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This book is the introduction to the Zion series. It explores many of the defining qualities, characteristics, and attributes of a Zion person. This book is the foundational work upon which the 7-book Zion series was written. It explores the following topics: Living in the Highest Priesthood Society Gathering Around Zion Principles for an Exalted Purpose Embracing Beauty Becoming Unified-"Of One Heart and One Mind" Striving for Equality-"No Poor Among Them" Becoming Selfless and Giving Christian Service Exhibiting the Pure Love of Christ Experiencing True Happiness, Joy, and the Fullness of Life Becoming Holy Achieving the State of Blessedness Experiencing True Safety and Security Obtaining an Abundance in All Things Embracing the Law of Consecration and Enjoying God's Presence
Introductory volume to The pillars of Zion series which includes this introductory volume and seven books. Introductory volume includes tables of contents for the first five books published. Series is intended to be completed in eight books, an introductory volume and 7 books. The series of books discusses in depth the three covenants (pillars) sufficient to establish Zionlike qualities in our individual lives, in our marriages, families or in a priesthood society. This series explores former Zion societies, the contrast between Zion and Babylon, the three covenants upon which Zion lives are built, the elememts of our journey to achieve a Zionlike life, and a portrait of the pure in heart.
This book contains a comparison between the Zion account in 3rd Nephi and latter-day Zion, a look back at ancient Zion societies, how we were prepared to become Zion people, and a vivid description of Babylon. This volume explores the following: Introduction - Parallels between the 3 Nephi Saints and the Latter-day Saints - An Important Key to Establishing Zion - Enoch's Dispensation Is a Pattern - The Three Pillars of Zion Section 1: Zion - What Do We Know of It? - Zion Is Our Ideal - The Celestial Order - Zion and Babylon - Exact Opposites - Becoming a Zion Person Section 2: Overview of Zion Peoples - Fall from Zion - The Way Back to Zion Revealed - Zion - A New Way of Life - Surety of a Better World - Adam's Zion - Enos's Zion - Enoch's Zion - Methuselah and Noah's Zion - Melchizedek's Zion - Abraham's Zion - Moses' Attempt at Zion - Alma the Elder's Zion - King Benjamin's Zion - Alma the Younger's Zion - The Apostles' Zion - The Nephites' Zion - Joseph Smith's Zion - Latter-day Zion - Summary and Conclusion Section 3: We Were Prepared to Become Latter-day Zion People - Divine Appointment - Special Spirits of the Royal Generation - Perspective on the Cosmic War - Preparation in the "First Place" - Summary and Conclusion Section 4: Babylon the Great - Anti-Christ Philosophy - Cain - Nimrod - Sodom and Gomorrah - Descriptions of Babylon - Babylon As a Religion - The "Great Church" of the Devil - Babylon As a Temple - Nephi's Description of Babylon - Spiritual Babylon - Competition - Hypocrites - False Philosophies - Popularity - Latter-day Babylon - Prophetic Description of Our Time - Babylon Today Compared to the Days of Noah - Paul's Prophecy - Inverting the Truth - Moroni's Prophecy - The Fall of Babylon - Samuel the Lamanite's Parallel Denunciation of Babylon - Go Ye Out from Babylon - And Much More"
The Pillars of Zion series is intended to be completed in eight books, an introductory volume and 7 books. The series of books discusses in depth the three covenants (pillars) sufficient to establish Zionlike qualities in our individual lives, in our marriages, families or in a priesthood society. This series explores former Zion societies, the contrast between Zion and Babylon, the three covenants upon which Zion lives are built, the elememts of our journey to achieve a Zionlike life, and a portrait of the pure in heart.
The pillars of Zion series is intended to be completed in eight books, an introductory volume and 7 books. The series of books discusses in depth the three covenants (pillars) sufficient to establish Zionlike qualities in our individual lives, in our marriages, families or in a priesthood society. This series explores former Zion societies, the contrast between Zion and Babylon, the three covenants upon which Zion lives are built, the elememts of our journey to achieve a Zionlike life, and a portrait of the pure in heart.
A 5-book series collection describing the three covenants that form the foundation of a Zion person's life.
This is Book 2 in Pillars of Zion Series. This book explores in detail the laws, ordinances and blessings comprising the New and Everlasting Covenant, the first pillar of Zion. This book also contrasts the Covenant with the customs of the Jewish marriage, which metaphor permeates the scriptures. This volume includes the following: Section 1: Preface to the New and Everlasting Covenant - The Plan of Happiness - The Covenant of the Gods - Happiness Encompasses All That Is Good - Balancing Justice and Mercy - Placed beyond Our Enemies - How Mercy Appeases Justice - Experiencing Contrasts Leads to Happiness - Overview of the New and Everlasting Covenant - The Covenant of Justice - Who Are the Just, and How Are They Justified? - Justification and Agency - Celestial Law - Preserved, Perfected, and Sanctified by the Laws of God - Blessed As If We Understood - The Covenant of Mercy - Mercy and Grace - Justification - Purification - Sanctification - Our Responsibility - The Crucible-The Baptism of Fire - Purified and Sanctified to Make an Offering - Oneness or Unification - Oneness and the Law of Restoration - Restoration and Resurrection - Hundredfold Restoration - Oneness and Deliverance - Summary and Conclusion Section 2" The New and Everlasting Covenant-The First Pillar of Zion - The Structure of the Covenant - The New and Everlasting Covenant As an Agreement - 1. Introduction - 2. The Covenant of Justice - 3. The Covenant of Mercy - 4. The Covenant of Baptism - 4a) Agreement to Renew and Abide in the Covenant of Baptism - 4b) Agreement to Live the Law of the Sabbath Day - 5. Agreement to Receive the Covenant of the Priesthood - 5a) Worthy Men Agree to Be Ordained - 5b) Ordained Men Agree to Magnify Their Calling - 5c) Ordained Men Agree to Continued Faithfulness - 6. Abide in the Covenant to the End - Blessings for Enduring to the End - The Father's Guarantee - Effective Signatures Section 3: Abide in the Covenant - The Leavening Power of the Doctrine of the Covenant - The Covenant Separates Us from Babylon, or the World - Zion People Are Distinguished by Observing the Sabbath Day - Power in the Covenant - Other Powers Manifested in the Covenant - Safety in the Covenant - Safety through Consecration in the Covenant - The Great Discovery - Examples of Safety in the Covenant - Progressing in the Covenant - Discovering the Relationship through Progression - Order in the Covenant - Order and Ordinances - Order and Consecration - Abide in the Covenant - Abiding in the Covenant Summons Divine Love - Abiding in the Covenant through the Sacrament - Summary and Conclusion Section 4: The New and Everlasting Covenant-The Holy Marriage - Born to Marry - The Parents' Responsibility and the Bride's Choice - Requirements to Legalize the Covenant - Initiating the Marriage Proposal - Entering into the Covenant - Bought with a Price - The Marriage Contract - The Gift of Value - The Pledge - The Cup to Seal the Covenant - The Covenantal Feast - The Father's Announcement - The Bride's Veil - The Friend of the Bridegroom - Preparing for Each Other - The Serious Nature of Preparing - The Bride's Final Preparations - Invitation to the Wedding - The Wedding Processional - Claiming the Bride - The Wedding - The Bridegroom's Plea"
This is book 6 of the Pillars of Zion Series. This book questions our attitude toward wealth-seeking and accumulating and our treatment of those who live in poverty. In the end, how we answer these questions determines whether or not we are Zion people. The principles outlined in this book describe how to achieve unequalled abundance the Lord's way while not devolving into Babylon. This volume includes the following: Introduction: Dream of a Better World -Giving Opens the Doors to Blessings -Laying the Foundation -Lessons from the Good Samaritan Chapter 1: Ultimate Test-God or Mammon -Test of Riches -Only the Pure in Heart Can Pass This Test -Lord's Willingness to Be Tested -Consecration Is All about Love -A Coming Change of Orders -Conclusion Chapter 2: Thou Shalt Not Covet-Last Law -Covetousness-Last Law -Higher and Lower Laws of Prosperity -More Weighty Matters -Trying to Mix Mammon and Zion -Warnings Against Compromise -Making Mammon Holy -Mormon's View of the Last Days Chapter 3: First Commandments of This Dispensation -No Security in Mammon -Slippery Treasures -Lazarus and the Rich Man -Take Heed and Beware of Covetousness Chapter 4: Lessons in the Scriptures Concerning Wealth -Scriptural Description of the Last Days -Scriptures about Idolatry and Wealth -Scriptures about Seeking Wealth and Forgetting God -Scriptures about Mammon, Inequality, and Divisiveness -Scriptural Evidence That the Lord Despises the Selfish Rich Chapter 5: Persecuting the Poor -Wo unto the Rich Who Despise the Poor -They Rob the Poor -Building Personal Sanctuaries -Wealth-Seeking-Sin That Hinders and Destroys the Church -Ugliness of Inequality Contrasted with the Beautiful Work of Angels -Withholding from and Judging the Poor Harshly -Evil of the Age: Life for Money -A Curse on the Daughters of Zion -Blessings for Those Who Rescue the Poor -Poor of the Lord's People Shall Trust in Zion Chapter 6: Consequences of Seeking Wealth and Persecuting the Poor -Loss of the Providences of Heaven -Loss of Priesthood Power and Exaltation -Loss of the Spirit -Loss of Revelation -Loss of the Lord's Help -Loss of True Worship -Failure in Our Mission -Loss of Peace -Loss of National Security Chapter 7: Who Shall Enter? -What Doth It Profit? -Voice of Seven Thunders -Choosing God over Mammon -Obtaining a Hope in Christ -Freely Ye Have Received, Freely Give -Feeding the Lord's Lambs -Choosing God's Marvelous Work over Babylon's Charms -Invoking the Law of Asking to Receive -Conclusion Chapter 8: Becoming the Pure in Heart -Burning Out Impurities -Persecution of the poor -Charitable Service Propels Zion -Grace to Grace by Grace for Grace -Lacking for Nothing -If Any of You Lack Chapter 9: Charity-Lifeblood of Zion -Charity Defines Discipleship -Keeping and Feeding-Two Tests of Charity -Charity-Lifeblood of Zion -Charity Is Defined by Service -Charitable Service Saves and Exalts -Charitable Service Protects the Giver -Charity Is an Absolute -Charity Is a Gift-Greatest Gift Chapter 10: Without Charity We Are Nothing -Charity-Pure Love of Christ -Charity Emerges from Faith and Hope -Charity Transforms the Heart -Charity Promotes Equality, Unity and an Abundant Life -Charitable Service Saves and Exalts -Moroni's Prayer for Latter-day Charity -Patience and Charity -Charity and Virtue-Essential Elements of Priesthood Power -Charity Draws the Lord Near -Charity Empowers All Gospel Laws Chapter 11: Hundredfold Law -Law of Restoration -Struggling with Zion and Babylon Principles -New Math -What Doth It Profit to Cling to Our Property? -Safety and Perfection in Consecration -Hundredfold Law -Freely Ye Have Received, Freely Give Chapter 12: Ultimate Abundance, Safety, and Security -True Safety and Security -Obtaining an Abundance in All Things -Telestial and Celestial Wealth -Wealth-seeking is Strictly Forbidden -God or Mammon-Ultimate Test -Abundance and Personal Righteousness -Exceedingly Prosperous And Much More"
The Pillars of Zion series is intended to be completed in eight books, an introductory volume and 7 books. The series of books discusses in depth the three covenants (pillars) sufficient to establish Zionlike qualities in our individual lives, in our marriages, families or in a priesthood society. This series explores former Zion societies, the contrast between Zion and Babylon, the three covenants upon which Zion lives are built, the elememts of our journey to achieve a Zionlike life, and a portrait of the pure in heart.
The Pillars of Zion series is intended to be completed in eight books, an introductory volume and 7 books. The series of books discusses in depth the three covenants (pillars) sufficient to establish Zionlike qualities in our individual lives, in our marriages, families or in a priesthood society. This series explores former Zion societies, the contrast between Zion and Babylon, the three covenants upon which Zion lives are built, the elememts of our journey to achieve a Zionlike life, and a portrait of the pure in heart.