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This book describes in exquisite detail the political thoughts of president Donald Trump. The range of topics is wide: taxes, defense, immigration, women's rights, climate change, foreign relations, technology, to name a few.
This book aims to recover from ancient and modern thinkers valuable arguments about statesmanship, leadership, and tyranny which illuminate reassessments of political science and practice after the election of Donald Trump. Like almost everyone else, contemporary political scientists were blind-sided by the rise of Trump. No one expected a candidate to win who repeatedly violated both political norms and the conventional wisdom about campaign best practices. Yet many of the puzzles that Trump’s rise presents have been examined by the great political philosophers of the past. For example, it would come as no surprise to Plato that by its very emphasis on popularity, democracy creates the potential for tyranny via demagoguery. And, perhaps no problem is more alien to empirical political science than asking if statesmanship entails virtue or if so, in what that virtue consists: This is a theme treated by Plato, Aristotle, and Machiavelli, among others. Covering a range of thinkers such as Confucius, Plutarch, Kant, Tocqueville, and Deleuze, the essays in this book then seek to place the rise of Trump and the nature of his political authority within a broader institutional context than is possible for mainstream political science.
This book seeks to address the relation of political philosophy and Donald Trump as a political phenomenon through the notions of patriotism, cosmopolitanism, and civic virtue. Political philosophers have been prescient in explaining trends that may explain our political misgivings. Madison warned during the debates on the Constitution that democracies are vulnerable to factions based on passion for personalities and beliefs; various continental thinkers have addressed the problem of nihilism—the modern loss of faith in objective standards of truth and morality—that in Max Weber’s analysis pointed to the importance of charisma, in Carl Schmitt’s to the idea that politics is essentially rooted in the definition of friends and enemies, and in early Heidegger resulted in the emphasis on the enduring significance of local, rather than cosmopolitan values. The former concerns—regarding demagoguery, charisma and nihilism—will enable an evaluation of Trump as a political character, while the latter concerns—regarding the status of universal versus local values—will enable us to evaluate the content of “Trumpism.” Taken together, these essays seek to advance the public conversation about the relationship between the rise of Trump and the ideological forces that seek to justify that rise.
Leading historians provide perspective on Trump’s four turbulent years in the White House The Presidency of Donald J. Trump presents a first draft of history by offering needed perspective on one of the nation’s most divisive presidencies. Acclaimed political historian Julian Zelizer brings together many of today’s top scholars to provide balanced and strikingly original assessments of the major issues that shaped the Trump presidency. When Trump took office in 2017, he quickly carved out a loyal base within an increasingly radicalized Republican Party, dominated the news cycle with an endless stream of controversies, and presided over one of the most contentious one-term presidencies in American history. These essays cover the crucial aspects of Trump’s time in office, including his administration’s close relationship with conservative media, his war on feminism, the solidification of a conservative women’s movement, his response to COVID-19, the border wall, growing tensions with China and NATO allies, white nationalism in an era of Black Lives Matter, and how the high-tech sector flourished. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump reveals how Trump was not the cause of the political divisions that defined his term in office but rather was a product of long-term trends in Republican politics and American polarization more broadly. With contributions by Kathleen Belew, Angus Burgin, Geraldo Cadava, Merlin Chowkwanyun, Bathsheba Demuth, Gregory Downs, Jeffrey Engel, Beverly Gage, Nicole Hemmer, Michael Kazin, Daniel C. Kurtzer, James Mann, Mae Ngai, Margaret O’Mara, Jason Scott Smith, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and Leandra Zarnow.
Power grabs, partisan stand-offs, propaganda, and riots make for tantalizing fiction, but what do we do when that drama becomes a reality all around us? For a country founded as an escape from British tyranny, the United States seems to have devolved into a land where tyrants rise to power, sycophants blindly follow, and the entire nation suffers. As ancient Greek philosophers warned us, chaotic tragedy unfolds in the absence of reason, and the only cure is a return to wisdom and virtue. America’s founding fathers knew this lesson all too well and dreamed of an enlightened citizenry guided by better-than-ideological dictators. Using contemporary events to illuminate universal human weaknesses, Andrew Fiala charts the perennial history of tyrannical takeovers and the masses who support them and ultimately suffer under their rule. Ultimately, Fiala also points to a solution. Knowing the cyclical nature of tyranny, we can build safeguards against our worst inclinations and keep alive the freedoms our founding fathers envisioned for this nation.
The United States, the powerful leading nation of the Western world, is in trouble. Her society is deeply divided, and moral and intellectual confusion sweeps the country and permeates politics, media, science, and the arts. The author confirms this premise in his persuasive analysis of the terms of the 44th and 45th US presidents – two political leaders opposed in character, ideology, and statesmanship – as well as the transition to the 46th and his first year in office. He directs his critique equally at social and cultural issues, as well as at foreign policy and national security challenges that have emerged in contemporary American history during this decade and a half. Living in the United States during this period and having previously worked as a guest lecturer in the United States, the author was able to directly observe, analyze, and compare political, social, and cultural processes and decisions with media coverage and public discourse on both sides of the Atlantic. This made it possible, in addition to the steadily increasing ideological division of politics and society and the anarchic agitation of radical forces, to point out and correct the propaganda performance of the media and their construction of illusory realities on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Particular attention and deep emphasis are placed on developments in national security and international relations. Thus, the reader is familiarized with the genesis of the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the events in Libya and Syria, their geostrategic backgrounds, and security policy contexts. The entire analysis – embedded in the author's socio-philosophical hermeneutic on questions of truth, justice, and morality – leads to the inescapable conclusion that the fundamental challenge to Western civilization and its societies is primarily spiritual and not material. Accordingly, the author argues for a reconfiguration of reason in the sense of critical political thought and the need to revive philosophical and metaphysical traditions of thought to ensure or restore all-encompassing literacy in all segments of society and the state. From the fundamental level of political and moral philosophy, he challenges the dictates of scientific rationality as the exclusive model of dealing with social and political challenges. He calls for the revival of a comprehensive framework of meaning that reinforces the metaphysical and spiritual dimensions of human consciousness. In analyzing the impact of the decisions and policies of political administration on the nation and global affairs, he explains why human coexistence at all levels requires the recognition of a minimal moral disposition, a nominal common ethical denominator, and human recognition. This thought-provoking memorandum reveals the tragic consequences of the lack of philosophical wisdom in the community. His critical review offers solutions and ideas for an overdue course correction and explains why the rebirth of proper conservatism is essential to the survival of this nation and Western civilization. For an objective assessment and informed criticism of the upcoming presidential election in the USA in November 2024, this book provides important insights into the United States political system and the current dispositions of the political parties and the major media conglomerates.
Awarded The New York Times Critics' Top Books of 2017 Lost Tycoon presents an unvarnished, in-depth portrayal of the man who vows to “Make America Great Again.” Although first published in 1993, Lost Tycoon shows us that The Donald’s personal character, political philosophy, business ethics, and attitude towards women haven’t changed much in the past two decades. Trump is a man of many lives. He is arguably the greatest self-promoter in the annals of American business. After inheriting a fortune, he made and lost billions in real estate and casino gambling, rising phoenix-like from his own ashes. He is a reality television show star, a father, a grandfather, and an alleged rapist. In Hollywood terms, he has literally been the producer and director of his own biopic—a real life “Citizen Kane” —whose father hammered the same lines into his head when was a little boy: “You are a killer . . . you are a king . . . you are a killer . . .you are a king.” Harry Hurt has created a cinema verité-style narrative which allows the words and actions of the principals to speak for themselves. It is indisputable that Donald’s exploits in business, entertainment, and politics prove that he is—to borrow a metaphor from Fred Trump Sr.—”a killer.” Reading this important biography about the real Donald Trump will help you to make an informed and engaged choice as to whether he is worthy of being “king.”
New York Times bestselling authors and close advisors to the president Corey R. Lewandowski and David N. Bossie write from the front lines of Trump's battle to keep America great. Trump: America First gives the reader a firsthand and inside account of the Trump administration's battle for the soul of America. As we face the most critical presidential election of our lifetimes, we find ourselves buried in an avalanche of political spin, candidate talking points, and slick campaign ads. Then, just as you're ready to give up, along comes a book that makes sense of a political time like none that have come before.Written with the urgency of a countdown and by President Trump's two top outside political advisors and friends, Corey R. Lewandowski and David N. Bossie, Trump: America First blasts through the nonsense to deliver a first-hand account of the Trump presidency and reelection campaign during its most tumultuous time. From the COVID-19 shutdown in March to the campaign leadership shakeup and reset in July, Lewandowski and Bossie are present for every big moment, and now the reader is too. With unprecedented access to President Trump, the authors take us inside the Oval Office, aboard Air Force One, and backstage at Trump rallies. As they did in their first two blockbuster New York Times bestsellers, Lewandowski and Bossie show a side of the president few get to see. Along the way, Lewandowski and Bossie also tell of their own battles with the forces aligned against the president, and bring us inside the White House to the rough-and-tumble world of Trump's West Wing.Trump: America First also makes a case for electing Donald Trump to a second term. From revamping our trade with China to replacing NAFTA, from NATO to Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump leaves Joe Biden in the dust. Written with the authors' usual wit and political insight, America First is truly a book a political book for our time.
In "SAVE AMERICA", President Donald J. Trump offers an unparalleled look into his four years as the 45th President of the United States, and a vision for his next term! "SAVE AMERICA" is filled with iconic moments from the first Trump Administration. From Historic Summits with World Leaders to candid scenes from the White House, every photo has been selected by President Trump, alongside his words, which provide insight into what will shape his next four years in office. Lavishly illustrated and beautifully designed, "SAVE AMERICA" showcases President Trump's major themes and accomplishments, including record-breaking trade negotiations, tax cuts, international diplomacy, and Border security. This blend of powerful imagery and commentary paints a clear picture of President Trump's future vision for our Country. "SAVE AMERICA" is the only book which highlights the past, and offers a roadmap for the future directly from President Donald J. Trump!
The instant #1 bestseller, now updated with new reporting. “This taut and terrifying book is among the most closely observed accounts of Donald J. Trump’s shambolic tenure in office to date." - Dwight Garner, The New York Times Washington Post national investigative reporter Carol Leonnig and White House bureau chief Philip Rucker, both Pulitzer Prize winners, provide the definitive insider narrative of Donald Trump’s presidency “I alone can fix it.” So proclaimed Donald J. Trump on July 21, 2016, accepting the Republican presidential nomination and promising to restore what he described as a fallen nation. Yet as he undertook the actual work of the commander in chief, it became nearly impossible to see beyond the daily chaos of scandal, investigation, and constant bluster. In fact, there were patterns to his behavior and that of his associates. The universal value of the Trump administration was loyalty—not to the country, but to the president himself—and Trump’s North Star was always the perpetuation of his own power. With deep and unmatched sources throughout Washington, D.C., Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker reveal the forty-fifth president up close. Here, for the first time, certain officials who felt honor-bound not to divulge what they witnessed in positions of trust tell the truth for the benefit of history. A peerless and gripping narrative, A Very Stable Genius not only reveals President Trump at his most unvarnished but shows how he tested the strength of America’s democracy and its common heart as a nation.