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'This book is to be recommended as a valuable reference source; the self-contained chapters provide well-written and informative introductions to the industries covered and the authors also give helpful guidance to further reading.' - Eleanor J. Morgan, The Economic Journal This important book presents an authoritative, up-to-date examination of a number of major industries in Europe. It offers valuable insights into the nature of industrial activity in Europe, as well as providing comprehensive introductions to a series of key industries, such as defence, construction, tourism and biotechnology.
Avec ce quatrieme volume, I' Annuaire europeen entre dans 1a seconde phase de son existance. A l'origine, la pUblication de' cet Annuaire avait ete, a titre d'experience, prevue pour trois ans. Cette periode est deja depassee, et Ie succes de l'experience est demontre par de nombreuses critiques elogieuses comme par l'accueil tres favorable que lui ont reserve les milieux inte resses aux affaires europeennes. En consequence, Ie Comite des Ministres du Conseil de l'Euro pe decida, en mars 1957, que l'Annuaire europeen continuerait a paraitre sans limitation de duree. Ainsi les assises de notre oeuvre sont, pour ainsi dire, devenues permanentes, et ce fait meme prouve les progres realises dans la voie de I'integration europeenne. En effet l'annee 1957 a ete extremement fructueuse en ce qui concerne l'integration europeenne et, alors que, dans l'ensemble, ce volume IV devait etre consacre a I' evolution des faits en 1956, nous avons dll egalement porter notre attention, aussi bien dans les articles que dans la partie documentaire, sur les nouvelles institutions, dont l'impQrtance est capitale. C'est pourquoi Ie Traite instituant la Communaute Economique Euro peenne figure parmi les textes documentaires du present volume; toutefois, en raison du manque de place, Ia publication du Trait6 instituant I'Euratom a ete differee jusqu'au prochain volume. Etant donne l'importance de ces deux nouveaux traites pour l'integration europeenne, Ie Comite de redaction demanda a M.
Includes monthly "Abstracts of recent literature relating to non-ferrous and ferrous metals."
Monetary union has dawned in Europe. Now that the common currency is a reality, questions concerning the practical conduct of monetary policy in the European Monetary Union (EMU) are moving to the forefront of the policy debate. Among these, one of the most critical is how the new monetary union will cope with the large heterogeneity of its member economies. Given the large differences in economic and financial structures among the EMU member states, monetary policy is likely to affect different member economies in different ways. Regional Aspects of Monetary Policy in Europe collects the proceedings of an international conference held at the Center for European Integration Studies of the University of Bonn, dedicated to this issue. The contributions to this conference fall into two parts. The first part consists of empirical and theoretical studies of the regional effects of monetary policy in heterogeneous monetary unions. The second part consists of papers analyzing the political economy of monetary policy in a monetary union of heterogeneous regions or member states. The papers all support the conclusion that regional differences in the responses to a common monetary policy will make European monetary policy especially difficult in the years to come. Such differences arise from a variety of sources, and they cannot be expected to be mere teething troubles that will disappear after a while. Even if they were ignored in the run-up to the EMU, Europe's central bankers and economic policy makers will have to learn how to cope with such differences in the future.