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The Poem of Hashish (1821) by Charles Pierre Baudelaire was first published in 1850. This is the Aleister Crowley translation of 1895. Charles Baudelaire was an early precursor to the French symbolist movement of the late nineteenth century. The literary movement was a reaction to realism and placed a lot of emphasis on the power of dreams and the imagination as tools for communicating ideals through symbols. Synaesthesia was one the great tools of the symbolists and Baudelaire wrote of hashish: "By graduations, external objects assume unique appearances in the endless combining and transfiguring of forms. Ideas are distorted; perceptions are confused. Sounds are clothed in colors and colors in music." Baudelaire utilised the dream as the symbolic ground of the drug experience. Charles Baudelaire (1821 – 1867) was a French poet who produced notable work as an essayist, art critic, and pioneering translator of Edgar Allan Poe. His most famous work, Les Fleurs du mal (The Flowers of Evil), expresses the changing nature of beauty in modern, industrializing Paris during the 19th century. Baudelaire's highly original style of prose-poetry influenced a whole generation of poets including Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud and Stéphane Mallarmé among many others. He is credited with coining the term "modernity" to designate the fleeting, ephemeral experience of life in an urban metropolis, and the responsibility art has to capture that experience.
A comprehensive and factual essay in which Baudelaire analyses the feelings, both pleasurable and torturous, experienced by an opium user and the intense effort it takes to overcome the addiction. Delving deep into the subject, he traces the origins of the plant from which hashish is made. The essay is highly informative and serves as a warning to current and would-be opium users.
French literary figure Charles Baudelaire was a member of the infamous Club of the Hashish-Eaters, a Parisian literary group dedicated to the exploration of altered states of consciousness, principally through the use of hashish. The Poem of Hashish was first published in 1850. This is Aleister Crowley's translation of it, from 1895. Baudelaire was part of the French art movement known as Symbolism, which acted as a reaction to realism and placed a lot of emphasis on the power of dreams and the imagination as tools for communicating ideals through symbols.
In the 1840s Charles Baudelaire was a regular member of the infamous Club des Hashischins ("Club of the Hashish-Eaters"), a Parisian literary group dedicated to the exploration of altered states of consciousness, principally through the use of hashish (a concentrated form of cannabis resin). Other notable members of this group included Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Gerard de Nerval, Honore de Balzac, and Theophile Gautier, all dedicated to experimenting with drugs and drug-induced states. As a denizen of the Hashishin Club, Charles Baudelaire was well-placed to turn his drug experiences, and those of others, into literature. Inspired by Thomas de Quincey's 1821 Confessions Of An Opium-Eater (which he would also translate into French), he turned his writing to drug intoxication around 1850, eventually producing a collection of drug-related writings titled Artificial Paradise, published in 1858. As well as a modified version of an earlier essay, now titled "On Wine And Hashish", Artificial Paradise contained this "The Poem Of Hashish", a lengthy dissertation on the effects of prolonged hashish use.Let it be well understood then, by worldly and ignorant folk, curious of acquaintance with exceptional joys, that they will find in hashish nothing miraculous, absolutely nothing but the natural in a superabundant degree. The brain and the organism upon which hashish operates will only give their ordinary and individual phenomena, magnified, it is true, both in quantity and quality, but always faithful to their origin. Man cannot escape the fatality of his moral and physical temperament. Hashish will be, indeed, for the impressions and familiar thoughts of the man, a mirror which magnifies, yet no more than a mirror. Here is the drug before your eyes: a little green sweetmeat, about as big as a nut, with a strange smell; so strange that it arouses a certain revulsion, and inclinations to nausea—as, indeed, any fine and even agreeable scent, exalted to its maximum strength and (so to say) density, would do. There! there is happiness; heaven in a teaspoon; happiness, with all its intoxication, all its folly, all its childishness. You can swallow it without fear; it is not fatal; it will in nowise injure your physical organs. Perhaps (later on) too frequent an employment of the sorcery will diminish the strength of your will; perhaps you will be less a man than you are today; but retribution is so far off, and the nature of the eventual disaster so difficult to define! What is it that you risk? A little nervous fatigue to-morrow—no more. Do you not every day risk greater punishments for less reward?
In the 1840s, Charles Baudelaire was a regular member of the infamous Club des Hashischins ("Club of the Hashish-Eaters”), a Parisian literary group dedicated to the exploration of altered states of consciousness, principally through the use of hashish (a concentrated form of cannabis resin). Other notable members of this group included Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Gerard de Nerval, Honoré de Balzac, and Théophile Gautier, all dedicated to experimenting with drugs and drug-induced states. As a denizen of the Hashishin Club, Charles Baudelaire was well-placed to turn his drug experiences, and those of others, into literature. Inspired by Thomas de Quincey's 1821 Confessions Of An Opium-Eater (which he would also translate into French), he turned his writing to drug intoxication around 1850, eventually producing a collection of drug-related writings titled Artificial Paradise, published in 1858. As well as a modified version of an earlier essay, now titled "On Wine And Hashish”, Artificial Paradise contained "The Poem Of Hashish”, a lengthy dissertation on the effects of prolonged hashish use. This special ebook edition of Baudelaire's writings on hashish and alcohol contains both "On Wine And Hashish”and "The Poem Of Hashish”, plus the bonus text "Get Drunk”, a prose-poetic exhortation to perpetual inebriation.
Initially composed for newspaper publication, and inspired by Thomas De Quincey'sConfessions of an Opium Eater,Baudelaire's musings on wine and hashish provide acute and fascinating psychological insight into the mind of the addict.On Wine and Hashishasserts the ambivalence of memory, urging a union of willpower and sensual pleasure as Baudelaire claims that wine and hashish bring about an escape of narrative time. This characteristic theme anticipates his famous prose poems, "Le Spleen de Paris," in which drunkennessas induced by wine, poetry, or virtueis celebrated in extraordinary style.
THE HASHISH EATER (1920), an extraordinary prose-poem of malignant cosmic decadence and psychedelic evil, remains the signature work of its creator, the prolific fantasy author Clark Ashton Smith. Figuring prominently in the ranks of classic drug literature, THE HASHISH EATER clearly shows the influence on Smith of ninteenth century symbolists and visionary decadents such as Huysmans, Baudelaire, and William Beckford, allied to an avant-garde evocation of galactic horror. This special ebook edition of THE HASHISH EATER also includes the author's own summary of the work, plus a rare bonus chapter, Smith's hallucinatory fragment IN A HASHISH DREAM.
When Fitz Hugh Ludlow was in college, he found a jar of cannabis extract at his pharmacy, deduced that this was the fabled “hashish” described in The Arabian Nights and The Count of Monte Cristo, and gave in to his curiosity by swallowing a spoonful. His life would never be the same. The Hashish Eater attempts to describe the bizarre distortions of perspective and imagination that Ludlow experienced on extraordinarily large doses of cannabis. Because cannabis was mostly unknown in the English-speaking world at that time, he didn’t have the vocabulary to describe his “trips,” and he couldn’t expect his readers to have had similar experiences to compare. Because of this, he tests the limits of metaphor and creative description; and because of that, his work remains an important document to both understanding and poetically revealing the phenomenology of cannabis intoxication. This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks.
The Psychology of Hashish is an autobiographical essay of Aleister Crowley's experimentation with cannabis. Heavy use of hashish during Thelema rituals comprise the important part of Crowley's philosophy. In this essay, Crowley explains the importance of drug use during the rituals, calling it an aid to mysticism.