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The plane wave reflection coefficient is an important geometry independent means of specifying the acoustic response of a horizontally stratified ocean bottom. It is an integral step in the inversion of acoustic field measurements to obtain parameters of the bottom and it is used to characterize an environment for purposes of acoustic imaging. This thesis studies both the generation of synthetic pressure fields through the plane wave reflection coefficient and the inversion of measured pressure fields to estimate the plane wave reflection coefficient. These are related through the Sommerfeld integral which is in the form of a Hankel transform. The Hankel transform is extensively studied in this thesis and both theoretical properties and numerical implementations are considered. These results have broad applications. When we apply them to the generation of synthetic data, we obtain hybrid numerical-analytical algorithms which provide extremely accurate synthetic fields without sacrifising computational speed. These algorithms can accurately incorporate the effects of trapped modes guided by slow speed layers in the bottom. We also apply these tools to study the inversion of measured pressure field data for the plane wave reflection coefficient. We address practical issues associated with the inversion procedure including removal of the source field, sampling, field measurements over a finite range, and uncontrolled variations in source-height. A phase unwrapping and associated interpolation scheme is developed to handle improperly spaced data. A preliminary inversion of real pressure field data is performed.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution January 1983.
The technical reports prepared by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in 1983 are listed in this bibliography. Inquiries about availability of extra copies will be handled on an individual basis. Initial distribution of the reports is controlled by the funding agencies. Reports are available through the National Technical Information Service (Springfield, Virginia 22161). NTIS order numbers are included with each report listed or can be obtained through the Document Library.