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Venus has always been associated with the feminine in astrology and in culture, yet little emphasis is placed upon the wisdom aspect of the planet. With the cycles of Venus we are given insight into the unfolding of wisdom within ourselves and society, especially with the cycle of Venus inferior conjunctions the so-called 2nd order cycle of the planet. In her timely and much-needed work, Firegazing, Gail has brilliantly outlined the meaning and import of these cycles and the deeper meaning of a planet that often only receives a passing notice in astrology, yet is so intimately connected with our own lives and what it is to be human. When Venus passes across the face of the solar orb, we are given opportunity to gaze into the very fire of the soul itself. Well done, Gail! - Malvin Artley
The Inner Dimensions of Life is a compressed yet exhaustive educational presentation of the esoteric teachings in three volumes, subtitled Esoteric Philosophy, Esoteric Psychology, and Esoteric Sociology. With a background in many years of work as a teacher in his Esoteric School, the author has gathered and edited a comprehensive and thoroughly tested curriculum, including illustrations and copious source references. Thus, the work appeals to readers who will be content with a general view, as well as those who wish to delve deeper into the subject. The first volume, Esoteric Philosophy, offers an introduction to all the basic concepts of the esoteric teaching, beginning with the esoteric "Genesis" or Creation Account, The 7 Planes, and further on to the Constitution of Man, Death and New Birth, Evolution - Reincarnation and Karma, the Path of Initiation, the Path of Discipleship, the 7 Rays, the Evolution of Consciousness, Cosmology, the Esoteric World History, the Inner World Government, the New Evolutionary Impulse, and the Deva Kingdom.