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Newgrange is considered the most complex megalithic site in the world. It is Ireland's most visited monument with around 250,000 visitor's a year. This book delves into the astroarchaeology of Newgrange and the Boyne valley alongside the Loughcrew and Carrowkeel cemeteries with astonishing revelations. This book contains new research and evidence that suggests Newgrange was aligned also to Sirius as a crude precessional calculator. Newgrange it seems was the pinnacle of a theme of passage grave cosmology running throughout Ireland. Knowledge of Precession of the Equinoxes is inherent in the passage graves of Ireland a fact that has never been explained nor addressed until now.
The most academically credible case for alien visitation. Is the existance of civilisation on earth the result of contact from inhabitants of a planet in the system of the star Sirius prior to 3000BC? There are tribal cultures in present-day Africa whose most sacred and secret and traditions are based on this theory. Central to their cosmology is a body of knowledge concerning the system of the star Sirius that is astounding it in its accuracy of detail, including specific information only recently accessible to modern science. Robert Temple traces the traditions of the Dogon and three related tribes back 5, 000 years to the ancient Mediterranean cultures of Sumer and Egypt. He shows a knowledge dependent on physics and astrophysics, which they claimed was imported to them by visitors from Sirius.
72: Celestial Logbooks of the Gold and Copper Invaders describes the bright celestial objects that were used for calendars and navigation for the last 10,000 years. This required counting and measuring angles which the prehistory and even pre-Ice Age cultures knew. This enabled these cultures to hunt, gather, and explore by boat looking for precious metals to sustain their cultures. Initial editorial reviews: "WOW, Magnificent, Beyond Significant." Jim Egan, Curator, Newport Tower Museum: "Brilliant out of the box thinking." A past Kirkus Review stated: "...McMahon's reasoning is far from far-fetched... with an elegantly simple process of following history's clues...the ancient rock art symbols of seafaring communication." Lonnie Davis, Curator Historian, Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park, "Eye-opening .... The blinders finally came off!" The following bright celestial objects are described and analyzed: Sun: circles, rectangles, diamonds, spirals, and solstice latitudes Moon: crescents, circles, rectangles, and lunar standstill latitudes Venus (72): hearts, rectangles, pentagons, and relative longitudes Sirius and Canopus: the eyes as pointer stars to the North and South Pole stars North Pole stars: Polaris, Thuban, Vega, and Deneb as the golden 30° rectangle Winter Triangle: Orion, the hunter, and his dogs, the equilateral triangle Summer Navigation Triangle: Northern Cross as passageways and chronometers Golden Location Triangle: Libra, le Balance, what is shipped is received The celestial object's geometries were built into a culture's mound and temple structures becoming celestial observatories. These were sacred because they represented information concerning the locations of mines, storage facilities, harbors, temples, and "home." Geometric diffusionism came from the westward-bound seafaring explorers with their roots coming from the Fertile Crescent. Celestial counting and geometries form a universal calendar and navigation language. The rock art shows the actual relative latitudes to the Sun solstices and Venus-based relative longitudes to a prime starting location of island locations (stargates) that were associated with the seafaring trips in search of gold and copper.
Writing together with Timothy Wyllie, the angel Georgia details the events of Earth’s ancient history from 16,500 BC to 8,000 BC • Chronicles the disappearance of Lemuria, the rise of Atlantean technology and piracy, and the first wave of rebel angels incarnating as Atlantean slaves • Explains the 3 eras of Atlantis and how the island was finally destroyed in 1198 BC • Interwoven throughout with observations about Timothy Wyllie’s current and previous lives, such as his years of involvement with the Process Church After 200 millennia of celestial quarantine in the wake of Lucifer’s angelic revolt, Earth and the rebel angels isolated here are being welcomed back into the benevolent and caring Multiverse. Writing together with Timothy Wyllie, Georgia--a rebel angel who took on the role of Watcher after the rebellion--provides her personal account of Earth from 16,500 BC to 8,000 BC, a period that encompasses the first two eras of Atlantis. Georgia shares her experiences being present for the final disappearance of Lemuria and the loss of their spiritual system. She describes advanced Lemurian technology that was designed for the betterment of the Earth and its people, and was then lost, and the aggressive piracy of the Atlanteans, who preyed on the Lemurian survivors. Detailing the three eras of Atlantis and how the island’s final destruction was in 1198 BC, she explains the rise of Atlantis as a technological power. She reveals the quarrels between the Pleiadians and the Sirians during this period and explores the myths of the Anunnaki, reputed to have arrived on Earth to mine for gold. Georgia interweaves her story with observations about Timothy Wyllie’s current and previous lives, focusing here on his involvement with the Process Church as well as his experiences with bizarrely orchestrated orgies, psychometrics, and psychedelic culture in Europe in the 1970s. Georgia shares her words, in part, to awaken some of the more than 100 million rebel angels currently living their human lives, most unaware of their angelic heritage and struggling with their sense of being different. She reveals how a mortal incarnation for a rebel angel is an opportunity to redeem the past and help prepare the way for the transformation of global consciousness now beginning as the rebel-held planets, including Earth, are being welcomed back into the Multiverse.
Reveals Gobekli Tepe as a center of civilizing knowledge for the ancient world • Details how symbolic elements at Gobekli Tepe link a pre-Vedic cult in India to cosmological myths and traditions in Africa, Egypt, Tibet, and China • Discusses how carved animal images at Gobekli Tepe relate to stages of creation and provide an archaic foundation for symbolic written language • Defines how classical elements of ancient Egyptian myth and religion characterize an archaic cosmological tradition that links ancestrally back to Gobekli Tepe How could multiple ancient cultures, spanning both years and geography, have strikingly similar creation myths and cosmologies? Why do the Dogon of Africa and the civilizations of ancient Egypt, India, Tibet, and China share sacred words and symbols? Revealing the existence of a long-forgotten primal culture and the world’s first center of higher learning, Laird Scranton shows how the sophisticated complex at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey is the definitive point of origin from which all the great civilizations of the past inherited their cosmology, esoteric teachings, and civilizing skills, such as agriculture, metallurgy, and stone masonry, fully developed. Scranton explains how the carved images on Gobekli Tepe’s stone pillars were the precursors to the sacred symbols of the Dogon, Egyptians, Tibetans, and Chinese as well as the matriarchal Sakti cult of ancient Iran and India. He identifies Gobekli Tepe as a remote mountain sanctuary of higher knowledge alluded to in Sakti myth, named like an important temple in Egypt, and defined in ancient Buddhist tradition as Vulture Peak. Scranton reveals how Gobekli Tepe’s enigmatic “H” carvings and animal symbolism, symbolic of stages of creation, was presented as a kind of prototype of written language accessible to the hunter-gathers who inhabited the region. He shows how the myths and deities of many ancient cultures are connected linguistically, extending even to the name of Gobekli Tepe and the Egyptian concept of Zep Tepi, the mythical age of the “First Time.” Identifying Gobekli Tepe not only as the first university but also as the first temple, perhaps built as a civilizing exercise, Scranton definitively places this enigmatic archaeological site at the point of origin of civilization, religion, and ancient science.
Writing together with Timothy Wyllie, the angel Georgia details the events of Earth’s ancient history from 39,000 BC to 16,500 BC • Chronicles the destruction of Lemuria, the Pleiadian evacuation of Earth, and the Lemurian diaspora that spread to India, Tibet, China, and South America • Explains angelic esoteric science, such as the link between spiritual centers on higher planes and ancient monuments on Earth, including the Giza pyramids • Interwoven throughout with observations about Timothy Wyllie’s current and previous lives, such as his long involvement with the Process Church and his interactions with rebel angel incarnates like Timothy Leary At the time of the revolt among the angels 203,000 years ago, Georgia was among those angels who aligned themselves with Lucifer and the rebels. She has remained on this world with occasional side trips to Zandana, another planet of quarantined rebel angels, since the time of the revolution, taking on the angelic role of Watcher. Writing together with Timothy Wyllie, Georgia provides her personal account of the period on Earth from 39,000 BC to 16,500 BC. Georgia shares her experiences being present as the Lemurian civilization in the Pacific reached its pinnacle and seismic upheavals overwhelmed its island home of Mu. She describes the elaborate Pleiadian evacuation operation and the Lemurian diaspora, explaining how their belief system took root in India, Tibet, China, and South America. She reveals how the emerging Atlantean civilization, now also collapsed, preyed on the far flung settlements of the Lemurian empire. She explains angelic knowledge of esoteric science, such as the spiritual influence of Venus and the link between spiritual centers on higher planes and ancient monuments on Earth, including the Giza pyramids. Georgia interweaves her story with observations about Timothy Wyllie’s current and previous lives, such as his long involvement with the Process Church and his interactions with other a rebel angel incarnates like Timothy Leary. Georgia shares her words, in part, to awaken some of the 100 million rebel angels currently living their human lives, most unaware of their angelic heritage. She reveals how a mortal incarnation for a rebel angel is an opportunity to redeem her past and help prepare the way for the imminent transformation of global consciousness as the rebellion planets, including Earth, are welcomed back into the Multiverse.
Examines how the similarities of symbols and wisdom across many cultures point to an ancient civilizing plan and system of ancient instruction • Reveals the shared cosmological knowledge of Dogon and Maori cultures, ancient Egypt, Gobekli Tepe, Vedic India, the pre-Indian Sakti civilization, Buddhism, the Tibetan Bon religion, and the kabbalistic tradition of the Hebrews • Explores symbols and techniques used to frame and preserve instructed knowledge as it was transmitted orally from generation to generation • Explains how this shared ancient knowledge relates to the precessional year and the cycles of time known as the yugas Exploring the mystery of why so many ancient cultures, separated by time and distance, share remarkably similar cosmological philosophies and religious symbolism, Laird Scranton reveals how this shared creation tradition upholds the idea that ancient instruction gave birth to the great civilizations, each of which preserves fragments of the original knowledge. Looking at the many manifestations of this shared cosmological knowledge, including in the Dogon and Maori cultures and in ancient Egypt, Gobekli Tepe, Vedic India, Buddhism, the Tibetan Bon religion, and the kabbalistic tradition of the Hebrews, Scranton explores the thought processes that went into formulating the archetype themes and metaphors of the ancient symbolic system. He examines how commonly shared principles of creational science are reflected in key terms of the ancient languages. He discusses how the primal cosmology also transmitted key components of sacred science, such as sacred geometry, knowledge of material creation, and the nature of a nonmaterial universe--evidence for which lies in the orientation of ancient temples, the drama of initiations and rituals, and countless traditional myths. He analyzes how this shared knowledge relates to the precessional year and the cycles of time known as the yugas. He also explores evidence of the concept of a nonmaterial twin universe to our own--the “above” to our “below” in the famous alchemical and hermetic maxim. Through his extensive research into the interconnected wisdom of the ancients, Scranton shows that the forgotten instructional tradition at the source of this knowledge was deliberately encoded to survive for countless generations. By piecing it back together, we can discover the ancient plan for guiding humanity forward toward greater enlightenment.
An examination of the earliest creation traditions and symbols of China and their similarities to those of other ancient cultures • Reveals the deep parallels between early Chinese words and those of other ancient creation traditions such as the hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt • Explores the 8 stages of creation in Taoism and the cosmological origins of Chinese ancestor worship, the zodiac, the mandala, and the I Ching • Provides further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source Building on his extensive research into the sacred symbols and creation myths of the Dogon of Africa and those of ancient Egypt, India, and Tibet, Laird Scranton investigates the myths, symbols, and traditions of prehistoric China, providing further evidence that the cosmology of all ancient cultures arose from a single now-lost source. Scranton explores the fundamental similarities between the language that defined ancient Chinese cosmology and that of other creation traditions, revealing the connections between the phonetic structure of the words, their glyphs, and their use. He demonstrates striking parallels between the earliest systems of writing in China and the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt. He examines the 8 levels of creation in Taoism and the cosmological origins of Chinese ancestor worship, mythical emperors, the zodiac, the mandala, and the I Ching. He details the fundamental principles of land-use in ancient China in relation to the symbolism of a Buddhist stupa and the Dogon granary, ritual shrines that are also the central symbol of other creation traditions. Understanding the true meanings of these symbol complexes also reveals the sophisticated scientific understanding of these ancient cultures, for these creation symbols directly correlate with our modern understanding of atoms and the energetic makeup of matter. In exploring Chinese cosmological traditions, Scranton sheds new light on the contention that the sacred knowledge of the ancients is the legacy of an earlier culture who gave primitive humanity the tools they needed to birth the first known civilizations.