the system between two “discontinuity points,” the governing equation and constraint are expressed accurately, allowing the dynamic properties of complex systems to be precisely obtained. Starting with basic structures such as beams and plates, the book then discusses theoretical research on complicated and hybrid dynamical systems, and demonstrates that structural vibration can be analyzed from the perspective of elastic waves by applying WPA.
Authors: Hugo Bachmann, Walter J. Ammann, Florian Deischl, Josef Eisenmann, Ingomar Floegl, Gerhard H. Hirsch, Günter K. Klein, Göran J. Lande, Oskar Mahrenholtz, Hans G. Natke, Hans Nussbaumer, Anthony J. Pretlove, Johann H. Rainer, Ernst-Ulrich Saemann, Lorenz Steinbeisser. Large structures such as factories, gymnasia, concert halls, bridges, towers, masts and chimneys can be detrimentally affected by vibrations. These vibrations can cause either serviceability problems, severely hampering the user's comfort, or safety problems. The aim of this book is to provide structural and civil engineers working in construction and environmental engineering with practical guidelines for counteracting vibration problems. Dynamic actions are considered from the following sources of vibration: - human body motions, - rotating, oscillating and impacting machines, - wind flow, - road traffic, railway traffic and construction work. The main section of the book presents tools that aid in decision-making and in deriving simple solutions to cases of frequently occurring "normal" vibration problems. Complexer problems and more advanced solutions are also considered. In all cases these guidelines should enable the engineer to decide on appropriate solutions expeditiously. The appendices of the book contain fundamentals essential to the main chapters.
Schallschutz und Akustik gehören vielleicht nicht zu den primären Parametern, die den Entwurf eines Gebäudes normalerweise beeinflussen. Doch spätestens wenn man den Vortragenden im Seminarraum nicht versteht, der Geräuschpegel im Großraumbüro unerträgliche Ausmaße annimmt oder das Rumoren des Nachbars einem den Schlaf raubt, wird klar, wie wesentlich die Raumakustik zum alltäglichen Wohlbefinden beiträgt. Nicht nur Konzertsäle oder das antike Amphitheater erheben Anspruch auf akustische Qualität, sondern jedes Gebäude, sogar jeder Raum besitzt eine akustische Dimension, die je nach Funktion in ihren individuellen Anforderungen variiert. Der vorliegende Praxis-Band vermittelt allen Fachplanern, Architekten, aber auch interessierten Bauherren praxisnahe Kenntnisse zum Thema Akustik im Hochbau, angefangen von normativen Regelungen über Planungs- und Prognosemethoden bis hin zu den Bereichen Raumakustik, Bauakustik und Schallschutz im Städtebau. Typologische Kapitel erläutern beispielhaft den richtigen Umgang mit der Thematik an verschiedenen Gebäudearten wie beispielsweise Wohn- und Bürogebäuden, Schulen, Kindergärten, Hörsälen, Veranstaltungsräumen etc. , denn angemessene akustische Bedingungen tragen zum Erfolg eines Projektes massgeblich bei.
Advances in Imaging Technology Research and Application: 2013 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ book that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Atomic Force Microscopy. The editors have built Advances in Imaging Technology Research and Application: 2013 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Atomic Force Microscopy in this book to be deeper than what you can access anywhere else, as well as consistently reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. The content of Advances in Imaging Technology Research and Application: 2013 Edition has been produced by the world’s leading scientists, engineers, analysts, research institutions, and companies. All of the content is from peer-reviewed sources, and all of it is written, assembled, and edited by the editors at ScholarlyEditions™ and available exclusively from us. You now have a source you can cite with authority, confidence, and credibility. More information is available at
The Symposium was aimed at the theoretical and numerical problems involved in modelling the dynamic response of structures which have uncertain properties due to variability in the manufacturing and assembly process, with automotive and aerospace structures forming prime examples. It is well known that the difficulty in predicting the response statistics of such structures is immense, due to the complexity of the structure, the large number of variables which might be uncertain, and the inevitable lack of data regarding the statistical distribution of these variables. The Symposium participants presented the latest thinking in this very active research area, and novel techniques were presented covering the full frequency spectrum of low, mid, and high frequency vibration problems. It was demonstrated that for high frequency vibrations the response statistics can saturate and become independent of the detailed distribution of the uncertain system parameters. A number of presentations exploited this physical behaviour by using and extending methods originally developed in both phenomenological thermodynamics and in the fields of quantum mechanics and random matrix theory. For low frequency vibrations a number of presentations focussed on parametric uncertainty modelling (for example, probabilistic models, interval analysis, and fuzzy descriptions) and on methods of propagating this uncertainty through a large dynamic model in an effi cient way. At mid frequencies the problem is mixed, and various hybrid schemes were proposed. It is clear that a comprehensive solution to the problem of predicting the vibration response of uncertain structures across the whole frequency range requires expertise across a wide range of areas (including probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods, interval and info-gap analysis, statistical energy analysis, statistical thermodynamics, random wave approaches, and large scale computations) and this IUTAM symposium presented a unique opportunity to bring together outstanding international experts in these fields.
This acoustics handbook for mechanical and architectural applications is a translation of the German standard work on the subject. It not only describes the state of art of engineering acoustics but also gives practical help to engineers for solving acoustic problems. It deals with the origin, the transmission and the methods of abatement of air-borne and structure-borne sound of different kinds, from traffic to machinery and flow induced sound.
The emphasis in Rock Mechanics for Resources, Energy and Environment is on the application of rock mechanics to the extraction of natural resources, securing energy supplies and protecting the environment surrounding rock that is subject to engineering activities. The book will be of interest to rock mechanics researchers as well as to professionals who are involved in the various branches of rock engineering.