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During the recent years, Turkey has put immense efforts in healing relations with its neighbors, establishing closer ties regarding various interest areas, be it economic, cultural or political issues and acting as a facilitator in its close environment. However, once one looks back in history, Turkey during the 1900s conducted a very different foreign policy strategy and viewed its close neighbors with suspicion and mistrust. This study argues that there has been a reassessment in Turkish Foreign Policy which has helped Turkey to acquire a new role in the Middle East. In this regard, this research aims to analyze whether there has been a changeover in Turkish Foreign Policy and if so, what were the consequences regarding Turkey’s relations with its neighbors. Along with that purpose, this study will elaborate on the factors which have shaped Turkish Foreign Policy, primarily on economic aspirations. Furthermore, the goal of this research is to focus particularly on Turkey’s relations towards its Middle Eastern neighbors. Consequently, this research will help to understand fully Turkey’s recent involvement regarding the Arab uprisings and increasing commitment to the Middle East.
National and State Identity in Turkey uses the concepts of national and state identity to examine Turkey's domestic and international politics and explain how the country's position in the international system has changed over the last ten years. State identity is understood as the end result of a transformed national identity, linking both domestic and international levels. Toni Alaranta argues that there has been a radical reformulation of Turkey's national identity, interest, and positioning in the world since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in 2002. This transformed identity has helped the country renegotiate its status in the world. He first examines the changing nature of Turkey's national identity before looking at the struggle between two extreme positions--secularism and Islamism. He then explains how the "New Turkey" discourse is part of an Islamic-conservative ideology that targets the notion of the "domestic other," or minorities, versus the Turkish-Muslim "self." This discourse is transforming not only the notion of national identity but also Turkey's relations with the rest of the world, and particularly with the European Union.
Over the last few years, Turkey seems to have embraced the East again. Ankara’s closer relations with Eurasian countries go hand in hand with the global shift eastwards, towards the ever-growing and most dynamic region in the world. It is therefore the result of an increasing differentiation of Turkey’s foreign relations, driven by strategic, economic and energy interests. Stronger ties with Eurasian countries, i.e. Russia and China, are also the litmus test for the ups and downs in relations with Washington and Brussels. While Ankara still retains strong ties with the West, it is laying the groundwork to further widen its interests to the East. This report aims to analyse the multi-faceted aspects of Ankara’s Eurasian shift, highlighting the domestic drivers of Turkey’s “Eurasianism”, the interests at stake, the areas of cooperation and competition, and last but not least the implications for the EU.
The book examines Turkey’s new foreign policy operating in the new international system. Especially with the AKP government, Turkish foreign policy principles have been changed and/or modified radically. Therefore, new foreign policy mentality has to be analyzed in detail. The book also focuses on the “strategic depth” paradigm of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu. In his book, Davutoglu inspects the Turkey’s place within the world politics and its relations neighboring countries through historical-religious lense. In order to understand this new mentality in the Turkish foreign policy, historical developments of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic has been covered. The book mainly focuses on following subjects: analysis of Turkish foreign policy framework, changes in Turkish government’s foreign policy paradigm, reflections of new approaches in the Turkish foreign policy, Turkey’s shifting foreign policy and the new Turkish foreign policy’s future, continuity and change in Turkish foreign policy and lastly implications of Turkey’s new foreign policy doctrine. Türk dış politikası uzun yıllar gündem yaratma yerine, başka aktörlerin oluşturduğu gündemleri takip etme ve müttefiklik adı altında ülke çıkarları ile örtüşmeyen, hatta zaman zaman çelişen seçeneklerin peşine takılma çizgileri arasında sıkışıp kalmıştır. Özellikle son on yılda Türk dış politikasındaki önceliklerin değiştiğine, Türkiye'nin pasif dış politika gömleğini üzerinden çıkardığına tanıklık ediyoruz. 2002 yılından itibaren onu uluslararası sistemde düzen kurucu merkez bir ülke konumuna taşıyacak alt yapının inşa edildiği siyasi istikrar yanında kaydedilen ekonomik büyüme ve kalkınma Türkiye'nin kendine güvenini artırdı. Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın sık sık altını çizdiği "kendine güven" vurgusu dış politika kararlarının alınmasında önemli bir dayanak oldu. Avrupa Birliği, ortak bir dış politika inşasında üyeleri arasındaki belirsizliklerle ve ekonomik krizlerle mücadele ederken, ABD başlattığı ve sürdürdüğü savaşların aşındırdığı imajını tamir etme çabası sürdürürken, Türkiye kaybettiği yılları Afrika, Balkanlar ve Güney Amerika açılımlarıyla telafi etmeyi başardı. Stratejik derinlik, merkez ve düzen kurucu ülke olmak, komşularla sıfır sorun, proaktif dış politika gibi kavramları siyasete dönüştüren ve uygulamaya koyan yeni Türk dış politikasının tasarımcısı Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, gündemi takip eden değil önceden belirleyen bir liderlik sergilemektedir. Dış politika tutumlarına göre ülkeler iddialı ve iddiasız olarak basitçe ikiye ayrılabilir. Tahmin edileceği üzere ikinci grup hayli kalabalık olduğu halde, birinci gruba ABD gibi, Rusya gibi, Çin gibi sayılı ülkeler girer... Türkiye'nin son on yılda izlediği dış politika tutumu ve hamleleri ikinci gruptan çıkıp birinci gruba girme çabası içinde değerlendirilebilir. Türkiye’nin tarihi, coğrafyası, sahip olduğu kültürel değerler onu böyle bir konuma doğal olarak itmekle beraber, Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun danışman olduğu dönemden beri savunduğu ''stratejik derinlik'' felsefesi bu kabul üzerine oturuyor. Türkiye'nin getirmiş olduğu yeni dış politika anlayışı sayesinde bölgesinde artan jeoekonomik etkinliğini hisseden Arap ülkeleri, komşularla sıfır problem modelinin açmış olduğu fırsat alanlarına nüfus etmeye başlamışlardır. Türkiye, Ürdün, Lübnan ve Suriye'yi içine alan Yüksek Düzeyli Stratejik İşbirliği Konseyi tesis edilmesi ve bu ülkeler arasında serbest ticaret ve dolaşım alanı oluşturulması ve vizelerin kaldırılmasının altında bahsetmiş olduğumuz yeni güvenlik kültürünün dinamizmi yatmaktadır. Bu tür girişimler ilişkilerin doğasını sıfır toplamlı oyun politikasından kazan kazan politikasına dönüştürmektedir. Özellikle ülkeler arası ekonomik bağımlılığın artması ise bizi ilerde yaşanacak olan bölgesel krizlerin çabuk ve düşük maliyetlerle aşılmasını sağlayacak mekanizmalar geliştirmesine zemin hazırlayacak ve potansiyel çatışma alanlarının devreye girme ihtimalini miminuma çekecektir. Bu anlamda Türkiye'nin son dönemde jeo-ekonomik anlamda kazanmış olduğu dinamizmin bölgesel aktörler tarafından dikkatle izlendiği bilinmektedir.
Tracing the evolution of Turkey's foreign policy, from isolationism to regional agreements and organizations, this study explores the country's new international posture. Rubin (strategic studies, Bar- Ilan University) and Kirisci (political science, Bogazici University) assess Turkey's policy toward Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and the United States, as well as its growing role in the Middle East. They address the issues central to Turkey's economic, energy, and water policy. They also discuss the interest groups and institutions affecting the policymaking process and the challenges facing the country's rapidly urbanizing and industrializing economy.
The EU is changing, Turkey too, and - above all - there is systemic change and crisis all round, ranging from economics, the spread of democratic norms and foreign policy. This research paper explores how the EU and Turkey can enhance their cooperation in the political, economic, and foreign policy domains and how they can find a way out of the stalemate EU-Turkey relations have reached with the lack of progress in accession negotiations and the increasing uncertainty over both the future of the European project after the Eurozone crisis and Turkey's role in it.
The Routledge Handbook of Turkish Politics pulls together contributions from many of the world’s leading scholars on different aspects of Turkey. Turkey today is going through possibly the most turbulent period in its history, with major consequences both nationally and internationally. The country looks dramatically different from the Republic founded by Atatürk in 1923. The pace of change has been rapid and fundamental, with core interlinked changes in ruling institutions, political culture, political economy, and society. Divided into six main parts, this Handbook provides a single-source overview of Turkish politics: Part I: History and the making of Contemporary Turkey Part II: Politics and Institutions Part III: The Economy, Environment and Development Part IV: The Kurdish Insurgency and Security Part V: State, Society and Rights Part VI: External Relations This comprehensive Handbook is an essential resource for students of Politics, International Relations, International/Security Studies with an interest on contemporary Turkey.
Download PDF for free from: Turkey's growing assertiveness on the international stage, difficulties with EU accession, rapidly rising economy, and the long and controversial reign of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) are all necessitating a need for analysis. The present study of the Centre for European Studies presents two papers which look at Turkey and the AKP from different perspectives. Svante Cornell's paper argues that AKP has moved away from democratic reforms and that Turkey's 'zero problems with the neighbours' approach to international relations has failed. Gerald Knaus maintains that the AKP and the EU's influence on Turkey have effected radical changes in the balance of power between the military and civilian actors, thus bringing Turkey somewhat closer to Western democratic standards. Both authors advocate continued EU engagement with Turkey, irrespective of the progress of accession negotiations.