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Available online: The Nordic Council of Ministers is the world’s oldest community of its kind. In the Council, the Nordic countries co-operate in all kinds of areas from the climate and the environment to education, workplaces, and children and young people. The Nordic region contains three areas, five countries and 27 million people. When we work together in the region, we are stronger and can make a difference for the whole world. In this folder you can read more about the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Available online: Sustainable development, gender equality, and a child rights and youth perspective are overarching areas that are important for all the work done by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The responsibility for considering these applies to everyone who is working in or on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers, regardless of policy area. By strengthening this work, we are ensuring that the work of the Nordic Council of Ministers is sustainable, gender-equal, inclusive, representative, and accessible.
Available online: The Nordic Council of Ministers for Health and Social Affairs’ (MR-S) co-operation programme for 2022–2024 will generate knowledge and exchange information about shared challenges in the field of health and welfare throughout the Nordic Region. The main purpose is to generate initiatives and solutions that will contribute to the development of policy and guarantee the sustainability of the Nordic welfare societies at local, regional, national and Nordic levels at a time of limited resources.
Available online: Abstract [en] The well-being of children and young people, and their ability to exercise their rights, is a pre-requisite for the continued development of the Nordic region. Children and young people are therefore priority target groups for the Nordic Council of Ministers, so the Council will integrate a children’s rights and youth perspective in its work. The ambition for greater integration of a children’s rights and youth perspective also brings a responsibility to ensure that the work is based on a number of guiding principles. There must be a common minimum level of the involvement of children and young people and, above all, the work must be carried out in a way that protects and promotes children’s safety and security. This document is relevant for all situations in which children and young people are contacted or involved in the work of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Available online:
Available online: The vision of the Nordic Region as the most integrated and sustainable region in the world by 2030 guides the work of the Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2024. Sweden will continue efforts to ensure that the Nordic Region is a leader in the green transition, globally competitive and socially sustainable. Making it easier for companies and people to operate across borders is crucial for competitiveness and growth. The Presidency will continue to prioritise work on Nordic integration and measures to facilitate cross-border mobility.
Available online: “The Nordic region must be the best place in the world for children and young people.” This is the vision of the Nordic Council of Ministers as expressed in its cross-sector strategy for children and young people in the Nordic region. The 0–25 age group is a prioritised target group in the strategy. A key objective in the strategy is that the Nordic Council of Ministers will increasingly integrate a child rights and youth perspective in its work, thereby raising the level of participation of children and young people. The objective is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, but also on a conviction that today’s projects and activities would be improved when children and young people participate and exert influence in various ways. Decisions would also be given greater legitimacy, and initiatives would be of higher quality and relevant to more people when the perspective of children and young people is incorporated.