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Phillip Yancey says that "every writer has one main theme, a spoor that he or she keeps sniffing around, tracking, following it to its source." My spoor is "grace," states Linda Teeple, author of The Nature of Grace: Ponderings On God's Abundant Grace. "I write about Grace because I want everyone to 'get' grace. There's a life-changing difference between understanding grace at the head level and experiencing grace at the heart level. God continually reminds me of his grace through nature--the nature of the great outdoors, the nature of the human heart, and the nature of relationships." Linda is a marriage and family therapist by vocation and a naturalist by avocation. She resides in Anderson, Indiana with her husband and her canine companions, Panda and Leader Dog puppy, Faith. Linda writes a weekly newspaper column entitled, "The Nature of Grace," which can be viewed at http: //
"MANY OF YOU HAVE BEEN KEPT OUT OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD BY YOUR GOOD WORKS." A startling thought, isn't it? Righteous acts and hard work may be the very things that lock the door to God's salvation, writes D. L. Moody. The faith versus works debate has gone on for two thousand years. Today the confusion continues. How many people, perhaps even you, believe that if they try hard enough, they may be able to escape judgment and receive God's gift of salvation? In God's Abundant Grace, D. L. Moody's words reach forward in time to strip away the layers we've added to God's salvation and lay bare the simple instruction: "To him that worketh not, but believeth to Him,... his faith is counted for righteousness."
What is grace? It is said that grace is unmerited favour. Paul said, "Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt" (Rom. 4:4). Therefore we can deduct that grace is the reward or blessing that is given to someone when the person did not work for it. It is grace that brought us from sin to righteousness, from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light. The Word of God says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the Gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast" (Eph. 2:8-9). We were saved by the Grace of God when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him into our lives. The Love and Grace of God is seen in what He did for us, in that He raised us up together with Christ Jesus, and seated us together with Him at His Own Right Hand.
This book explores the concept of grace and its profound impact on the lives of individuals. In this book, Moody delves into the source and nature of grace and explains how it is the foundation of salvation. The book also highlights how grace is not only essential for salvation but also for living and serving as a Christian.
To the one whose heart has been freshly stirred The power of the word of God concerning His grace has arrested your attention, and you sense conviction. Abundant grace is available to support your impending journey on the path of newness of life. If you dare to take this journey, you will discover who you are and why you were created. Not one of us is an accident. The God that created you is aware of you and your potential and wants to shape you and to reveal your full created intent. This can only happen when you are submissive and accepting of His grace. You will learn the true process of accepting His grace and how to live accordingly in His grace. You will be brought to an understanding of the insufficiency of man and the sufficiency of God, who equips you for success. You will discover God's reward system of eternal life in His presence over the background noise of humanistic beliefs of reward systems based on social standing or political and economic prowess. As you grow in His presence, you will learn how He has furnished you to magnify the kingdom that you now serve. Happy will be your journeying in the grace of God. To the one seasoned in grace Herein lie words of confirmation of the power of accepted grace. The reader is encouraged to check and balance the status of his own journey against that of God's word. Stephen the Martyr is exemplified as the epitome of accepted grace. The reader is made aware of unforeseen pitfalls that might be slowing his or her own progress in accepted grace. Living in grace and reciprocating grace to all are encouraged.
When Jesus said, "My grace is sufficient," Christians often forget that grace is the predominant characteristic of their Christian experience and therefore tend to overlook how grace permeates every aspect of their life. Were it not for grace, we would still be lost in our sin, unwilling to or incapable of enjoying the benefits of a relationship with Jesus. I chose the word panoply to describe God's grace because grace is so overwhelmingly abundant and impressively available to the believer. God's grace is more than sufficient. It is abundantly available to all that belong to Him. There is a reservoir of grace that will never empty. Christ was saying there is nothing else that will compare with it, nothing else that will replace it, and nothing else that will embody it. Grace is sufficient because there is nothing that can be added to it, supplement it, or enhance it. Well written, interesting and easy to read. It presents a practical understanding and comprehensive application of grace to Christian believers' daily lives, written, at times, out of the crucible of personal experience. It serves as a wonderful tribute to your Dad, Dr. Lloyd Button's life and ministry. It also represents an incredible amount of careful thought and work. I found it to be both clear and captivating! Dr. David Nicholas, President, Shasta Bible College, Redding, California
DO YOU WANT TO KNOW YOUR SPIRITUAL BENEFITS, THOSE THAT ARE AFFORDED THROUGH THE GRACE OF GOD? Do you feel trapped or engulfed by religious legalism? Are you desiring a meaningful relationship with the Lord rather than a checklist of rules? This book is for you. "Being a Christian is not about being perfect. In fact, we can never live up to the letter of the law. It is only when we let go of our constant striving for perfection that we encounter true perfection." Derek Prince In this book, Spellman discuss how there are multitudes of Christians who think it's okay to habitually sin, because God's grace is accessible in the person of Christ Jesus. According to the Bible, the Lord has set boundaries to help us walk in the light. Romans 6:1,6 says "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound. Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?" There are many profound books written on the subject of grace, Spellman is prayerful this book will reaffirm the richness and beauty of grace. God's grace is absolutely magnificent, no amount of pages, pamphlets, books, lectures, songs or messages can do justice or express the wealth and depth of His unmerited favor. With a focus on winning souls for the kingdom of God, Apostle Donald Spellman ministers healing and restoration-spiritually, physically, and emotionally-to the body of Christ. A pastor with military and civil service, together with his wife and co-founder of Living Word of Grace Ministries, they lead an apostolic ministry team and host a regular radio broadcast.
What is this Amazing Grace that saves us? This world could not fully understand what divine grace is till it was disclosed through the incarnation of Jesus, the Christ. After 2,000 years the believing followers of the Christ still cannot fully apprehend the depth of that grace. Even today this incredible salvation continually amazes those of us who have been touched by Gods grace. It is my prayer that this observant and grace-filled, faith-filled book will help you fulfill your fundamental vocation in life: to grow in holiness and to be conformed to the image of God. Grace is the only answer to mankinds need for meaning, purpose and fellowship with God. This book will help you learn more of the lavish abundance of grace freely given to all Gods children, and discover just how powerfully His grace moves in a life surrendered to Christ! This book is filled with quotations, Scripture, and heartwarming stories. This book will encourage you to embrace and enjoy Gods grace - and freely extend it to others. As you experience your true identity in Christ, youll come to know Amazing Grace as not just a song but as your true way of life! And now I commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up and give you among all who are sanctified (Acts 20:32 NIV).
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NKJV) Can grace be a reality in my life? In a world that often stresses perfection, God's grace gives us the strength to face our imperfections and faults. God’s provision is far greater than our lack. Through this study, you will uncover the many facets of God's grace, and discover that He can empower you with the ability to extend kindness when others would choose to pull back. Magnificent Grace explores important Bible passages that describe the abundance and sufficiency of God's grace, and illuminates Bible characters who received and displayed God's grace. You will find an open invitation to a deeper relationship with God, no matter what your past decisions or present circumstances may look like. And you will be challenged to not only receive God's grace, but to take it and pour it out on others. Features: Twelve weeks of Bible study Questions for discussion Leader’s Guide included for leading your small group study