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In their book "Era of Exponential Encryption - Beyond Cryptographic Routing" the authors provide a vision that can demonstrate an increasing multiplication of options for encryption and decryption processes: Similar to a grain of rice that doubles exponentially in every field of a chessboard, more and more newer concepts and programming in the area of cryptography increase these manifolds: both, encryption and decryption, require more session-related and multiple keys, so that numerous options even exist for configuring hybrid encryption: with different keys and algorithms, symmetric and asymmetrical methods, or even modern multiple encryption, with that ciphertext is converted again and again to ciphertext. It will be analyzed how a handful of newer applications like e.g. Spot-On and GoldBug E-Mail Client & Crypto Chat Messenger and other open source software programming implement these encryption mechanisms. Renewing a key several times - within the dedicated session with "cryptographic calling" - has forwarded the term of "perfect forward secrecy" to "instant perfect forward secrecy" (IPFS). But even more: if in advance a bunch of keys is sent, a decoding of a message has to consider not only one present session key, but over dozens of keys are sent - prior before the message arrives. The new paradigm of IPFS has already turned into the newer concept of these Fiasco Keys. Fiasco Keys are keys, which provide over a dozen possible ephemeral keys within one session and define Fiasco Forwarding, the approach which complements and follows IPFS. And further: by adding routing- and graph-theory to the encryption process, which is a constant part of the so called Echo Protocol, an encrypted packet might take different graphs and routes within the network. This shifts the current status to a new age: The Era of Exponential Encryption, so the vision and description of the authors. If routing does not require destination information but is replaced by cryptographic insights, then it is "beyond cryptographic routing". "Cryptographic Discovery" means: If the cryptographic token is matching, the message belongs to me. The Echo Protocol is in this regard an initial welcome within the Era of Exponential Encryption. The authors identify also four arms within the Era of Exponential Encryption and derive from these developments social, legal, political and economic recommendations.
Within the Learning Material of over 100 open source slides created for Courses, Tutorials and Workshops within Cryptography the authors address topics like: Asymmetric & Symmetric Encryption; Third Epoch of Cryptography: No Key Transport - instead: Derived Keys; Caesura in Cryptography: Juggernaut and Secret Stream Keys; Ciphers & Algorithms & Multi-Encryption: e.g. McEliece & NTRU; Else to know: RNG, MAC, OTP, GNUPG, PKI, Hash, Signatures, GoldBugs, EPKS, SMP; End-to-End Encryption: Instant Perfect Forward Secrecy (IPFS); Cryptographic Calling: e.g. Two-Way-Calling, Repleo, EPKS, AutoCrypt; Volatile Encryption & Exponential Encryption; Cryptographic Discovery & Cryptographic Tokens; Echo Protocol & Graph Theory; POPTASTIC Protocol: Chat over POP3/IMAP; Spot-On Encryption Suite as elaborated Software for Learning & Tutorials; Quantum Computing and Cryptography; Frameworks & Libraries: e.g. McNoodle McEliece library (C++); Tools: POPTASTIC Delta Chat, Smoke McEliece Java Messenger, et al.; Trends on Crypto Messaging & Open Source Cryptography; Encryption of the Hard Disc, Text and Files, P2P Networks; Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) & SAM Architecture; National Sovereignty of cryptographic projects and open source worldwide contributions.
Within the Learning Material of over 100 open source slides created for Courses, Tutorials and Workshops within Cryptography the authors address topics like: Asymmetric & Symmetric Encryption; Third Epoch of Cryptography: No Key Transport - instead: Derived Keys; Caesura in Cryptography: Juggernaut and Secret Stream Keys; Ciphers & Algorithms & Multi-Encryption: e.g. McEliece & NTRU; Else to know: RNG, MAC, OTP, GNUPG, PKI, Hash, Signatures, GoldBugs, EPKS, SMP; End-to-End Encryption: Instant Perfect Forward Secrecy (IPFS); Cryptographic Calling: e.g. Two-Way-Calling, Repleo, EPKS, AutoCrypt; Volatile Encryption & Exponential Encryption; Cryptographic Discovery & Cryptographic Tokens; Echo Protocol & Graph Theory; POPTASTIC Protocol: Chat over POP3/IMAP; Spot-On Encryption Suite as elaborated Software for Learning & Tutorials; Quantum Computing and Cryptography; Frameworks & Libraries: e.g. McNoodle McEliece library (C++); Tools: POPTASTIC Delta Chat, Smoke McEliece Java Messenger, et al.; Trends on Crypto Messaging & Open Source Cryptography; Encryption of the Hard Disc, Text and Files, P2P Networks; Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) & SAM Architecture; National Sovereignty of cryptographic projects and open source worldwide contributions.
The global crisis of Privacy in the 21st century also includes discussions about the right to encryption and restrictions on so-called end-to-end encryption. In order to communicate confidentially and secure against eavesdropping, simple and practical encryption is required for everyone. But how can it be available to everyone? The magic of replacing legible characters with other apparently random and therefore illegible characters had been almost religious for centuries: only those initiated into the invention of a secret language could crack the messages. Encryption remained Super Secreto - Top Secret - Streng Geheim! In the age of smartphone and pocket computers, it is now available to everyone: ever more sophisticated math calculates the so-called cipher text with corresponding keys in our messengers. Both keys and encrypted text used to have to be transmitted to the recipient. In today's Epoch of Cryptography, the transmission of the keys is no longer necessary: The risky transport route for the keys can even be omitted! From the fascination of how Cryptography became abstinent in the transmission of keys - what effect it has on the desire of state agencies for secondary keys - and how multiple and exponential encryption makes resistant against the decryption-attempts of super-quantum-computers ... ... tells Theo Tenzer in this exciting political, technical and socially relevant innovation and science portrait on the Third Epoch of Cryptography.
This book along with the essay "Beyond Cryptographic Routing: The Echo Protocol in the Era of Exponential Encryption" describe a new protocol: The Echo Protocol and its characteristics with respect to Graph-Theory, Routing-Theory, Networking and Encryption. As a contrast to the TCP protocol, the ECHO is a protocol without routing information. Instead, it's a multi- and hybrid-encryption concept. A network node sends packets to all connections. This creates the new network type of a flooding network, which is particularly interesting in the context of anonymizing mix networks like Tor or I2P and other. The modes of operation of the Echo Protocol like Full, Half or Adaptive Echo and sub-protocols of the Echo protocol like the POPTASTIC protocol (which is encrypted chat over e-mail servers) or the SECRED protocol (which is a kind of cryptographic discovery like in a DHT) complement further interesting innovations: Some Servers will learn someday through being instructed by private cryptographic tokens. For encryption there are also many new inventions discussed like: Secret Streams, Pass-Through PatchPoints, Cryptographic Calling, Fiasco Forwarding, or IPFS - Instant Perfect Forward Secrecy even through E-mail, based on symmetric as well as asymmetric keys. Many new cryptographic innovations are ready to use by the given Echo Clients like Spot-On, GoldBug Crypto Chat, Smoke or Lettera and some other, which overtook these ideas already. These innovations lead to a new Era of Exponential Encryption, which is defined by new thinking and acting as well as new ways of multi-encryption. The resulting tendency consists in the authors' vision of encryption and decryption going into the direction of exponential multiplication: for used keys, for options to decode ciphertext of ciphertext to ciphertext, for taken routes, for duplicated messages and congestion filters, as well as for several Fiasco keys used for the keys of several friend and their messages. The authors analyze this environment and identify four arms of the Era of Exponential Encryption, discuss these and give social, economic, political, legal and educational recommendations. New multiplied directions in encryption? File-Sharing or Web browsing through a new Tor2 based on the POPTASTIC Echo? The Echo's growth is independent from a reader or observer. TCP is fluid but bounded. The Echo is boundless and just limited to the imagination of those imagining to create things from simple concepts.
Based on the historical development of so-called Crypto Chips, the current Transformation of Cryptography shows numerous changes, innovations and new process designs in the field of Cryptography, which also need to be integrated in a hardware design of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers for a Secure Embedded System. Using the example of the encrypting Echo protocol, a design of a hardware architecture based on three Chips is presented: The central Echo Chip #1 represents a "Trusted Execution Environment" (TEE), which is not connected to the Internet for the conversion processes from plain text to cipher text and is supposed to remain quasi original, to prevent software injections or possible uploads of copies of the plain text. The technical specifications of all three microprocessors are described in detail. The established paradigm of separation is recognized as a security feature and discussed as a perception for a Next Generation of Microcontrollers in the field of Mobile Messaging under the technical term "Going the Extra Mile". This security architecture is then discussed in the context of seven different current risk cases with the consolidated result that the well-known OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model is expanded to the Secure Architecture Model, abbreviated SAM.
Provided with two columns in German & English Language / Zweispaltig in deutscher & englischer Sprache. BIG SEVEN STUDY about 7 open source Crypto-Messengers for Encryption at the Desktop: A contribution in the cryptographic-discussion - The two security researchers David Adams (Tokyo) and Ann-Kathrin Maier (Munich), who examined in their BIG SEVEN study seven well-known encryption applications for e-mail and instant messaging out of the open source area, performed then a deeper IT-audit for the acquainted software solution The audit took into account the essential criteria, study fields and methods on the basis of eight international IT-audit manuals and was carried out in 20 dimensions. It identifies Ten Trends in the Crypto-Messaging. Security researcher David Adams from Tokyo about the published BIG SEVEN CRYPTO-study: "We looked at the seven major open source programs for encrypted online-communication and identified ten trends in the Crypto-Messaging area. One of the important trends is the feature, that the users should be able to define a so-called end-to-end encrypting password by themselves manually". The software "GoldBug - email client and instant messenger" here was ahead with excellent results and is not only very trustworthy and compliant to international IT-audit manuals and safety standards, GoldBug also scores in comparison and in the evaluation of the single functions in much greater detail than the other comparable open source crypto messenger. Co-author of the study Ann-Kathrin Maier from Munich confirms: "We have then our Messenger study deepened with a detailed audit of the crypto-program GoldBug, which received excellent results for encrypted email and secure online chat. By our code-reviews we can confirm the trustworthiness of this open source encryption in GoldBug." Numerous details have been analyzed by various methods, compared and also strategically evaluated by the two authors regarding the current encryption discussions. The comparatively studied applications include CryptoCat, GoldBug, OTR-XMPP clients such as Pidgin with the OTR-plugin, RetroShare and Signal, Surespot and Tox.
Human Proxies offer new directions to end-to-end encryption: End-A-to-End-Z encryption must be rethought when it turns out to be an End-B-to-End-Z encryption. And, Human Proxies raise questions that were neither answered by science, journalists nor the public. Regular Proxies on a network are forwarding Internet requests, e.g., to download a webpage. Also, in political and social settings a Proxy as an intermediate, deputy or representative with a similar function is given. Human Proxies now enable within the Encryption and Messenger Application Spot-On to choose a friend as a Human Proxy. The Spot-On program is a most modern and elaborated encryption suite available for several operation systems and provides many innovations in applied cryptography. It builds based on the Echo Protocol a cryptographic network, that is beyond Cryptographic Routing. With Human Proxies now a friend from the Messenger friends list sends out the chat message instead of the original sender. The construct of the "Inner Envelope" behind the Human Proxy function also creates new cryptographic challenges, provides plausible deniability to included nodes, and offers new perspectives in encryption, its analysis and decryption: As all messages in the network are encrypted, end-to-end encryption is new defined and gets with Human Proxies a potential second and plausible deniable start point. The essay in this book discusses some related aspects of Human Proxies and their referring's to encryption, networking, graph theory and comparable social and political processes of Proxies. This leads to a further general approach: Endpoints in Encryption are equipped by the application Spot-On with the vision of interoperability of endpoints in communications. | English & German language.
The authors analyze over two dozen fundamental concepts of encryption, milestones, mega-trends and sustainable change in regard to Secret Communications. Beginnings and terminations within process and product life cycles lead in sum to a "Transformation of Cryptography", which requires an interdisciplinary approach: Innovative breakthroughs in Cryptography are discussed within this essay as a third Epoch of Cryptography like the solving of the key transport problem with the Cesura in Cryptography by Secret Strems and also with Juggerknot Keys. Multi-Encryption and the Exponential Encryption requires New Thinking for Cryptoanalysis - in alliance with the described concepts of e.g. Cryptographic Calling, Cryptographic Discovery and Fiasco Forwarding with Fiasco Keys. Mathematicians have with the calculation of the truth the human right of privacy in their hands - on the other side elaborated competencies and skills in the internet age are required e.g. to program applications and also to update first the terms and nomenclatura of today interfering interdisciplinary scientific views. As an educational outlook the further Democratization of Encryption is based on discussing the Transformations of Cryptography in teaching lessons and on the development of open source programming's, which provide not only insight in their codes, processes and algorithms, but also provide e.g. with Virtual Keyboards within the same computational process a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and a technical- and network-oriented solution for "Going the Extra-Mile": What that is? is described in detail at the end of this edition.
The volume contains the papers presented at the fifth working conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS 2001), held on May 21-22, 2001 at (and organized by) the GMD -German National Research Center for Information Technology GMD - Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute IPSI, in Darmstadt, Germany. The conference is arranged jointly by the Technical Committees 11 and 6 of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) The name "Communications and Multimedia Security" was first used in 1995, Reinhard Posch organized the first in this series of conferences in Graz, Austria, following up on the previously national (Austrian) "IT Sicherheit" conferences held in Klagenfurt (1993) and Vienna (1994). In 1996, the CMS took place in Essen, Germany; in 1997 the conference moved to Athens, Greece. The CMS 1999 was held in Leuven, Belgium. This conference provides a forum for presentations and discussions on issues which combine innovative research work with a highly promising application potential in the area of security for communication and multimedia security. State-of-the-art issues as well as practical experiences and new trends in the areas were topics of interest again, as it has already been the case at previous conferences. This year, the organizers wanted to focus the attention on watermarking and copyright protection for e commerce applications and multimedia data. We also encompass excellent work on recent advances in cryptography and their applications. In recent years, digital media data have enormously gained in importance.