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No matter what your religion is, knowledge helps you understand the world. The world ceases wonder under its belly, and religion helps you to reveal the hidden truths. Prophets are part of this revelation. Allah bestowed them with such astounding miracles that no ordinary man would ever believe, but those with knowledge and trust will understand that the world is a miracle. The book "Miracles of prophet Dawud" reveals the powers of the prophet, bestowed by our creator to his special humans, to help us live a simple and peaceful life. A man filled with the love of Allah, a faithful and lawful king, a loving father, and a pious man. How come all these qualities are gathered in one man? How come to a small child killed a giant enemy with his slingshot? How can a man mold iron with his bare hands? Allah bestows miracles on his favorite people when he wants something to happen. Prophet Dawud is one of those Prophets; Allah granted kingship and prophecy together for the first time in human history and the prophet’s history. Let's read and understand the meaning behind it.
Prophets are God’s messengers on earth. Through the years and at every point, God has raised Prophets to answer people’s requests and needs. This book is a compendium of significant Prophets throughout history and the miracles they did to establish their calling. A special focus is placed on the miracles of Prophet Solomon. He was blessed with a great kingdom, incomparable wealth, a powerful army, and superior wisdom. This book looks at the different manifestations of his God-given talent in the Quran, the Bible, and the pages of History. I desire that the stories in this book will entertain and enlighten you and inspire you about the possibilities of man when God is with him.
The Miracles of Prophet Jesus is an insightful book written to help people seeking a divergent view of an iconic personality crucial to the Christian and Islamic faith. It presents the miracles in both holy books to help believers discover the outstanding miracles God wreaked through this great prophet. It is a must-read for anyone who desires a cross-faith book written about the exceptional miracles of Jesus.
Prophets are messengers sent by Allah to bring people from darkness to light. All prophets came with the same truths. They are guides who describe the Creator of the Earth and the universe, give information about him, and come to explain the existence of eternal life after death. While those who follow the truths they bring reach eternal happiness, those who forget them are doomed to be lost in the deserts of the world.
David Prophet " PROPHET OF MIRACLES " DAVID Do not judge a book by its cover The story that many do not know " The greatest king and greatest prophet " The story will learn about the miracles that this prophet had in detail. And you will get to know this prophet. And what was he doing? And the wars he fought And the victories he won Fun story for adults and kids
Prophet Dawud or David is recognized in Islam as a prophet, messenger (Rasul), and lawgiver of God, and as a righteous king of the United Kingdom of Israel, which itself is a holy country in Islam. He similarly figures prominently in the Torah and the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. David is perhaps most famous in Islam for defeating the Philistine giant Goliath (Jalut), when he was a soldier in the army of King Saul's (Talut). His genealogy goes back through Judah, the son of Prophet Jacob (Ya'qub), to Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim). The figure of Prophet David is of extreme importance in Islam because he was one of the few prophets to receive a named revealed book. It says in the Quran that the Zabur, the Biblical Psalms, were given to David. David's son, Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman), took over the task of prophecy after his death and he was made the subsequent King of Israel. The Judeo-Christian and Islamic views of David, however, differ in some aspects. Muslims generally do not accept the sins of adultery and murder attributed to David in the Hebrew Bible, as they feel that prophets - in their belief the utmost chosen and elect of God - would never commit such grave crimes. Islamic belief holds that God taught David the making of armour. The Quran says the 'iron was made soft for him', through which David could make instruments for protection against enemies. However, the rule in this story is to use weapons of defence only in true war (e.g., if you are fighting for freedom of worship) and not to simply use weapons for degenerate violence. Prophet David (Dawud) was a man of superb strength, slaying Goliath in his raw youth. But God afterwards had bestowed upon him various gifts, including those of kingship and prophethood. Thus, the wise king would frequently praise God, in unison with the nature around him. Many scholars believe he was given the gifts of music as well, and would sing his prayers too, as he was blessed with great eloquence. The Quran mentions David's praise of God: Bear with patience what they say, and remember Our votary David, man of strength. He surely turned to Us in penitence. We subjugated the chiefs (of tribes) to struggle day and night with him, And the levied birds. They were all obedient to him. (Holy Quran 38:17-19)
Om and Crescent: The Battle for Peaceful Coexistence explains Islam from a Hindu perspective. This book sheds light on the similarities and differences between these two faiths in a way Hindus can understand. Read this book if you want to: • Understand Islam from the standpoint of Advaita Vedanta. • Compare and contrast religious concepts, such as Ishvara-Allah, Dharma Yuddha-Jihad, Avatar-Masiha, and many more. • Intellectually empower yourself on interfaith dialogue based on Dharma. The book is divided into five parts. The first part talks about dharma and monotheism. The second part provides an overview of key Islamic ideas. The third part delves into specialized concepts like jihad and kufr. Part four is a survey of Islamic societies, and part five presents Pakistan and Bangladesh as case studies. The book concludes by providing practical solutions for how Hindus and Muslims should engage with each other. This book is an essential read for social scientists, policymakers, and scholars interested in the past, present, and future of Hindu-Muslim relations.
Prophet Moses is one of the messengers sent by God to lead people from darkness to light. All prophets came with the same truths. Some of them were denied, some were expelled from their homeland and some were killed, but they continued to tell the truth they brought without giving up. Prophet Moses, one of the four prophets who were given the book, invited Pharaoh, who claimed divinity, to the one God, and as with every prophet, various slanders and persecutions were made against him. However, he never gave up on this cause and gently called Pharaoh to believe in God over and over again. They told people that this world is a testing ground where good people and bad people are determined. They stated that real life will begin after this world.