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Focuses on the Native Americans' life with the European settlers after Columbus and their attempt to retain their culture and traditions in a changing, modern world.
The Native American Book of Change The Circle of Life is an American Indian symbol for the Four Directions. The four colors represent the four stages of life, from childhood to old age; the cycle of seasons, from spring to winter; and the four races of people. Each of the Four Directions symbolizes a certain power. In this circle, East is knowledge, South is life, West is the power of change, and North is wisdom. The Native American Book of Change chronicles the struggles of the American Indians since the Europeans came into their world. Poets, Prophets, and Peacemakers After the Conquest focuses on the clash between American Indian tribes and those seeking to exploit these people and their resources. Dad's Signs, Now Mine is the story of an American Indian teacher exploring painful minority stereotypes with his students. The children learn about the power of their words and how to create personal shields - positive images that tell who and what we are. *** Other titles in the series: The Native American Book of Knowledge, The Native American Book of Life, The Native American Book of Wisdom
The Native American Book of Life The Circle of Life is an American Indian symbol for the Four Directions. The four colors represent the four stages of life, from childhood to old age; the cycle of seasons, from spring to winter; and the four races of people. Each of the Four Directions symbolizes a certain power. In this circle, East is knowledge. South is life, West is the power of change, and North is wisdom. The Native American Book of Life focuses on American Indian children. ''The Children, Always the Children'' shows how important the raising of children was among the People. It details their pastimes and how they were named, taught, and disciplined, as well as how they learned to be happy and productive citizens of their nations. The fictional story ''By the Magic of the Straw-berry Moon'' takes place in an American Indian museum. It's a magical tale of how two Native American children learn about their own culture and their ancestors' contributions to the world. Other titles in the series: The Native American Book of Knowledge, The Native American Book of Change, The Native American Book of Wisdom.
A collection of stories focusing on the spiritual and medicine man traditions of the Native American.