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With the recent publication of works from Heidegger’s Collected Edition, it has become evident that language occupied a central place in his thought “from early on,” as he claimed in his later years. Heidegger’s Path to Language takes on the timely task of guiding us through the development of his reflections on language from his younger years as a doctoral student to the later period of being-historical thinking. Wanda Torres Gregory argues that Heidegger continually pursued the question concerning the essence of language in what he later called his “background” discussions. She proposes that the clue lies in his often-implicit use of Aristotle’s definition of logos in terms of apophansis, synthesis, and phone as the guideword for his thoughts on language. Torres Gregory uncovers three different stages of this buried path of logos that she correlates with his key philosophical principles at each step: the ideal of a pure logic, the existential analytic in the project of fundamental ontology, and the meditations on the appropriating-event. Her analysis of the constants and changes in Heidegger’s way to language via logos continues with a systematic comparison of his different answers to age-old philosophical problems concerning how language relates to reality, thought, meaning, and truth. Torres Gregory concludes with a critique that unveils the later Heidegger’s dogmas and inconsistencies and challenges his concept of the mysterious language of Er-eignis with an alternative (bio-linguistic) model of its appropriating force. Heidegger’s Path to Language contributes to the scholarship in Heidegger, continental philosophy, philosophy of language, comparative literature, German studies, and linguistics. It is intended primarily for specialists in those fields and will thus be of interest mainly to college professors and graduate students.
How and why do children go from babbling to words? Locke's answer constitutes a journey through language development, taking in neurological, perceptual, social and linguistic aspects. He describes infant behaviour, as it elicits and structures the stimulation needed for learning meaningful speech.
"The workshop that originated this book was entitled "Understanding language : forty years down the garden path". It took place in July 2010." --Acknowledgements p. [xii].
Hello, my name is Stephen and I am a linguist. Some say that we are born into our vocation while others say that it is something developed over time. In the case of language acquisition, both are true. We are all inherently language learners being a highly adaptable and intuitive social species. Language will and always has taken on new and exciting forms that continuously change and adapt to new environments. Some languages die, while others flourish and change into something new. Each language has its own rhythm, its own method of thought, and its own fundamental values. In a sense, Language is everything, language is life. I have studied languages ever since I was in homeschool before 5th grade. My mother taught me to read, write, and speak Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. I read Beowulf in old English as a child. While I can remember almost nothing of these languages, the dedication instilled in me has carried on. I studied at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA. I learned and collaborated among thousands of people in my field. I learned that everyone is an individual and we all are interested by different languages. Not everyone, however, is interested in what is commonly thought of as language. The oral, visual, and auditory skills of communication are possessed by all but a passion of few. If your language is in a vocation such as science, medicine, or something else then you are probably not interested in the textbook definition of language studies. Instead, such people focus on a different sort of language acquisition and study. If you see other languages, foreign to you, as a novelty then this book is not for you. I will not be sharing my knowledge of language acquisition in areas of vocations, often referred to as jargon, but will instead be imparting my skill in the auditory, visual, and spoken word. Please take my words with a grain of salt. Do not believe everything you’re told but instead study for yourself. Give into your creative individuality and search out your own answers. All advice is free, but time is finite. I hope that you enjoy this book.
Despite using them every day, most software engineers know little about how programming languages are designed and implemented. For many, their only experience with that corner of computer science was a terrifying "compilers" class that they suffered through in undergrad and tried to blot from their memory as soon as they had scribbled their last NFA to DFA conversion on the final exam. That fearsome reputation belies a field that is rich with useful techniques and not so difficult as some of its practitioners might have you believe. A better understanding of how programming languages are built will make you a stronger software engineer and teach you concepts and data structures you'll use the rest of your coding days. You might even have fun. This book teaches you everything you need to know to implement a full-featured, efficient scripting language. You'll learn both high-level concepts around parsing and semantics and gritty details like bytecode representation and garbage collection. Your brain will light up with new ideas, and your hands will get dirty and calloused. Starting from main(), you will build a language that features rich syntax, dynamic typing, garbage collection, lexical scope, first-class functions, closures, classes, and inheritance. All packed into a few thousand lines of clean, fast code that you thoroughly understand because you wrote each one yourself.
Communication is one of life’s most fundamental joys, yet one often taken for granted until it is lost or fails to develop. Yet for millions of children each year, the skills that encompass communication stall or do not emerge at all. Even a mild disorder or temporary interruption in development can have long-term effects and result in serious and far-reaching deficits that touch every aspect of a child’s life. Each year, millions of children and their families join the ranks of those who are navigating a life they never expected, and frequently feel they are unable to take on. While it is critical to address the child’s deficits with supports and specific interventions, it is equally important to directly address the impact on the family, from the marital relationship to the well-being of siblings. With a warm and compassionate approach, Suzanne Ducharme provides parents with comprehensive information about speech and language development and the intervention process, but also delves deeply into the fears, concerns, and questions that every parent faces when something goes wrong. She provides families with information and resources, but also support and perspective. Using real stories throughout, Ducharme is able to illustrate the range of difficulties, challenges, and triumphs of families who love and support children with speech and language issues.
An incisive political tract that calls for a return to humanist values: equality, liberty, a return to community, mutual respect, freedom from poverty, and an end to theocracy and fundamentalism. The authors argue that a return to these values constitutes “a path to hope,” leading the way out of the present worldwide malaise brought on by economic collapse, moral failure, and an ignorance of history. For the authors, 20th-century fascism was no mere abstraction—it was a brutal system brought on by a similar malaise, a system they fought against. The uncertainly of our current political moment gives their book special urgency. The Path to Hope is written by two esteemed French thinkers—Stephane Hessel, editor of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and renowned philosopher and sociologist Edgar Morin. Their writings have become bestsellers throughout Europe, and have also become foundational documents underpinning the worldwide protest movement.
My heart pounded through my ears, palms sweaty, butterflies swamping my stomach. I was terrified. I had been teaching myself Spanish for a few months - without having any idea of how to actually do that - and I was about to have my very first attempt at a conversation with a native Spanish speaker on Skype.I took a deep breath as I hit the call button. I'm an introvert, so I don't often talk to strangers in English, let alone in a foreign language. Oh God. This was a stupid idea. Why am I doing this? My thoughts raced, trying to outrun my jittery emotions. Within a few seconds, my language exchange partner answered:"Hola! ¿Cómo estás?""Eh, hola," I replied meekly. "Um, estoy bien... ¿Y tú?"Thus my first ever interaction in a foreign language began. I've repeated this process in Japanese, German, Esperanto, and Portuguese - all languages which today I have varying degrees of ability in. When I first started out, and for a long time afterward, I didn't have a clue what I was doing.Through time, experience, experimentation, tips from polyglots, and my own insights as a certified professional ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher who has now given thousands of one-on-one classes, I've come a very long way. This book is the culmination of everything I've learned, packaged and presented in a way that is true to reality so that you don't have to wander and stumble lost through the forest like I did.
This collection examines the promise and limitations for computer-assisted language learning of emerging speech technologies: speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, and acoustic visualization. Using pioneering research from contributors based in the US and Europe, this volume illustrates the uses of each technology for learning languages, the problems entailed in their use, and the solutions evolving in both technology and instructional design. To illuminate where these technologies stand on the path from research toward practice, the book chapters are organized to reflect five stages in the maturation of learning technologies: basic research, analysis of learners' needs, adaptation of technologies to meet needs, development of prototypes to incorporate adapted technologies, and evaluation of prototypes. The volume demonstrates the progress in employing each class of speech technology while pointing up the effort that remains for effective, reliable application to language learning.
For the first time, an award-winning Harvard professor shares his wildly popular course on classical Chinese philosophy, showing you how ancient ideas—like the fallacy of the authentic self—can guide you on the path to a good life today. Why is a course on ancient Chinese philosophers one of the most popular at Harvard? Because it challenges all our modern assumptions about what it takes to flourish. Astonishing teachings emerged two thousand years ago through the work of a succession of Chinese scholars exploring how humans can improve themselves and their society. And what are these counterintuitive ideas? Transformation comes not from looking within for a true self, but from creating conditions that produce new possibilities. Good relationships come not from being sincere and authentic, but from the rituals we perform within them. A good life emerges not from planning it out, but through training ourselves to respond well to small moments. Influence comes not from wielding power but from holding back. Excellence comes from what we choose to do, not our natural abilities. In other words, The Path “opens the mind” (Huffington Post) and upends everything we are told about how to lead a good life. Its most radical idea is that there is no path to follow in the first place—just a journey we create anew at every moment by seeing and doing things differently. “With its…spirited, convincing vision, revolutionary new insights can be gleaned from this book on how to approach life’s multifarious situations with both heart and head” (Kirkus Reviews). A note from the publisher: To read relevant passages from the original works of Chinese philosophy, see our ebook Confucius, Mencius, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Xunzi: Selected Passages, available wherever books are sold.