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Blessed are the eyes that read and are allowed by Yahweh God to be unveiled. This is a mandatory two-book series for all groups of mankind. This is the one and only true gospel suppressed to your injury. It was intended to be a three-book series. However, circumstances dictated it be two. Every scrap of dogma within is 100 percent correct without exception. No man can correct, only accept or reject it. Whether Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jew, atheist, Satanist, alternative lifestyle, military, demon, hybrid, or anything else, there are reasons for each of you to know as your lives depend upon it. You have the right to make fully informed decisions with your free will, also to change your minds at any time and the truth be there awaiting you. What is coming is the worst time in human history. Satan is required to give warning and now invoke that rule. Matthew 24:14 must be fulfilled before the end can come. “This” gospel (Gal. 1:8). We are on God’s time and no other. I have served you free for twelve years. I intend to take only what I need and use the rest to help humanity survive, being unable to buy or sell. Active true servants only. Also nature. Those who run this world want a one-world government. I am all for it—God’s kingdom. This is a leap of faith to that end, to charter a nonprofit and nation. Once I’ve recovered and set my hedge, I will be providing full transparency to all brothers worldwide, keep a 10 percent priest’s amount only if I even do that. Other than a possible accidental rewriting first-column citations, this two-book series fully destroys all of Babylon the great. People would rather sin than be part of a phallacy (not misspelled), which insults their intelligence and conscience. Not on my watch. The famine must end now. No matter who or what you are, I love you all without exception. Sex out of wedlock is no better than any other kind of fornication. Morality is not a sliding scale, nor is it code or Babylonian law. I was allowed to father Revelation 9:7–11. A half-dozen prophesies are attached to my work directly. I need bros of all professions and backgrounds to join with me in anticipation—men of action, sisters with courage, Muslims with Christians. Every soul that knows this truth must preach it verbatim. You can watch your planet die by the hands of criminals or save who you can. There is only one cause—the great commission (Matt. 28:19, 20). Only us who carry our torture stake will inherit this kingdom. This will be the worst and greatest generation of all time (Prov. 27:11). Be wise, my son, make my heart rejoice.
Let us examine in more detail the doctrine of the virgin and the immaculate conception. This dogma is one of the basic religions of Christianity and was established in 431 at the Third Ecumenical Council in Ephesus, that is, four centuries after the death of Jesus. The dogma is based on deliberately made inaccurate translations, replaced words and correspondingly free interpretations of the original texts of the prophets of Tanah (Old Testament). This is, perhaps, the most essential and extremely important example of a purposeful replacement of words that has led to erroneous translations and false interpretations of the long religious history of mankind. The dogma of virginity and immoral conception, as we have said, is one of the main dogmas on which Christianity is based. This dogma claims that a virgin gave birth to the Messiah Jesus Christ, through miraculous and blameless conception in which God Himself participated through the Holy Spirit, and thanks to the supernatural act appeared to the world and the Son of God. This so basic dogma in Christianity is written in the Matthew Gospel as follows: „The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”) – (Matthew 1:23). Thus the Christian religion “proves” one of its main dogmas, referring to a text in the Book of Isaiah (the prophet Yeshaiahu Ben Amotz) in which the prophet prophesied the immaculate conception of Jesus Christ: „Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14). At first glance, there is no difference, but in fact only one word that is specifically altered changes the whole meaning not only of the text but also of the Christian dogma as a whole. The word that is written in the Christian New Testament is the Greek parthenos (virgin), while in the original Hebrew text of Isaiah the prophet in the Old Testament is the word alma (העלמה – young woman)! This word was written initially personally by the Prophet as an alma (a young woman), who apparently is neither a virgin. It is well-known that the dogma of immaculate conception holds a great deal of the ideology of Christian doctrine. Deprived of this dogma, the doctrine is deprived of God the Son, and therefore Jesus becomes an ordinary man.
In The True Message of Jesus Christ, Dr. Bilal Philips claims that Jesus Christ was merely a prophet of Allah who reaffirmed the central message that was later revealed to Muhammad. Dr. Philips argues that although Jesus claimed to be the Son of God in the Bible, modern translations of the Bible are corruptions of the original revelations given by Allah. Only the Qur’an, which downgrades Jesus’ status from the Son of God to a prophet, reflects God’s true, uncorrupted message. This Reply to The True Message of Jesus Christ demonstrates that Dr. Philips’ arguments are flawed and suffer from serious weaknesses on multiple levels. First, Dr. Philips’ claims are not historically grounded. Second, he misconstrues the text and meanings of the Bible. Third, he employs circular reasoning to support his assertions. Fourth, the claims Dr. Philips makes with respect to the corruption of the Bible conflict with even the teachings of the Qur’an on the divine inspiration of the Torah and other Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Some of Dr. Philips’ claims about the Bible are correct, though ultimately, they relate to minor or ancillary points, such as discrepancies in extant biblical manuscripts as to a king’s age when he began to rule. While such minor discrepancies exist, they should be expected in the copying and transmission of texts over thousands of years and they do not suggest deliberate falsification of the text for dogmatic purposes. Such discrepancies do not alter the overall message of the Bible—that “God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life” (John 3:16). The True Message of Jesus Christ fails to persuasively demonstrate that man has corrupted the Bible, that the Qur’an is God’s true and divinely inspired book and that Jesus’ true message is that He is merely a prophet of Allah, rather than God’s sacrificial lamb, offered “as the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:2). Ultimately, the book fails to defeat the hope given to all who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
Are the Jewish arguments against belief in Jesus as mankind's Savior any good? Is Jesus Christ the promised Messiah of the Old Testament's prophecies? Is Christianity derived from ancient Roman or Greek pagan mystery religions? Is the New Testament historically reliable? Was Jesus of Nazareth God according to the New Testament? Did Gnosticism influence Christianity? Since some 185,000 Americans have converted to Judaism according to a 1990 survey, the arguments of such groups as Jews for Judaism against Christianity can't be dismissed lightly. Using solid scholarship and rigorous logic, "A Zeal For God Not According to Knowledge" defends Christianity against the arguments of its Jewish critics, such as Samuel Levine, Michoel Drazin, Tovia Singer, and Hyam Maccoby. This book demonstrates that the New Testament is historically reliable, denies that Christian doctrines and sacraments can be derived from pagan beliefs and practices, shows that Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah based on the Old Testament's prophecies, and proves that the New Testament teaches the Deity of Christ. This book is intended for both Christians perplexed by the arguments of Jewish friends, coworkers, and relatives, and Jews interested in objectively considering the claims of Christianity while searching for spiritual truth about whether Jesus is their Messiah also.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Thessalonica that:Before Jesus returned for them on the "day of the Lord", the "man of lawlessness", the Antichrist, would appear, claim to be God and perform miracles. God would cause those, who "refused to love the truth", to believe the lie, that the Antichrist is Christ. "All will be condemned who have not believed the truth". Those, with no love of the truth, have been set up by God to worship the Antichrist, "receive a mark" - "666" and be eternally damned. 2 Thessalonians 2; Revelation 13;14 (NIV)