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What is America’s top-rank crime concern? Identity theft. According to a 2009 Gallup Crime survey, 66 percent of U.S. adults say they worry “frequently” or “occasionally” about being a victim of identity theft. Why is the percentage of adults concerned with identity theft more than three times greater than the percentage concerned with “being sexually assaulted” or “getting murdered”? Similar to the identity theft crime itself, there is not a simple answer. Identity theft is a perfect storm: it affects many people, everyone is a potential target, there are substantial negative consequences, few truly understand the crime, and trusted sources disseminate information and products that can mislead, not help, the victim. It is comparable to driving your car without a door (and having no other options). You feel exposed, vulnerable and you know the consequences of a side impact are devastating; yet, you have no other option. The reality is you do have options to protect yourself, andThe Official Identity Theft Prevention Handbookis here to teach you them. The Official Identity Theft Prevention Handbookis the first book to analyze identity theft in its proper context and provide takeaways to minimize the likelihood that you will be harmed by identity theft and to mitigate the negative consequences in the event that you've become a victim. Identity theft continues to proliferate, and it is tearing the fabric of our society. All understand it is important, but compelling people to take appropriate action is a challenge.The Official Identity Theft Prevention Handbookprovides a tremendous first step towards individual and societal responsibility. We can swing the pendulum in the other direction. In the case of identity theft, the best defense is a good offense.
Not a week goes by when identity theft isn t mentioned in the media or that a Congressional outcry isn t heard about this unrelenting crime. The first authoritative book on identity theft, Identity Theft Handbook is written by a career professional who has spent over 25 years investigating and preventing identity theft in both the public and private sectors. Its rich real-world content includes interviews with government and private sector thought leaders. As well, the costs of identity theft, future trends, and prevention guidance is discussed. For investigators, auditors, and managers.
With over 27 million identity thefts reported in the last five years and over $48 billion in theft losses to businesses and financial institutions in 2002 alone, this up-to-date and comprehensive guide is a must-have for those who want to protect themselves.
PROTECTION PREVENTION REPAIR Identity theft is the fastest-growing category of crime in the United States today, and dealing with privacy and identity issues has become an essential part of life in our modern society. Each chapter in The Identity Theft Protection Guide contains a self-quiz to identify personal areas of concern, information to help you "take action," and more. This book shows you how to: * Minimize the risk of identity theft * React if your identity is stolen * Obtain and repair credit and insurance reports, and more * Deal with direct marketers, junk mailers, and telephone solicitors * Stop surveillance from GPS devices and cell-phone cameras * Keep your kids safe online * And much more! These valuable survival skills can no longer be considered optional--they are essential for life in today's society. Amanda Welsh's The Identity Theft Protection Guide is the most complete, authoritative, and easy-to-use resource on this crucial topic.
A clear path out of the nightmare Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States and in many cases the victim has no knowledge of the theft until the situation is dire. Author Mari J. Frank, an attorney and advocate for victims of identity theft, takes the reader through every step necessary to reclaim their identity and wipe the records of theft off of all reports. • Covers every kind of fraud including bank, credit card, loans, insurance, medical, government, tax, professional license, business, employer, and online • A step–by–step process to reclaiming identity and wiping the records of theft off all reports
A comprehensive examination of different forms of identity theft and its economic impact, including profiles of perpetrators and victims and coverage of current trends, security implications, prevention efforts, and legislative actions. What are the common forms of identity theft? Who are the most likely targets? What is law enforcement doing to counter a crime perpetrated not only by petty thieves and sophisticated con artists, but by terrorists, money-launderers, and those involved in human trafficking, drug trafficking, and illegal immigration? Identity Theft: A Reference Handbook examines these questions and more. With the 1998 Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act as its starting point, this informative volume begins by explaining the federal, state, and global definitions of identity theft and how the lack of a standardized approach masks the true pervasiveness of the problem. In addition to addressing the crime's perpetrators, methods, and victims, the book also looks at what individuals, businesses, and the government are doing—and should consider doing—to curb the growth of this crime.
Identity theft can destroy your reputation, deplete your bank accounts, and do serious damage to your financial future. You need a complete solution to prevent it, detect it, and recover from it when it happens. James LaPiedra clearly outlines the problem and explains how to: - assess your current risk factors; - reduce your vulnerability; - proactively monitor for suspicious activity; - respond quickly to restore a compromised identity. The thieves just don't want cash: They'll take your social security number, driver's license, health plan, credit, and anything else they can get their hands on. Even worse, identity theft is easier than ever because of the proliferation of sharing personal information on the Internet. By learning how real people become victims, you'll be able to minimize your chances of becoming a victim and take the proper steps if you're targeted. Protect yourself, your family, and your future with Identity Lockdown.
Privacy Crisis?Easy to believe if youve ever had your identity stolen (Americas fastest-growing crime). Or if youve ever had snoops rifling through your credit files, hackers stealing your most personal computer information, or investigators trying to track you down for something you never did. To say nothing of being hunted by an obsessive stalker, discovering that your phones are subject to government wiretaps, that your e-mail is being monitored, or that youre the target of scam and con artists. Your identity, your personal life, is your businessand no one should be invading it without your permission. If you want to protect your personal privacy and freedom, this book can tell you exactly how to do it. Threats to privacy are growing rapidly. In the name of security, government intrusions into personal privacy are unprecedented and will only increase. Meanwhile, common criminals are finding, in identity theft, their own personal gold mine. Banks and merchants pry ever more deeply into your personal affairs before they will do business with you. Dont be a victim. Dont be a doormat. Protect yourself. Take back your personal freedom. This book is your guide.