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'Do children have anything to teach teachers? Jean Piaget believes that they do. As a beginning teacher, I focused on elaborate preparation of explanations and demonstrations on content. To piaget and his co-workers I owe a special debt for their ingeneous methods of exploring children's thinking and their theory of intellectual development. A study of Piaget's work, together with direct observations of children, has been instrumental in my transition to another stage of development as a teacher.' -Ed Labinowicz
Piaget & Education provides readers with a comprehensive introduction to the work of Jean Piaget. This valuable classroom work roots Piaget's work in its historical context, and then provides dozens of classroom-based examples of how that work helps teachers understand the lives of children. It is an excellent resource for practicing teachers and student teachers, as well as undergraduate and graduate courses in teacher education, curriculum, and philosophy of education.
Offers a fascinating and understandable account of childhood development for anyone—education and psychology students, day care center workers and nursery school teachers, and parents. Jean Piaget is arguably the most important figure of the twentieth century in the field of child psychology. Over more than six decades of studying and working with children, he brilliantly and insightfully charted the stages of a child's intellectual maturation from the first years to adulthood, and in doing so pioneered a new mode of understanding the changing ways in which a child comes to grasp the world. The purpose of A Piaget Primer is to make Piaget's vital work readily accessible to teachers, therapists, students, and of course, parents. Two noted American psychologists distill Piaget's complex findings into wonderfully clear formulations without sacrificing either subtlety or significance. To accomplish this, they employ not only lucid language but such fascinating illuminations of a child's world and vision as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Winnie-the-Pooh, as well as media manifestations like Barney and Sesame Street. This completely revised edition of this classic work is as enjoyable as it is invaluable—an essential guide to comprehending and communicating with children better than we ever have before.
The Swiss psychologist shares his views on new educational techniques and the universal right to education in two texts especially prepared for UNESCO.
Proposes to show how children can be prepared to develop their full potential as 'thinking' human beings. The activities or 'games' described provide a general foundation which should help the child to deal successfully with specific academic subjects. With Additional Thoughts.
Jean Piaget's theories about the development of intelligence and their implications for educational practice are explored. Before Piaget began studying the intellectual processes of children, researchers regarded them as "little adults." He derived his early fame from his theory of the "cognitive stages" of childhood. He realized the remarks of children had meaning and revealed modes of reasoning and judgment different from those of adults. The development of the child's thinking is marked by progressive clarification of ideas from global to differentiated thought. It progresses from absolute to more relativistic thought. It also changes from static to dynamic thought as the child matures. Piaget believed thinking and intelligence were synonymous and stressed thinking as a general capacity. Learning and thinking involve the participation of the learner. He believed knowledge was not transmitted verbally, but that it must be constructed and reconstructed by the thinker/learner. Activity is indispensable to learning and thinking. The way the child moves through the stages of development may be clarified by the concepts of schemata, assimilation, accommodation, and equilibrium. The four stages of cognitive development defined by Piaget are sensory-motor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations. (DWH)
When first published in 1923, this classic work took the psychological world by storm. Piaget's views expressed in this book, have continued to influence the world of developmental psychology to this day.
Piaget helps us to see the developmental significance of a child's failures and successes in thought and action during everyday experience by breaking down each activity into its separate mental elements. We have to tried to draw the educational implications from the developmental facts thus revealed. In recent years teachers have had to learn a great deal about mental measurement as this has become an important feature in our educational structure. This has led to much emphasis on the quantitative assessment of intellectual ability, since in most intelligence tests the main concern is with the number of right responses. In his 'open-ended tests' Piaget seeks to find in a large number of situations what it is that we take for granted which the children have not grasped. To do this he examines the processes of thought and the degree of success and failure, which should be of much greater diagnostic value to the practising teacher. It also gives further support to those who believe in the need for an individual approach to each child's learning. For many years, people who have worked in child centred education have had philosophical theory and intuitive judgment to guide them, but have lacked scientific justification for what they were doing. Piaget's work is now providing scientific evidence from experiments, with concrete examples and demonstration from children's behaviour for what was previously a matter of opinion. We have chosen the examples to cover a wide age range partly to emphasise the genetic approach and partly to appeal to as wide an audience of teachers as possible. In addition we tried to choose pieces that held special promise of applicability in schools.