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“Makes a provocative case that you should put customers second, close open offices, and ditch performance appraisals.”—Adam Grant, best-selling author of Originals “Under New Management is a lively, provocative must-read.”—Whitney Johnson, author of Disrupt Yourself. Why accepted management practices don’t work—and how innovative companies are changing the rules Should your employees know each other’s salaries? Is your vacation policy harming productivity? Does your hiring process undermine your team? David Burkus argues that the traditional management playbook is full of outdated, counterproductive practices, and he reveals how the alternative management revolution has already started at companies like Netflix, Zappos, Google, and others. Burkus investigates behind their office doors to show how these companies are reevaluating and reinventing the most basic management principles, like hiring, firing, vacation policy, and even office floor plan, and enhancing their business’s success as a result. “Is your company ready for a radical departure from twentieth-century management standards? David Burkus has collected the stories of dozens of companies that are standing the old rules on their heads. Even better, Burkus shows how you can do it, too.”—Daniel H. Pink, best-selling author of Drive and To Sell Is Human ? “If you are going to read one book on being a better manager in the next year, start here. David Burkus has assembled the most practical research and provocative ideas into an incredibly quick read.”—Tom Rath, best-selling author of StrengthsFinder 2.0
Your company thinks you're ready to manage. We think you could use a little help.
Teaching ideas to promote and maintain total class participation and teacher/student interactions.
Holacracy is a revolutionary management system that redefines management and turns everyone into a leader. Holacracy distributes authority and decision-making throughout an organization, and defines people not by hierarchy and titles, but by roles. Holacracy creates organizations that are fast, agile, and that succeed by pursuing their purpose, not following a dated and artificial plan. This isn't anarchy – it's quite the opposite. When you start to follow Holacracy, you learn to create new structures and ways of making decisions that empower the people who know the most about the work you do: your frontline colleagues. Some of the many champions of Holacracy include Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos (author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Delivering Happiness), Evan Williams (co-founder of Blogger, Twitter, and Medium), and David Allen.
This book presents a detailed analysis of the new management of public services at the local level, drawing on the work of the ESRC Local Governance Programme. The radical transformation of public service delivery is assessed in terms of its overall impact as well as its operation in particular service areas. Efficiency has improved and services have gained a user focus yet the new management appears to be full of contradictions and distortions, in many respects creating as many problems as it solves.
Why getting results should be every nonprofit manager's first priority A nonprofit manager's fundamental job is to get results, sustained over time, rather than boost morale or promote staff development. This is a shift from the tenor of many management books, particularly in the nonprofit world. Managing to Change the World is designed to teach new and experienced nonprofit managers the fundamental skills of effective management, including: managing specific tasks and broader responsibilities; setting clear goals and holding people accountable to them; creating a results-oriented culture; hiring, developing, and retaining a staff of superstars. Offers nonprofit managers a clear guide to the most effective management skills Shows how to address performance problems, dismiss staffers who fall short, and the right way to exercising authority Gives guidance for managing time wisely and offers suggestions for staying in sync with your boss and managing up This important resource contains 41 resources and downloadable tools that can be implemented immediately.
MASTER YOUR ROLE AS AN EFFECTIVE MANAGER An accessible and practical quick-guide that will help you develop your skills as a manager from Paul Falcone, author of 101 Difficult Conversations to Have With Your Employees and renowned HR and leadership expert. Being a good manager is not a natural skill for anyone, but it’s an easy-to-learn discipline that will allow you to develop a strong team and create an environment that amplifies the skills of everyone on your team. This book breaks down the basics of each aspect that new managers struggle with most. New Managers covers key leadership topics facing any manager, including: Coaching and Mentoring Employees Inspiring Employee Engagement Fostering Teamwork to Encourage Innovation Mastering the Art of Active Listening Becoming an Effective Communicator Establishing Key Metrics to Drive Business Forward How to Create a Positive Relationship Between Yourself and HR And, Much More This quick-guide is an indispensable resource that will guide managers of all levels in becoming their team’s favorite boss.
The New Manager's Workbook: A Crash course in Effective Management is a workbook and guidebook to help new managers navigate the intricacies and pitfalls of being at a position of power over employees. Most everyone has experienced a manager who falls at one extreme or another, from the angry micro-manager to the absentee "sure, whatever" manager. With decades of managerial experience under his belt, Randy Clark guides you toward that happy middle where good managers live and work. He shows how to deal with the good (hiring, praising, and motivating employees), the bad (navigating silos and dealing with low-quality work), and the ugly (controlling confrontation employees and, if need be, firing them) while keeping your soul intact. The New Manager's Workbook is a great gift for anyone about to take a seat for the first time behind the managerial desk.
Innovative Change Management (ICM) represents the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of one of the world’s foremost performance improvement specialists. It includes a clear and thorough explanation of the necessary critical tools for creating a system that results in a much higher percentage of your initiatives progressing to successful projects. Studies conducted by organizations such as Gartner, Ernst & Young, and Harrington Management Systems indicate that on average less than 25% of the innovative projects achieve sustained success. The American Productivity Quality Center's 2018 survey report pointed out that 88% of the organizations felt that process management discipline must be changed and 53.8% felt they must create a continuous improvement culture. Through the effective use of the ICM methodology, you can turn thousands of lost employee hours into millions of dollars in increased profit. This book unveils to the reader for the first time how ICM combines project change management, culture change management, and project management concepts to create an effective and innovative organization. These concepts combined result in homogeneous improvements in performance improvement and cultural change. The book outlines a step-by-step procedure designed to apply ICM to complex programs such as process redesign and supply chain management as well as to simpler ones such as relocation of offices. In addition, it provides field-tested change methodologies to help you systematically include change into your strategic management plan. This book shows you how to: Set the stage for ICM. Develop a new management style that encourages innovation. Develop and implement a project change management methodology to support the project management methodology. Develop a cultural change management program. How to reward and recognize the innovation activities generated by your employees. Make ICM an important part of the strategic plan. Help employees understand the career-enhancing aspects of change How to maximize your organization’s ROC (return on change). Most of the activity related to change management focuses on successfully implementing individual projects. Statistics indicate that this is not enough to keep up with today’s rapid changing innovative competition. As most profitable organizations are working diligently on increasing their innovation capabilities, this focus is requiring a completely new restructured management style and behavioral patterns that are foreign to most of today’s successful managers.
Drawing on hundreds of examples from progressive companies, an international survey of 426 managers, and economic trends, author William Halal shows how enterprises and democracy are moving inside of business and government to transform institutions for the Information Age.