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The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) authorizes the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to collect user fees for reviewing and processing applications for the approval of certain human drug and biological products. There are generally four types of applications reviewed: New Drug Applications/Biologics License Applications (NDAs/BLAs); Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs); Efficacy Supplements; and Manufacturing Supplements.1 More information on the Prescription Drug User Fee Act can be found at the following website: http: //
The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), first enacted in 1992 and reauthorized twice (referred to as PDUFA II and PDUFA III), gives the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a revenue source -- fees paid by the pharmaceutical manufacturers -- to supplement, not replace, direct appropriations. The impetus behind the 1992 law was the length of time from a manufacturer's submission of a New Drug Application (NDA) or a Biologics License Application (BLA) to FDA and the agency's issuing its decision on approval or licensure, which FDA attributed to constrained review-staff time. This delay affected patients and the drug manufacturers. PDUFA I goals were to diminish the backlog of applications at FDA and to increasingly shorten the time from submission to decision. PDUFA II expanded the goals to include activities related to the investigational phases of a new drug's development; it also added the goal of increasing FDA communications with industry and consumer groups. PDUFA III authorized activities both at earlier (preclinical development) and at later (up to three years after drug approval) stages of drug research and development. FDA set these performance goals in conjunction with the drug manufacturers, and the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) submitted them in letters to the chairs of the relevant congressional authorizing committees. The Secretary also submits annual PDUFA performance and financial reports. Based on its stated goals, PDUFA has generally been viewed as a success. FDA has added review staff and reduced its review times. It has also standardized the information required for applications and developed computer tools to use electronically submitted data. Criticism of PDUFA fits into three categories. First, the fees have not fully covered FDA's increased costs, despite the provisions that Congress implemented. Second, because PDUFA has directed a majority of the collected fees toward premarket review of applications, some people see PDUFA as responsible for what they view as the agency's increasing focus on premarket activities in contrast to the relatively slower increase in postmarket surveillance and safety studies and enforcement. They point to the fees' funding 20% of the salaries and expenses in FDA overall and 30% within the human drug program (with a yet higher proportion among the premarket drug review staff). Finally, some critics think that, through its provision of fees, the industry has too much influence over FDA actions. In January 2007, FDA released its proposal for PDUFA IV. The goals, developed through consultation with Congress, industry, and healthcare consumers and professionals, focus on securing FDA's sound financial footing, and enhancing both premarket review and the postmarket safety system.
On June 20, 2012, the House of Representatives passed, by voice vote and under suspension of the rules, S. 3187 (EAH), the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act, as amended. This bill would reauthorize the FDA prescription drug and medical device user fee programs (which would otherwise expire on September 30, 2012), create new user fee programs for generic and biosimilar drug approvals, and make other revisions to other FDA drug and device approval processes. It reflects bicameral compromise on earlier versions of the bill (S. 3187 [ES], which passed the Senate on May 24, 2012, and H.R. 5651 [EH], which passed the House on May 30, 2012). The following CRS reports provide overview information on FDA's processes for approval and regulation of drugs: CRS Report R41983, How FDA Approves Drugs and Regulates Their Safety and Effectiveness, by Susan Thaul; CRS Report RL33986, FDA's Authority to Ensure That Drugs Prescribed to Children Are Safe and Effective, by Susan Thaul; CRS Report R42130, FDA Regulation of Medical Devices, by Judith A. Johnson; CRS Report R42508, The FDA Medical Device User Fee Program, by Judith A. Johnson. (Note: The rest of this report has not been updated since April 24, 2012.) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the agency responsible for the regulation of medical devices. These are a wide range of products that are used to diagnose, treat, monitor, or prevent a disease or condition in a patient. A company must obtain FDA's prior approval or clearance before marketing many medical devices in the United States. The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) within FDA is primarily responsible for medical device review and regulation. Congress first gave FDA the authority to collect user fees from medical device companies in the Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-250). The purpose of the user fee program is to help reduce the time in which FDA can review and make decisions on marketing applications. Lengthy review times affect the industry, which waits to market its products, and patients, who wait to use these products. The user fee law provides a revenue stream for FDA; in conjunction, the agency negotiates with industry to set performance goals for the premarket review of medical devices. Reauthorization of FDA's medical device user fees last occurred in 2007, just before the FDA's authority would expire, via the Medical Device User Fee Amendments of 2007 (MDUFA II). Current authority will expire on October 1, 2012. On February 1, 2012, FDA announced that it had reached “an agreement in principle” with the medical device industry on proposed recommendations for the second reauthorization—referred to as MDUFA III. A draft MDUFA III package, composed of statutory language and the FDA industry agreement on performance goals and procedures, was posted on the FDA website on March 14, 2012, and a public meeting describing the draft was held on March 28, 2012. The 30-day comment period on the draft ended April 16, 2012. Following review of the comments, FDA may revise the recommendation and then is to submit the final package to Congress. Since medical device user fees were first collected in FY2003, they have comprised an increasing proportion of FDA's device budget. Medical device user fees have raised a number of concerns, prompting Congress to carefully consider issues such as which agency activities could use fees, how user fees can be kept from supplanting federal funding, and which companies should qualify as a small business and pay a reduced fee. Congress is also considering reauthorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) as well as new proposals for a Generic Drug User Fee Act and a Biosimilars User Fee Act. It is likely that these three will be combined with MDUFA III along with a variety of related and unrelated issues.