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It's become a modern question because of the traditional doctrine: How can God be both loving and wrathful? In The Most Encouraging Book on Hell Ever, Thor Ramsey (an author, pastor, and comedian...but don't let that fool you) tackles this question by probing deeper. Avoiding the caricatures of God as either a Frankenstein out to crush you or a Santa Claus ready to grant your every wish (as long as you've been really, really good), he asks, "What changes about God if this traditional understanding of the doctrine of hell changes?" As it turns out, everything changes. If you think a God without hell is more loving, this book will surprise you. While many believe that by eliminating hell they're getting a new and improved God, this new thinking is more troubling than the old doctrine itself. The new doctrine of hell being sold today is only good news at the most superficial level, leaving us with a wrath-less God who tolerates evils that make even the average atheist cringe. What if hell itself is good news about God? What if hell highlights everything we find glorious about God? What if the loss of hell leaves the world with a smaller God? Discover why the church needs a new and different breed of hellfire-and-brimstone preacher in the pulpit today. If you can't imagine how the doctrine of hell could ever make you say, "Praise God," this book (often funny, but deadly serious) lays out the biblical vision.
“The best book on hell ever written”. - Dr. Eastman, founding member and president, America’s National Prayer Committee Anthony DeStefano, the bestselling author of A Travel Guide to Heaven, takes us on an exploration of hell, the devil, demons, and evil itself. Written with clarity, logic, and vivid storytelling, Hell: A Guide takes up questions such as: Is hell a place or a state of being? What does hell look like? What kind of suffering do people in hell experience? What are the devil and demons really like? Rooted in solid, orthodox Christian scholarship, this one-of-a-kind book investigates everything there is to know about one of the most fascinating, yet often misunderstood, subjects of all time.
"There are a growing number of us who have become acutely aware that Jesus's story has been hijacked by a number of other stories, stories Jesus isn't interested in telling, because they have nothing to do with what he came to do. The plot has been lost, and it's time to reclaim it. . . . "I've written this book because the kind of faith Jesus invites us into doesn't skirt the big questions about topics like God and Jesus and salvation and judgment and heaven and hell, but takes us deep into the heart of them." —from Love Wins
How many souls have you won to Christ? How many are still walking with the Lord? All, some, a few? The facts are: Evangelical success is at an all-time low. We’re producing more backsliders than true converts. The fall-away rate—from large crusades to local churches—is between 80 to 90 percent. Why are so many unbelievers turning away from the message of the gospel? Doesn’t the Bible tell us how to bring sinners to true repentance? If so, where have we missed it? The answer may surprise you. One hundred years ago, Satan buried the crucial key needed to unlock the unbeliever’s heart. Now Ray Comfort boldly breaks away from modern tradition and calls for a return to biblical evangelism. If you’re experiencing evangelical frustration over lost souls, unrepentant sinners, and backslidden “believers,” then look no further. This radical approach could be the missing dimension needed to win our generation to Christ.
Will heaven be boring? How can a good and loving God send people to hell? Is there such a place as purgatory? If so, why is it necessary, if we're saved by grace? Questions about the afterlife abound. Given what is at stake, they are the most important questions we will ever consider. Recent years have seen a surge of Christian books written by people claiming to have received a glimpse of the afterlife, and numerous books, films, and TV shows have apocalyptic or postapocalyptic themes. Jerry Walls, a dynamic writer and expert on the afterlife, distills his academic writing on heaven, hell, and purgatory to offer clear biblical, theological, and philosophical grounding for thinking about these issues. He provides an ecumenical account of purgatory that is compatible with Protestant theology and defends the doctrine of eternal hell. Walls shows that the Christian vision of the afterlife illumines the deepest and most important issues of our lives, changing the way we think about happiness, personal identity, morality, and the very meaning of life.
Most Christians have, at one time or another, wondered what heaven will really be like. But what about hell? Have you ever wondered what the place prepared for the devil and his followers will be like? Do the countless cartoon drawings we've all seen accurately portray what hell is really like? Or has the humorous content of those cartoons confused us as to what it is really like and subtly removed our revulsion for such an awful place? Most of us would rather not think about hell, but if it was important enough for Jesus to discuss, then maybe we should take another look at this unpleasant topic. A clear understanding of hell can, and should, be a powerful motivator for obedience to Jesus' final command to go and make disciples and thus play a part in saving as many as possible from an eternity separated from God. In his book, Hell: Shedding Light on a Dark Place, author Timothy Pitts uses a laid-back, easy-to-read style to provide a biblical look at what hell will be like. You'll discover that "the main thing about hell"-while a truth that is a simple no-brainer-has far-reaching implications. As you read, ask God to change your heart and to give you a greater compassion for those who are rushing through life towards such an awful fate.
The doctrine of hell presents the most intractable version of the problem of evil, for though it might be argued that ordinary pain and evil can somehow be compensated for by the course of future experience, the pain and suffering of hell leads nowhere. This work develops an understanding of hell that is common to a broad variety of religious perspectives, and argues that the usual understandings of hell are incapable of solving the problem of hell. Kvanvig first argues that the traditional understanding of hell found in Christianity suffers from moral and epistemological inadequacies. Historically, these shortcomings lead to alternatives to the traditional doctrine of hell, such as universalism, annihilationism, or the second chance doctrine. Kvanvig shows, however, that the typical alternatives to the traditional understanding are inadequate as well. He argues that both the traditional understanding and the typical alternatives fail to solve the problem of hell because they share the common flaw of being constructed on a retributive model of hell. Kvanvig then develops a philosophical account of hell which does not depend on a retributive model and argues that it is adequate on both philosophical and theological grounds.
'I Was Born to Destroy Hell' is the second book of Tim Ehmann. Like his first book 'I Met God in Hell" Tim Ehmann gives us an even more brilliant description of Heaven, focusing on new revelation and on the ancient truths of Jesus. This book gives a more accurate detail on the appearance of Jesus and all of heaven, but most important, the heart of God. A Continuing theme with his first book, Tims message is of a true love affair with the Lord Jesus, which of course is our salvation. Tim devotes several chapters of the new book 'I Was Born to Destroy Hell' to uncommon miracles and the 3rd Great Awakening. When Jesus appeared to Tim and saved him, at the very gate of hell, on September 1, 2000 , the last words of that 8 hour conversation was 'Timmy, I saved you, Now you Go and save my Children' So needless to say there are many new and thorough descriptions of heaven and of course hell, which has been on the heart of Tim Ehmann to release to the world. This ministry is a miracle ministry, it started with this miracle, and we have seen miracle ever since. There is also a couple of chapters on the Christian music market and a rare insight on the entertainment industry. This book is a great revelation for the saved and the unsaved, for the mature in the Lord and for a brand new convert. The graphic descriptions of the horrors of hell, and what Tim Ehmann saw is well worth the price itself, but what i like the most is the accurate descriptions of Jesus ever written, and the spiritual laws of heaven. There are several chapters devoted to teaching on the gifts, on the faith walk, and of course the most important subject, salvation. Without that nothing else matters, Jesus said 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father but through me. Without this basic truth there is no salvation. This book shows you the outrageous and out of control Love of Jesus for each and every one of us. It's the love of God that brings us to salvation, and this book shows you in how many different ways JESUS speaks to us, and shows us the way back home to heaven. Realize through your own life how many times God perfomed miracles to get your attention. Know the day of your salvation. Come and Join us in Heaven. Tim Ehmann Website:
Most contemporary Christians acknowledge the doctrine of hell, but they’d rather not think about how God punishes the wicked. The authors of Four Views on Hell meet this subject head-on with different views on what the Scriptures say. Is hell to be understood literally as a place of eternal smoke and flames? Or are such images simply metaphors for a real but different form of punishment? Is there such a thing as “conditional immortality,” in which God annihilates the souls of the wicked rather than punishing them endlessly? Is there a Purgatory, and if so, how does it fit into the picture? The interactive Counterpoints forum allows the reader to see the four views on hell—literal, metaphorical, conditional, and purgatorial—in interaction with each other. Each view in turn is presented, critiqued, and defended. This evenhanded approach is ideal for comparing and contrasting views in order to form a personal conclusion about one of Christianity’s key doctrines. The Counterpoints series provides a forum for comparison and critique of different views on issues important to Christians. Counterpoints books address two categories: Church Life and Bible and Theology. Complete your library with other books in the Counterpoints series.
Can a Believer in Christ Go to Hell? This book reveals the answer to that question with supporting Bible verses. It reveals the reality of how lost most believers are, because of the lack of hearing the preached and taught Word of God. It reveals how most believers live like they are unsaved, by seeking selfish pleasures and sinking deeper and deeper in their sins. It also shows just how lost most believers are, with a distant relationship with Jesus. This will be the most important question you will ever ask yourself, and if you are not sure if you are heaven or hell bound, then let me guide you to the answer thats found in the Word. So many think just because Jesus died for our sins, that we can do whatever we want and plead the blood. I want to lead you to the truth and encourage everyone that we can live like the Christians we claim we are. That is what God wants, isnt it? Grace doesnt give us the right to live ungodly, while claiming to be believers. The wages of sin is death, and our bodies are Gods temple, so lets live to please Him and not self. Its my duty to reveal to you the message He gave me, and I pray this book makes a huge difference in your life. This is why I was born, so that this information would be told and souls would repent and run to Jesus. So that He would change us and make our lives worthy of His sacrifice. Can a believer in Christ go to hell? Lets find out.