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The book provides a clear introduction to international taxation and presents its material in a global context, explaining policy, legal issues and planning points central to taxation issues, primarily from the viewpoint of a multinational group of companies. It uses examples and diagrams throughout to aid the reader's understanding and offers more in-depth material on many important areas of the subject. Traditionally published every 2 years in both print and digital formats, this content is a core requirement for student reading lists at both undergraduate and post graduate level. Fully updated to cover all new tax legislation and developments in light of the OECD BEPS project implementation, key areas to be included in this new edition are: - changes proposed by BEPS 2.0 in relation to taxation and the digital economy, including Pillar Two and the proposed new UN Model Article 12B; - further progress on the implantation of OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting implementation, including: -- an update on the implementation of BEPS recommendations including artificial avoidance of permanent establishment status and prevention of treaty abuse; -- the implementation of transfer pricing documentation and country-by-country reporting; -- multilateral instrument implementation; - the impact of Covid-19 on international taxation; - further developments in European direct taxation including the transparency package, directives on anti-tax avoidance and the common corporate tax base and state aid cases (Apple in particular) and updates to the Directive on Administrative Cooperation, and the new communication on Business Taxation for the 21st Century. - Proposals in relation to the taxation of digital business, in particular the OECD's unified approach and the UN modifications to the Model Double Taxation Convention. - Proposals for a global minimum corporate tax rate to curb base erosion and tax competition.
In an age when cross-border business transactions are increasingly effected without the transference of physical products, revenue concerns of states have led to a multitude of tax disputes based on the concept of ‘nexus’. This important and timely book is the most authoritative to date to discuss one of the major tax topics of our time – the question of how taxing rights on income generated from cross-border activities in the digital age should be allocated among jurisdictions. Demonstrating in prodigious depth that it is the economic nexus of the tax entity or activity with the state, and not the physical nexus, which meets the jurisdictional requirement, the author – a leading authority on this area who is a Senior Commissioner of Income Tax and a Member of the Dispute Resolution Panel of the Government of India – addresses such dimensions of the subject as the following: whether a strict territorial nexus as a normative principle is ingrained in source rule jurisprudence; detailed scrutiny of such classical doctrines as benefit theory, neutrality theory, and internation equity; comparative critique of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and United Nation (UN) model tax treaties; whether international law and customary principles mandate a strict territorial link with the source state for the assumption of tax jurisdiction; whether the economic nexus-based tax jurisdiction and absence of a physical presence breach the constitutional doctrine of extraterritoriality or due process; and whether retrospective tax legislation breaches the principle of constitutional fairness. The book offers a politically informed analysis of the nexus principle and balances the dynamics of physical presence and economic nexus standards, based on an in-depth survey of the historical evolution of judicial pronouncements and international practices in this regard. Dr Singh’s book exposes an urgently needed missing link in the international source rule literature and takes a giant step towards solving the thorny question of appropriate tax apportionment. It sheds brilliant light on the policies states may adopt when signing new tax treaties, so that unintended results may be foreseen and avoided. Tax practitioners, taxation authorities, and academic researchers in the field of international tax law and policy will greatly appreciate the book’s forthright enhancement of the ability to defend challenges based on the nexus doctrine.
This superb book will guide the reader through the key issues and practical aspects of international tax practice. It demonstrates how different global tax systems interact and how to prevent paying more tax than necessary. The basic principles of each aspect of international taxation are outlined and then examined in greater depth and detail. This updated third edition includes coverage of both UK and EU legislation and regulation, as well as the key cases and rulings. Complicated double taxation concepts are clearly illustrated with examples and diagrams to help the reader quickly understand how they'll apply in practice. Examples of policies adopted in other countries are included, along with specialist commentary and guidance.
The phenomenal internationalization of taxation occurring in recent years has called for a second edition of this classic handbook. Even though a quarter of a century has passed, the farsighted first edition has remained in constant use worldwide and has even grown in importance. Now it has been thoroughly updated by the author, who has brought his piercing insight to bear on the current world of international tax law while retaining the book’s practical format, structure of primary materials, and detailed commentary. Emphasizing the need for an international consciousness in relation to issues of taxation, Professor Qureshi focuses extensively on the problems associated with fiscal jurisdiction, international constraints in domestic taxation, double taxation, and tax evasion and avoidance. In particular the following are covered: treaty law with specific reference to taxation; fiscal aspects of international monetary, investment, and trade law; enforcement of international tax claims; exchange of information; assistance in recovery of tax claims; mechanisms for the resolution of international tax disputes; base erosion and profit shifting in the framework of public international law; and contribution of international institutions to fiscal capacity development. Assimilating in one source the basic materials in public international law germane to taxation – including cases, texts of international agreements, discourse in secondary sources, and incisive commentary, all updated to the present – this new edition of the most authoritative and important book in its field will be of immeasurable value to tax practitioners worldwide, national taxation authorities, international institutions, and the international tax community more generally.
This work on international tax aims to strip away the mystique that can surround the subject. International tax is now recognised as an important discipline in its own right. The book sets out to synthesise its most important elements.
Time is a crucial dimension in the application of any law. In tax law, however, where an environment characterized by rapid change on the national, European, and international levels complicates the provision of accurate legal advice, timing is particularly sensitive. This book is the first to analyse the relationship between time and three key areas of tax: treaties, EU law, and constitutional law issues, such as legal certainty and individual rights. Among the numerous timing issues arising out of applying tax rules, the book addresses the following: – time limits within which relief must be requested; – statutes of limitation for claiming a tax refund; – transitional issues relating to changes in tax treaties; – attribution of profits and expenses to a moving or closed-down business; – effect of tax-related CJEU decisions and EU directives; – compliance of exit tax regimes with free movement; – limits of retroactivity under principles protected by the EU Charter and the ECHR; and – conflict between efficiency of taxation and individual rights. Derived from a recent conference organized by the prestigious ATOZ Chair for European and International Taxation at the University of Luxembourg, the book brings together contributions from leading tax experts from various areas of tax practice, academia, and the judiciary. Among other issues, the book notably expands on how economic theory can inform a constitutional analysis of the timing of taxation. There is no other work that concentrates so usefully on the difficulties associated with applying tax rules – whether arising from treaties, jurisprudence, or policy – to changing circumstances over time. This book will quickly prove itself to be an indispensable resource for European tax lawyers, policymakers, company counsels, and academics.
In international tax law, the term ‘beneficial ownership’ refers to which parties involved in a cross-border transaction are entitled to tax treaty benefits. However, determining beneficial ownership is a complex and often disputed issue, subject to different meanings in different countries. Archival research on its early use in tax treaties and in the developing OECD Model reveals that its meaning has changed dramatically over the decades, leading to new interpretations significantly affecting current tax practice and scholarship. This book, dedicated to establishing how beneficial ownership should ideally be interpreted, compares the use and interpretation of benefi-cial ownership, both current and historical, in a wide range of national jurisdictions as well as the EU, ultimately shedding a clearer light than has heretofore been available on the meaning of the term. In her very thorough analysis of the application of beneficial ownership, the author touches on such aspects as the following: – historical development of the beneficial ownership requirement as used in tax treaties and in the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital; – rules of double taxation conventions; – application of the OECD’s Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit-Shifting (BEPS); – the problem of so-called ‘white income’; – use of the substance-over-form principle; – attribution-of-income rules; and – the role of agents, nominees, and conduit companies. Specific analysis of the use and interpretation of beneficial ownership in a domestic law and treaty context in numerous jurisdictions – with particular emphasis on the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, and Germany – is a major feature of the presentation. As a thorough guide to determining whether a person claiming tax treaty benefits is the true owner – and which parties are excluded from treaty benefits and to what extent – this book will be of immeasurable value to lawyers, tax authorities, policymakers, and other professionals working with taxable international transactions of any kind.
This book identifies a set of principles and corresponding tax settings that countries may apply to cross-border income derived by, through, or from a trust and will appeal to international tax practitioners, administrators, policymakers, academics, and students.
Tax practitioners, multinational companies and national tax authorities have relied on this indispensable resource since its first edition over two decades ago. The Primer provides the reader with an introductory analysis of the major issues that a country must confront in designing its international tax rules and coordinating those rules with the tax systems of its trading partners, with numerous examples drawn from the practices of both developed and developing countries. This fifth edition follows the format and sequence of earlier editions, with updates on ongoing developments with respect to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) base erosion and profit shifting project, the revisions to the OECD Guidelines on Transfer Pricing, and updates to the OECD and UN Model Conventions. Several new sections have been added to the fifth edition. Unquestionably, the most important development in international tax since the publication of the fourth edition in 2018 has been the OECD Inclusive Framework’s Pillar One and Pillar Two proposals for dealing with the tax challenges posed by the digital economy. This edition explores in detail both Pillar One, which proposes new nexus and profit-allocation rules for the residual profits of the largest and most profitable digital multinationals, and Pillar Two, which proposes a global minimum tax on large multinationals. Also new to the fifth edition are sections dealing with digital services taxes, hybrid arrangements, and new Article 12B of the UN Model Convention dealing with automated digital services, as well as a brief history of international tax. The book strikes a balance between the specific and the general by illustrating the fundamental principles and structure of international tax with frequent reference to actual practice in a variety of countries. Coverage includes the following: taxation of residents on foreign income and nonresidents on domestic income; mechanisms used to mitigate the risks to taxpayers of international double taxation; transfer pricing rules to prevent the avoidance of tax by multinational corporations; anti-avoidance measures dealing with tax havens, treaty shopping, and other offensive tax planning activities; overview and analysis of the provisions of bilateral tax treaties and the OECD and UN Model Treaties on which they are generally based; and challenges posed by taxation of income derived from the digital economy. An extensive glossary of international tax terms is included. With examples of typical international tax planning techniques and descriptions of the work of the major international organizations that play an important role with respect to international tax, the Primer remains the preeminent first recourse for professionals in the field. Although of greatest value to students, tax practitioners and government officials confronting international tax for the first time, this book is sure to continue in use by tax professionals at every level of experience and on a worldwide basis.
Explains the concepts that underlie international tax law and double tax treaties and provides an insight into how international tax policy, law and practice operate to ultimately impose tax on international business and investment.