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This book explains the state of body awareness in which the structures and functions of the body and mind are operating at maximum effectiveness. The author, Mr. Hideo Takaoka, realized that there are seven secrets of body usage that apply to your daily body movements. He introduces those secrets in this book and provides training methods as "YURU EXERCISES." The YURU EXERCISES were created based on the theory and techniques of Japanese traditional martial arts. Those methods are very easy and require very little effort, so you can incorporate them into your daily life. You will notice many benefits, not only the physical aspect but many kinds of mental benefits as well. YURU EXERCISES are designed to create the 'relaxed and loosened body and mind' that you must obtain to develop and strengthen your body awareness.
First Published in 1998. The aim of this book is to reawaken awareness of the body feels; rekindle imagination; provide starting points for both developing greater self-awareness and creating expressive movement. 'Moves' suggests a wealth of exercises which stem from the natural movement of the body and are therefore accessible to anyone. As you respond to the material in this book you may notice changes in yourself, such as greater physical and emotional freedom, a lessening of anxiety and constriction, a new found sense of flow, flexibility and strength and a greater responsiveness to others and to the environment.
Centered and Connected presents body-based techniques that integrate practices of self-reflection and non-judgmental awareness in order to foster healing, build self-esteem, and develop a stronger connection to one’s body. Author Rytz explores the disconnection between the mind and body, which can create alienation, lack of self-acceptance, and more serious emotional problems. Some of the body areas explored include the head, heart, hands, feet, stomach, and pelvis, as well as body-related phenomena such as the breath, gravity, and the voice. Each topic is followed by four simple and enjoyable activities meant to improve the body-mind relationship. There are 128 activities in all. More than 250 photographs and illustrations help readers visualize and utilize the exercises described.
Move past trauma, balance your emotions, and reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom in The Body Awareness Workbook for Trauma. There is a piercing epidemic of trauma in the world today. Every few days there are reports of another tragedy, of more lives lost to gun violence, loved ones and family homes lost to floods, hurricanes, or fires. Women have come to speak openly about the trauma of sexual assault, and we are finally talking openly about the trauma inflicted on people of color, on transgender people, and immigrants. But now that this trauma is out in the open, how do we heal? For years, we’ve understood the connection between trauma and mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. But somatic psychology has recently shown that our bodies hold on to trauma, and trauma can manifest in physical symptoms, such as pain, hormone imbalance, sexual dysfunction, and addiction. In addition, we now know that developmental trauma—trauma that emerges when basic childhood needs are not met—can result in profound emotional stress and lead to serious diseases. Building on this knowledge, this cutting-edge guide offers simple skills for connecting and calming your body, balancing your emotions, and rewiring old patterns of reactivity for better self-regulation. The mind-body approach in this book is designed to guide you away from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma and toward posttraumatic growth. Using these exercises, you’ll learn how to reconnect and relate to your body—and yourself as a whole—in a new and healthy way. If you’re ready to move past your trauma and rediscover your body’s innate capacity for healing, growth, vitality, and joy, this unique guide will help light the way.
The need to create an intimate connection with your body is more essential than ever. With the rising costs of health care and the exponential growth of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and cancer, people are looking for a new way to relate to their bodies in order to optimize health and wellness. Currently many are willing to be more pro-active when it comes to their health, and want to be more responsible for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Fear arises when an unexplainable health ailment shows up, and they feel powerless as to how to address or resolve it. Have you ever considered the possibility that your neck pain could be caused by worrying about a loved one, difficulties with a co-worker, or by feeling out of control in your life? For the past century, scientists have been researching the connection between the mind and body. Documented research now proves that a person's thoughts or emotions can affect the immune system, create muscle pains, and manifest as digestion issues. In these pages, you will learn about the mind-body connection as viewed in the Western medicine and Eastern disciplines. This book is a resource that details an array of health conditions with their presenting symptoms, Western treatment methods, the underlying mental-emotional component, complete with action steps you can take to assist in your healing process. If you are ready to take ownership and responsibility of your body, this is the book for you. Infinite Body Awareness will help you to establish an intimate relationship with the one element in your life you can totally trust - your body!
Channel Sanaya Roman presents Personal Power through Awareness, given to her by Orin, a timeless being of love and light. In the tradition of Jane Roberts, Esther Hicks, and Edgar Cayce, this wise and gentle spirit teacher offers an accelerated, step-by-step course in sensing energy. Using these easy-to-follow processes, thousands have learned to create immediate and profound changes in their lives and relationships. With the assistance of this bestselling classic, you can see immediate results in your life when you learn how to: • Be aware of the unseen energy you are in and around. • Listen to and take action on your intuition. • Develop your telepathic abilities. • Receive energy and light from your higher self, soul, and divine Self. • Connect with your guides and inner teachers. • Change your inner dialog and raise your vibration. Your sensitivity is a gift! You can use the information in this book to: • Become aware of the effect other people are having on you. • Stay neutral around others. • Stop being affected by other people's moods or negativity. • Love who you are and express your truth. • Learn when to pay attention to your own needs and when to be selfless. • Stay centered and balanced. • Increase the positive energy around you.
In this inspiring guide, Peter Ralston presents a program of "physical education" for anyone interested in body improvement. Using simple, clear language to demystify the Zen mindset, he draws on more than three decades of experience teaching students and apprentices worldwide who have applied his body-being approach. More of a transformative guide than a specific list of exercises devoted to any particular physical approach, Zen Body-Being explains how to create a state of mental control, enhanced feeling-awareness, correct structural alignment, increased spatial acuity, and even a greater interactive presence. Exercises are simple, often involving feeling-imagery and meditative awareness, which have a profound and sometimes instant effect. Where similar guides teach readers what to do, this book teaches readers how to be.
Body Awareness as Healing Therapy: The Case of Nora is Moshe Feldenkrais' classic study of his work with Nora, a woman who has suffered a severe stroke and lost her neuromuscular coordination, including the ability to read and write. Feldenkrais uses rational and intuitive approaches to help his student relearn basic motor skills. One can observe here the groundwork of Feldenkrais' extraordinary insights which became known as the Feldenkrais Method. We follow his detailed descriptions of the trial and error process which led him to see the ingredients that were needed to help Nora reshape her attention, perception, imagination and cognition.
Before The Law of Attraction there was Neville Goddard and his message about changing reality through the power of the imagination. The author of ten inspirational books, Goddard was a popular speaker on metaphysical themes. In his 1952 publication The Power of Awareness, he voiced many of the ideas that are now in the mainstream of contemporary self-help circles, including the concept that your thoughts control your destiny and that in order to change your current physical state you must first change your mind. His ten easy exercises help readers cultivate a positive attitude that makes all things possible. This edition features another of Goddard's empowering titles, Awakened Imagination, in which the author expounds upon his belief that Christ is within each of us and can help us achieve our desires through imaginative effort. Goddard illuminates his philosophy with quotations from Yeats, Blake, and the Bible as well as inspiring anecdotes of his personal experiences.
Life just got easier because amidst the material world constructs that are now dissolving due to the lack of low dense energy to power them, our higher vibrational energy is being utilized to create a whole new world in which to live. Where we place our self in this restructuring is our own choice. It is a choice we so easily make when we have all the information regarding the energy dynamics of creation itself: we are a sovereign spiritual being and our acceptance brings that energy into our daily life, so all that we hold dear to our heart becomes manifest. With Human Energy-Body Awareness, you receive information that reflects you to you. When we apply the question, "Is life living you, or do you live life?" we open a portal to empowerment. This will raise our Energy-Body Vibration and allow us to free ourselves from the illusion that physical reality is somehow responsible for things that happen to us.