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Interactions between predator and prey can drive the evolution and diversification of nervous systems in astonishing ways. At the 2014 Karger Workshop, emerging leaders in the field presented highlights of some of the most compelling examples of co-evolved and specialized predators and prey. This subsequent special issue of 'Brain, Behavior and Evolution' includes discussions on neurotoxins, ion channels, visual systems, auditory localization, muscle activation, and echolocation. The species and questions addressed are equally diverse: How do alligators and owls localize sounds? What do two bats do when chasing the same insect? Why do some newts carry enough neurotoxin to kill twenty humans? What rules govern killer fly attack behavior? How do electric eels remotely control prey? Why are beautiful cone snails a potential cornucopia of pharmaceuticals? Overall, this publication provides valuable insight into why predator-prey interactions hold a special place in the study of biology and evolution.
The forces of natural selection have been a primary driver in the evolution of adaptive animal behaviours. On the one hand animals must evade predation in order to survive and pass on their genes; on other hand, and for the same underlying reasons, animals must also be capable of successfully capturing prey. This situation has led to an evolutionary arms race in which predator and prey are locked in the battle to survive. A common strategy in each situation is to enhance the speed of response, resulting in the evolution of neural, muscular and biomechanical designs that produce supremely fast and eye-catching behavioral responses. The aim of this book is to illuminate the design principles of escape and predatory behaviours using a series of case histories from different animal groups and to emphasize the convergent evolution of neural circuitry that optimizes the chances of survival. Using these case histories the authors describe sensory mechanisms that aid prey and predator detection, central neural circuit designs that increase speed of response and neuromuscular and biomechanical properties that aid the performance of escape and predatory movements.
An extensively revised third edition of this introduction to neuroethology - the neuronal basis of animal behaviour - for zoology, biology and psychology undergraduate students. The book focuses on the roles of individual nerve cells in behaviour, from simple startle responses to complex behaviours such as route learning by rats and singing by crickets and birds. It begins by examining the relationship between brains and behaviour, and showing how study of specialised behaviours reveals neuronal mechanisms that control behaviour. Information processing by nerve cells is introduced using specific examples, and the establishing roles of neurons in behaviour is described for a predator-prey interaction, toads versus cockroaches. New material includes: vision by insects, which describes sensory filtering; hunting by owls and bats, which describes sensory maps; and rhythmical movements including swimming and flying, which describes how sequences of movements are generated. Includes stunning photographs which capture the detail of the behaviour.
Abstract: A textbook is intended to serve as a study guide for medical students for becoming well-informed regarding medical statistics for subsequent use in medical research. The theme of the text is to describe the statistical methodology frequently found in published medical research, particularly in the area of chronic diseases. Included are: basic concepts; text of significance; various statistical tests and tables; the use and comparison of survival curves; normally distributed data and their analysis; linear regression models for medical data; other regression models; the quality of data; clinical trial designs; and considerations of sample size. Specific applications to epidemiological studies also are described. Numerous tables, illustrations, and examples are given throughout the text.
The potential consequences of a predator-prey predators tend to do that increase or maximize prey interaction are probably more serious, especially capture and that prey tend to do to avoid being for the prey, than are the consequences of most captured? The second theme emphasized the eco competitive or parasite-host interactions. For this logical approach to predator-prey interactions. reason, the adaptations and tactics that prey show What are the environmental constraints that in to the foraging manoeuvers of their predators, and fluence the evolution of structures and behaviors the counteradaptations of their predators, are often involved in predation and its avoidance? How do pronounced and even spectacular. Predation may in these factors combine to produce particular ,fssem fact be a critical determinant of both the behavior blages of predators and prey with common adapta of individuals and of the functional and taxonomic tions? The 18 papers presented at the symposium, composition of fish assemblages. This possibility and the ones published in these proceedings, re was a major factor leading to the organization of present the varied approaches that researchers have the Behavioral Tactics symposium. The obvious taken in addressing these questions. necessity of feeding, the wealth of information Several topics were common to many presenta available on food and energy budgets of animals tions: four of these in particular deserve at least both in the laboratory and field, and the approach brief mention.
A leading expert in animal behavior takes us into the wild to better understand and manage our fears. Fear, honed by millions of years of natural selection, kept our ancestors alive. Whether by slithering away, curling up in a ball, or standing still in the presence of a predator, humans and other animals have evolved complex behaviors in order to survive the hazards the world presents. But, despite our evolutionary endurance, we still have much to learn about how to manage our response to danger. For more than thirty years, Daniel Blumstein has been studying animals’ fear responses. His observations lead to a firm conclusion: fear preserves security, but at great cost. A foraging flock of birds expends valuable energy by quickly taking flight when a raptor appears. And though the birds might successfully escape, they leave their food source behind. Giant clams protect their valuable tissue by retracting their mantles and closing their shells when a shadow passes overhead, but then they are unable to photosynthesize, losing the capacity to grow. Among humans, fear is often an understandable and justifiable response to sources of threat, but it can exact a high toll on health and productivity. Delving into the evolutionary origins and ecological contexts of fear across species, The Nature of Fear considers what we can learn from our fellow animals—from successes and failures. By observing how animals leverage alarm to their advantage, we can develop new strategies for facing risks without panic.
The world of crickets has long been a world of scientific adventure and human fascination. Because of their remarkable ways of communicating and because their nervous and endocrine systems are easily accessible to researchers, crickets can be studied and analyzed with great effectiveness. Starting in the 1960s, vastly improved behavioral and neurobiological techniques have brought them to the frontier of the new field of neuroethology. Here, in the most comprehensive book on crickets ever compiled, twenty-five leading scientists detail the present state of cricket research both at conceptual and at experimental levels. They tell about the manifold strategies crickets use in matching development with seasons and habitats, finding mates, and avoiding parasites and predators, and they describe the physiological mechanisms, especially the neuronal mechanisms, underlying cricket behavior. Their book is at once about communication, comparative physiology and anatomy, and environmental interaction. More than half of Cricket Behavior and Neurobiology is devoted to acoustic behavior and bioacoustics. It is intended for those interested in entomology, general and comparative physiology, biophysics, endocrinology, and chronobiology. It offers new information for behavioral physiologists and ecologists, bioacousticians, and especially neurobiologists concerned with behavior.
When a predator attacks, prey are faced with a series of 'if', 'when' and 'how' escape decisions – these critical questions are the foci of this book. Cooper and Blumstein bring together a balance of theory and empirical research to summarise over fifty years of scattered research and benchmark current thinking in the rapidly expanding literature on the behavioural ecology of escaping. The book consolidates current and new behaviour models with taxonomically divided empirical chapters that demonstrate the application of escape theory to different groups. The chapters integrate behaviour with physiology, genetics and evolution to lead the reader through the complex decisions faced by prey during a predator attack, examining how these decisions interact with life history and individual variation. The chapter on best practice field methodology and the ideas for future research presented throughout, ensure this volume is practical as well as informative.
This book presents a series of essays on neuroscientific aspects of human nature and instinctive behavior, individually acquired (learned) behavior, human bipedal locomotion, voluntary movement, and the general problem of how the brain controls behavior. The author argues that concepts of the mind based on ancient Greek philosophy are past usefulness, and that modern animal behavior studies provide a better guide to the functional organization of the brain.
Shaun D. Cain, The Journal of Experimental Biology --Book Jacket.