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Publisher's description: "Stay away from non-biblical spiritual disciplines or methods of spiritual formation that are rooted in mysticism such as contemplative prayer, centering prayer, and the emerging church movement in which they are promoted. Look within the Seventh-day Adventist Church ..." On July 3, 2010, Elder Ted Wilson, newly elected President of the General Conference, counseled the church with this most important statement to beware of the very matters that are the subject of this book.
Publisher's description: "Stay way from non-biblical spiritual disciplines or methods of spiritual formation that are rooted in mysticism such as sontemplative prayer, centering prayer, and the emerging church movement in which they are promoted. Look within the Seventh-day Adventist Church ..." This revised and updated edition provides, in a number of places, additional material and documentation to buttress the message of the book.
SET IN THE WORLD OF KEITH LAUMER’S STAR COLONY! You are Gaspar Newlin, a junkloader in the Hillgrove Production Complex who becomes caught between rebel and government forces. You must choose to lead either a group of outlaws or a government security force as the colony ship Omega makes planet-fall to establish a new colony. Your strategies hold the key to survival! COMBAT COMMAND BOOK 6. At the publisher's request, this title is sold without DRM (Digital Rights Management).
Vanessa only wanted one thing in life, to be accepted into the Alphan Society and give back to the community that helped to raise her after she was orphaned. With the desperate need to please her superiors, she accepts a dangerous mission to infiltrate the Omega compound. Where the Alphas harness the energy of the Earth, Omega's are their opposite, their abilities parasitical in nature. Amid an imminent war brewing between the two races, Vanessa is tasked with infiltrating the Omega hideout and flushing out the name of whoever is supplying the Alpha's enemy with money and equipment. Vanessa overestimates her lack of magical abilities, especially as she comes face-to-face with the murderous Omega leader, Jǐe Lǐ. He is cold, cruel, calculating, and yet he treats Vanessa with humanity. Jǐe proves that he is willing to do anything, sacrifice anyone, in order to achieve his goals. Not all is as it seems to be though. As Vanessa is faced with a disturbing truth that just may sway her loyalties-and her heart-for good.
BREAKING THE RULES IS WHAT OMEGAS DO BEST Moving to Timberwolf Lodge didn't shake up Stephanie Nix's life much. She's content to spend time with her best friend and sister while keeping an eye out for any mystical truths hidden in plain sight. Werewolves? Not surprising. Falling in love? That'll require more than a touch of magic. Enter Blue Carter, the eccentric Omega of the Jasper wolf pack. With his bright clothes and irreverent ways, something about Blue captivates Stephanie. After four months together, she wonders if there might be something more than friendship brewing. From the moment they met, Blue sensed a possible bond with Stephanie. But untangling the complexities of mating with a human Omega isn’t easy, even for a patient wolf. Add in storms, rivals, and the return of an evil nemesis—this time even Blue might be in over his head. When the fate of Timberwolf Lodge is tossed into their laps, Steph and Blue will need to dig deep to find a way out. No worries—they’ll make it up as they go. -- Keywords: Canadian Author, paranormal, alpha hero, werewolf, fated mates For readers who enjoy Carrie Ann Ryan, Lauren Dane, Eve Langlais, Jennifer Ashley, and Cynthia Eden.
America as we know it has completely transformed. The US is ruled by a ruthless dictatorship. A genetic experiment gone wrong has made 90 percent of the newborn population male, making women a treasure that is fought over. In order to obtain that treasure and get married, a dangerous series of mind games and combat tests known as the Tournament must be won first. Allazar, a quiet twenty-year-old man living in the ruins of what used to be New York City, finds himself doing what he promised he would never do: fall in love. Upon meeting the angelic seventeen-year-old Ceirra, he finds himself instantly smitten with her, as she is with him. Allazar knows that no matter what, he must win a Tournament to marry her. Theres just one problem: as an omega (the lowest and discriminated social class in America), it is illegal for him to compete. And to make matters worse, Ceirra is in actuality the kings daughter. Allazar knows the consequences of illegally joining a Tournament just as he knows that most of the competitors that dont come out with a bride dont come out at all. In this romantic dystopian thriller, Allazar must fight not only to survive in a game that is already against him but for the rights of all those who were wronged by a corrupted, greedy, and bloodthirsty government.
Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well. Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets. Let them be only thine own, and not strangers' with thee. —Proverbs 5:15–17 Solomon’s divine counsel to the bride of Christ often goes unheeded in these last days of Earth’s history. Pastors and church members alike dip into the wells of the world and drink from the tainted source of those strangers to truth. Pastors turn and face the sun of Babylon when they attend learn at the feet of professors at schools like George Fox University that teach eastern mysticism, spiritual formation, contemplative prayer, Ignatian spirituality, which are all components of the emerging church movement. The prophet Isaiah had this word of caution found in chapter 8, verse 20: “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Even though the Holy Writ makes this stern warning, it seems that Seventh-day Adventist pastors are converging on centers of learning that train these wayward descendents of the seed of Abraham. Then their unsuspecting flocks, which they are to protectively shepherd, fall prey to the wolf in sheep’s clothing because they learn the same error that their shepherd gleaned at the university. One of these pastors went so far as to put this erroneous, Jesuit-endorsed teaching in print to disperse it to a broader audience. He notes beginning on the first page of the first chapter of his book The Green Cord Dream that “the Advent movement was born in failure rather than success, error rather than truth, darkness rather than light, and sorrow rather than joy” (pages 11, 12). In this context the author does not give credence to the prophecy of the Great Disappointment on October 22, 1844, found in Revelation 10:9, 10: “I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.” When God’s prophecy is fulfilled, how is that failure? In addition to the issue of The Green Cord Dream, author Rick Howard brings information to light in this book Meet It about The One Project movement. He answers questions like: What is it? Where did it come from? Who is responsible for its creation? On the surface it looks promising, but when delving under the superficial outer layers, the powers of darkness are found lurking. At an October 2011 meeting of The One Project group, eleven authors were noted as being “the most helpful.” Yet, they all promote and support the emerging church, spiritual formation interests. They all endorse and advance mysticism and spiritism, and all of them are leaders and teachers of these principles that are designed to win souls to Romanism. Rick Howard’s Meet It indeed probes the subtle nuances of this issue of the Omega apostasy where much is to be found. Herein he picks up where his first volume, The Omega Rebellion, stopped and offers details that opens the eyes and ears of the elect who do not want this deception to enter any of the parameters of their lives.
"What Wondrous Love delves into the controversial topic of unconditional love, examining the history of the concept, its infiltration into the theology of the church, and its dangerous effects. Although some may feel that author David Thiele downplays God's love, in reality he points readers to a truer understanding of God's love and His nature as revealed in Scripture and expounded upon in the Spirit of Prophecy, reminding all that Jesus came to this world to fulfill every condition of the righteous law of love. In so doing, we are granted the opportunity to overcome sin as Christ did and be reunited with our heavenly Father when Christ returns - What Wondrous Love, indeed!"--Page 4 of cover.
Four forty-year generations have entirely passed since 1844. Each one has failed to take hold of the high calling of being in possession of the third angel's message—the “last message of mercy” for a dying world. The delay in the return of Christ must not be charged to God's account, as though He is waiting for some celestial time clock to reach a pre-determined mark. Although God knows the day and the hour, He has been waiting for us. As we look around us at the rapid deterioration of our planet and witness the increasing fulfilment of the signs of His appearing, we get a deep sense that we are getting very close to the end, perhaps even now entering into the time Jesus spoke of as “the beginning of sorrows.” Are we—the first generation of a new cycle of four—that generation that will see the close of probation, the time of trouble, and the return of Christ? Are there any Bible and Spirit of Prophecy evidences that point to it? Read the first section of this book! In the second section, we take a panoramic view of the history of the movement, giving an understanding of the causes of the long detour into the wilderness travelled by the professed people of God. The prophet Joel points to a story that must be told—a story of the wasting of four generations (Joel 1:2-4). It is important that we hear this story. If we do not know our history as it is, we will continue to perpetuate its mistakes. The message of this book is an alarm clock set to arouse God's people in the final moments of earth's history.It is sure to shake the reader. Accept it or reject it—you won’t be able to ignore it!
Writing together with Timothy Wyllie, the angel Georgia details the events of Earth’s ancient history during the fall of Atlantis • Reveals, in detail, the devolution of Atlantean life during its society’s decline, the calamities that enveloped the civilization, and the migration of this sophisticated culture to other areas of the planet • Shares Georgia’s travels to the planet Zandana, a world facing the same problems as Earth yet taking a very different approach to their resolution • Exposes the supreme significance of Earth and how our planet is one of the worlds on which the rebel angels are reincarnating An angel of Seraphic status, Georgia arrived on this world with the first of the celestial missions, over half a million years ago. During the angelic rebellion 203,000 years ago, which led to the quarantine of Earth and 36 other planets from the Multiverse, she aligned herself with Lucifer and the rebel angels. After the rebellion, Georgia was permitted to remain on this planet as a Watcher, making occasional side-trips to Zandana, a sister planet also under the thrall of the angelic rebellion. Writing together with Timothy Wyllie, Georgia provides her personal account of Earth during the fall of Atlantis as well as accounts of her trips to Zandana. Georgia reveals, in detail, the devolution of Atlantean life during its society’s decline, the calamities that enveloped the civilization, and the migration of this sophisticated culture to other areas of the planet. She shows how the fate of Atlantis ties in with the Lucifer Rebellion and also offers us understanding of where human civilization is now in contemporary times. Her travels to the planet Zandana reveal a world at the same stage of development and facing the same problems as Earth, yet taking a very different approach to their resolution. Through her revelations, Georgia exposes the supreme significance of Earth in the larger Multiverse context and also how our planet is one of the worlds on which the rebel angels have been accorded the privilege of a mortal incarnation. She describes how this unprecedented interspecies mutation--rebel angel incarnations--started in Atlantis in the eighth millennium. Interwoven with Georgia’s narrative are her observations of Timothy Wyllie’s current and previous lives, including his involvement with the Process Church and his struggle to leave it. Georgia shares her words, in part, to awaken the 100 million rebel angels currently living their human lives, most unaware of their angelic heritage. She reveals how a mortal incarnation for a rebel angel is an opportunity to redeem their past and help prepare for the imminent transformation of global consciousness as the rebel-held planets, including Earth, are welcomed back into the Multiverse.