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Quotations and reflections on leadership.
John C. Maxwell, #1 New York Times bestselling author, shows you how to shift from success to significance by leading with passion and purpose in a compact new book derived from his previous title, Intentional Living. We all want to live a life that matters. But what is true significance? How do we define it, and how do we achieve it? In THE POWER OF YOUR LEADERSHIP, Maxwell demonstrates what can come from combining personal passion and leadership in a way that goes beyond mere success. By finding like-minded people and putting them first, you can make a difference in their lives and create a united effort that leaves a lasting positive impact. Learn how to attract people to your cause, articulate your vision, and add value from your sweet spot. Using his personal story of how he became one of the most recognized leadership experts in the world, John Maxwell shows you how to lead others according to your own purpose and create a lasting legacy.
Leadership and associated power issues lie at the core of group life in a variety of contexts. Even the most informal of groups typically have some form of leadership in their organization, and the understanding of leadership and power from a psychological standpoint can inform a greater understanding of group dynamics both inside and outside of the workplace. Leadership and Power is a synthesis of contributions from eminent social psychologists and organizational scientists that addresses these issues from a fresh perspective. In recent years, these themes have been re-examined through the lens of social categorization approaches that highlight people′s social identity and social roles as group members, as well as the processes that influence perceptions of and expectations about people and groups. The book is wide-ranging; chapters cover such diverse issues as: interpersonal versus group-oriented styles of leadership; leadership of totalist groups; political leadership; and gender and leadership. It represents a state-of-the-art overview of this burgeoning field that will be important to a host of disciplines. Elements of cross-referencing to highlight thematic links as well as effective chapter conclusions will make the text appealing to advanced students taking courses in social and organizational psychology, management and organization studies, not just scholars interested in these themes.
Why do great companies and other organizations fail, sometimes abruptly? Why do admired leaders fall from their organizational pedestals? Why do young and promising managers derail? Why do organizations create and reinforce rules that manifestly damage both them and those that they employ, serve and sustain? Leadership is a much-discussed but ill-defined idea in business and management circles. Analysing and understanding the skills and behaviours exhibited in leadership practice reveal that leaders exhibit paradoxical activities that challenge our understanding of organizations. In this text, the authors identify leadership behaviours that compete towards business equilibrium: selfish versus selfless, distance versus proximity, consistency versus individuality, enforcing professional standards versus flexibility and control versus autonomy. These paradoxical dilemmas require a reflexive and analytical approach to a subject that is tricky to define. The book explores the paradoxes of power and leadership not as a panacea for solving organizational problems but as a lens through which leadership and power are seen as an exercise in dynamic balance. Read this book as an invitation to the paradoxes of power and leadership that frame organizational life today. Be prepared to find surprises – and some counterintuitive arguments. Providing a thought-provoking guide to the traits and skills that will help readers to understand and navigate paradoxical leadership behaviour, this reflexive book will be a useful reading for students and scholars of business, management and psychology globally.
We are not positive because life is easy. We are positive because life can be hard. As a leader, you will face numerous obstacles, negativity, and tests. There will be times when it seems as if everything in the world is conspiring against you and your vision seems more like a fantasy than a reality. That’s why positive leadership is essential! Positive leadership is not about fake positivity. It is the real stuff that makes great leaders great. The research is clear. Being a positive leader is not just a nice way to lead. It's the way to lead if you want to build a great culture, unite your organization in the face of adversity, develop a connected and committed team and achieve excellence and superior results. Since writing the mega best seller The Energy Bus, Jon Gordon has worked and consulted with leaders who have transformed their companies, organizations and schools, won national championships and are currently changing the world. He has also interviewed some of the greatest leaders of our time and researched many positive leaders throughout history and discovered their paths to success. In this pioneering book Jon Gordon shares what he has learned and provides a comprehensive framework on positive leadership filled with proven principles, compelling stories, practical ideas and practices that will help anyone become a positive leader. There is a power associated with positive leadership and you can start benefiting yourself and your team with it today.
Power comes from within and from without. How to tap its many sources.
In today's 'more for less' culture, the expectations of project management and delivery are no longer limited to budgets, schedules and quality. For projects to make an impact and have lasting value, the project manager must be able to strategize, innovate, motivate, empower and collaborate - in other words, project managers must learn how to lead. The Power of Project Leadership helps you transform into an effective project leader by shifting your managerial mindset into one of inspiration, motivation and influence. The book describes what good project leadership looks like and explains how to make the transition using concrete tools and strategies. With underlying theories to help the reader understand how teams and individuals are motivated, it ensures that project managers lead with vision, continuously improve and innovate, work with intent, empower the team, get closer to stakeholders, remain authentic and establish a solid foundation for their projects. The book has a practical and engaging approach and draws on over 25 interviews with leading experts who have made the transition from project managers to project leaders. These experts come from a variety of sectors and companies; including Expedia, British Gas, Standard Bank, Verizon Enterprise Solutions, Liquid Planner, and the UK Government.
How to Protect Your Leadership Influence and Power You’ve worked hard to achieve your dreams and goals. Many others have done the same—only to lose it all in the end. Every day, we read about successful people in various walks of life who have lost their power and influence. They’ve been fired, forced to resign, or shamed out of public life. They no longer have a market for their gifts, and they may even face criminal proceedings. These leaders have lost the trust of their companies, constituents, nations, followers, and families. Many were surprised to discover that their talents alone were not enough to prevent their downfall. Why did they fail in the end? Because they lacked the one quality that would have protected their leadership and given them enduring influence. Ironically, this quality is seldom taught to leaders today, either formally or informally. It is the quality of moral force, or character. Every human being is a leader over some domain as he or she exercises gifts and influence. That domain might be the halls of government, the boardroom, the classroom, the community, or the home. In The Power of Character in Leadership: How Values, Morals, Ethics, and Principles Affect Leaders, you will discover what character is, what it means to develop moral force, and how to preserve your leadership influence so that it is both effective and enduring.
If you are a leader or aspire to leadership over others you must read "Leaders, Power & Consequences." It clearly exposes the influences a leader has with people who are close and important to the leader. The leader is the person who holds the true power, that is, “the buck stops with them.” It is not underlings who act on behalf of another who dictates their actions. They are not the true power, and no one is long deceived. Where do problems in relationships, trivial or significant, not exist? The answer to resolving the problem is likely found where the power is located. Who are the true leaders, what are their expectations and how well do they communicate with those they lead? And, how well and candidly do those significant to the leader communicate directly back to the leader? This is where trust, safety and respect play a huge role in how the relationship plays out and either grows, mutually, or is destructive, mutually. Most leaders tend to communicate badly, have unspoken or inflexible expectations towards those they lead and blame others for what is the leader’s failings. "Leaders, Power & Consequences" confronts this problem of leadership directly and clearly by using Sy Ogulnick’s personally experienced stories. He clearly describes the path leaders must take if they are to personally grow, to understand themselves better, and in the process to contribute to the growth of those they lead. When authentic communication takes place between those in power and those immediately at the effect of this power, trust, safety and respect are felt by each. This must be found in the environment or Genuine Dialogue between them is impossible and will not, even at the point of a gun, take place. And it is the leaders who are primarily responsible for the creation of the environment. Words do not make it so, but action (behavior of the leaders) does. The path laid out in "Leaders, Power & Consequences" leads to facilitating problem-solving, creativity, innovation and a sense of mutual ownership amongst people to the degree that most leaders can only dream of.
A powerful force draws people to leadership in countless businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and social movements—we call it invisible leadership. Invisible leadership embodies situations in which dedication to a compelling and deeply held common purpose is the motivating force for leadership. Common purpose is more than a mission statement. It is a profound sense of common destiny, a life course or calling, aligned with a mission that resonates profoundly with our values and our sense of ourselves and others. This readable, research-based book shows readers how invisible leadership exists in the space between leaders and followers, artists and subjects, and purposes and people. Rather than reinforcing the idea that leadership is embodied in celebrity leaders or in gifted and charismatic individuals, the well known and highly admired authors of this insightful new book identify "charisma of purpose" as the motivating force for invisible leadership. A brief discussion of how invisible leadership impacts businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and social movements guides the reader toward an understanding of the antecedents and possibilities of this way of thinking.