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A collection of writings around reactions to cancer's arrival in life.
First published in 1652, Thomas Brooks' "Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices" offers insights into the snares and schemes of the devil which are timely and relevant for today. Though centuries have passed since its writing, this timeless classic remains an amazing work of teaching on the thousands of ways Satan seeks to destroy every Christian and the thousands of ways God has provided every Christian to defeat Satan's nefarious schemes. In true Puritan style, this book is a serious tome in which the author minces no words and gets straight to the point. The good news is that, though Satan is vicious in his drive to destroy God's people, he can and must be withstood! As this book explain, God makes victory possible by strengthening His people to overcome the Tempter. An earnest, passionate, and deadly serious author, Brooks spared no effort or source to persuade and plead with his readers. His method is to lead off with one of Satan's devices (some lie that Satan seeks to impress upon us) and then show the reader various ways to combat that particular device (the remedies). Like other Puritan books of his day, Brook's writing is solidly Biblical. Almost every remedy Brooks offers reminds the reader of some Biblical truth-urging them to think on it, consider, ponder and soak it in. Instead of some magic mantra or special prayer tactic, Brooks simply shines the light of Scriptures on the problems each Christian will face. Brooks was fond of quoting "wise heathens" (such as Zeno and Seneca) in his writing. His willingness to draw from non-Biblical sources is a good example of just how broadminded the Puritans really were, even as they walked the straight and narrow. The free use of Biblical truth from the lips of pagan authors shows a breadth of thinking and outlook often unattributed to Christian authors of such unbending theology and purpose.
A slight glance at the contents of this volume will convey an idea of its character and design. It is intended to be, not so much a systematic treatise of theology, as the companion, in his hours of devotional, meditative retirement, of the experienced and spiritual Christian. The truths which it contains, and the style in which they are presented, are perhaps more adapted to those peculiar seasons in the Christian experience of the believer, in which profound discussion and labored thought would not only be distasteful, but out of place. Bearing with him the volume in his sequestered walks with God, or making it the sharer of his temporary seclusion from the active engagements of life, the "precious things of God" which it unfolds may serve to shed the perfume and the luster of Jesus' name and work around his lone and pensive path cheering solitude, soothing grief, and dissolving doubt, depression, and gloom. Many and costly are the precious things of God not enumerated in this work; blessed are they who, from the volume of their personal and spiritual experience, can complete the catalogue, and supply the Author's lack. These pages address themselves pointedly and strongly to that essential principle of vital religionthe experimental. We really know as much of the gospel of Christ, and of the Christ of the gospel, as by the power of the Holy Spirit we have the experience of it in our souls. All other acquaintance with Divine truth must be regarded as merely intellectual, theoretical, speculative, and of little worth. But, to apprehend, in some measure, the value, the glory, and the preciousness of the Lord Jesus, and, as a consequence, to esteem Him above all good, to reflect His image, to labor in His service, and to be found preparing and waiting for the happy moment described with such exquisite beauty by Doddridge, and as he only could portray it, "That blessed interview, how sweet! To fall transported at His feet; Raised in His arms, to see His face Through the full beamings of His grace!"this, this is spiritual LIFE. And, compared with the heart-experience of this, when we take a close, realizing survey of eternity, all other subjects of study and employments of time appear but solemn trifling with our destiny. The Author regrets, that to the discussion of themes so transcendently important and precious he should have brought so much human feebleness and infirmity. His work, planned amid the happy tranquility and repose of a long and warmly-attached pastorate, and finished amid the scenes of anxiety, excitement, and toil incident to a new and more extended sphere of ministerial labor, has necessarily been exposed to much that was unfavorable to that matured thought, careful composition, and literary finish which he considers efforts of this kind should possess. His hope, however, is, that, imperfect as is his production, the Divine Spirit may yet deign to bless it to the saving of precious souls, give it acceptance with the Church of Christ, and use it for the advancement of the cause of God and truth in the world,and the glory shall be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, three Persons in the One God, world without end. Amen.
Do you want to have a better understanding of the Bible? Do you want to see the big picture and how all the pieces tie together? Do you want to have a deeper appreciation for how the New and Old Testaments compliment one another? One of the secrets to this better understanding is to forget about chapters and verses and focus on reading whole books of the Bible. By doing so, it will be much easier to understand the author's train of thought and pick up on major and minor themes. Beyond the Verse is a collection of Wes McAdams' observations as he embarked on--and completed--a transformational journey of reading whole books of the Bible in one sitting. These summaries were originally published as blog posts, helping countless people become better students of the Bible. And now, this book has been created to help you notice important themes, ideas, and concepts to transform the way you read Scripture.
A princess conceived after the prayerful conversion of her parents, Philomena was always special. She vowed herself to Jesus at a young age and was soon put through the ultimate test: the test of her love for her Spouse. This is the incredible true story of a girl who knew that Jesus is worth everything and that her purity was worth dying for. St. Philomena: The Story of a Stubborn Little Princess was written to draw people closer to the teen saint and inspire them to follow her example of purity and love of God. It is a religious biography aimed toward young adults but has already proven to be just as inspirational to those of all ages. This book is a fast-paced and gripping read that will leave you feeling closer to one of the youngest saints in the Catholic Church. It is a story about a young princess who defied a Roman Emperor and gave up her life while following Jesus. Like a bright light in the darkness of our culture, St. Philomena is waiting to tell you her story in this charming and relatable tale.