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Two former best friends struggle to fit in and join the inner circles of middle school social life in this absorbing second entry of a duology about a resilient friendship, the pressure to conform, and the power of self-acceptance. Picking up where The Popularity Pact: Camp Clique left off, the second book in this exciting duology finds former best friends Bea and Maisy preparing for the new school year. Bea kept up her end of the bargain, getting Maisy "in" with the girls at camp. Now it's Maisy's turn to fulfill her promise to ingratiate Bea with the popular girls. When Bea is accepted into this new inner circle, she begins to lose sight of what true friendship is all about. As Bea seems prepared to sacrifice anything to be "cool," Maisy realizes there's more to life than hanging out with a bunch of mean girls. Can she convince Bea that the popularity pact was a mistake? Can these former friends find their way back to each other?
Following the events of Camp Clique, it's Maisy's turn to get her former friend Bea accepted into a desirable social clique at school.
This interactive book compels both reluctant and sports-crazed readers to its pages by examining how various teams from a range of sports received their names. Teen and pre-teen readers will gain knowledge of history, science, literature, math, and a slew of other subjects through the lens of notable sports teams.
Veteran educators Seifert and Vornberg utilize the six standards created by the Interstate School Leaders Consortium (ISLLIC) and used in developing and redesigning preparation programs and state certification examinations to discuss those issues faced by practicing elementary and secondary school principals. Each chapter begins with a short case study emanating from a fictitious school district and culminates with student activities that address the concepts discussed in the chapter. Questions and activities follow and provide the reader with an opportunity to apply the concepts discussed. This design makes it an ideal text for use with principal certification programs offered by higher education units and other alternative certification programs. The practice of the principalship is viewed by the authors as a systematic process that addresses the operation of a school as a set of interrelated parts and skills that work together to create a self-correcting model of student learning, teaching, and stakeholder participation. An instructor's manual is available as a separate publication.
The numerous anti-bullying programs in schools across the United States have done little to reduce the number of reported bullying instances. One reason for this is that little attention has been paid to the role of the media and popular culture in adolescents' bullying and mean-girl behavior. This book addresses media role models in television, film, picture books, and the Internet in the realm of bullying and relational aggression. It highlights portrayals with unproductive strategies that lead to poor resolutions or no resolution at all. Young viewers may learn ineffective, even dangerous, ways of handling aggressive situations. Victims may feel discouraged when they are unable to handle the situation as easily as in media portrayals. They may also feel their experiences are trivialized by comic portrayals. Entertainment programming, aimed particularly at adolescents, often portray adults as incompetent or uncaring and include mean-spirited teasing. In addition, overuse of the term "bully" and defining all bad behavior as "bullying" may dilute the term and trivialize the problem.
At a time when the public, researchers, and policymakers are losing confidence in public schooling, this presentation of case studies of four schools offers solutions and concrete models of diverse ways in which excellence can be attained in middle-grade schools. Asking what "effectiveness" means for the young adolescent age group (a hitherto unexplored area in research literature), how effective schools come about, and how they achieve acceptance in their communities, Lipsitz identifies and examines successful middle-grade schools that foster healthy social development and academic achievement. She establishes a framework for examining successful middle-grade schools, noting that the major problem in schooling is meeting the massive individual differences in the development of early adolescents.
What can a spell-checker tell you about economic trends? Why is the world’s supply of ideas about to double? What did America get right in the nineteenth century that it’s getting wrong in the twenty-first? If Karl Marx were alive today, would he be hosting a show on Fox News? These are just a few of the provocative questions asked by Sonic Boom, a (mainly) optimistic look at the near future. Sonic Boom tells why the world’s economy is likely to be just fine, with prosperity increasing; why globalization will soon drive us even crazier than it does today; why “a chaotic, raucous, unpredictable, stress-inducing, free, prosperous, well-informed, and smart future is coming.” The book is rich with specific examples and advice on how to navigate your own way through the craziness that’s ahead. Forbes calls Gregg Easterbrook “the best writer on complex topics in the United States,” and Sonic Boom will show you why.
Your Daily Dose of College Life Welcome to college--you've just been assigned to work on a group project with kids who never come to class, your roommate keeps eating all your snacks, and to top it all off, someone threw your wet laundry on the floor to make room for their own. Needless to say, college isn't always what you'd expect, but Who Moved My Laundry? can help get you through all of college life's surprises. This book is the only one you'll need if you want to survive life as a freshman. Featuring practical advice, facts, and tips for each day of the year, this handy guide covers every aspect of college (even the things your friends and family forgot to mention). From finding an on-campus job and rushing a fraternity or sorority to dropping the freshman 15 and Facebooking future roommates, Who Moved My Laundry? gives you all the information you need to get through your first year of college in one piece.