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Redemption for all of humanity has been made available to all through one Man—Jesus Christ. Salvation is a free and unmerited gift to man from the throne of grace. Nonetheless, the price of the cross was, indeed, costly. A true relationship with God— through—Jesus Christ involves more than following a "free-style" doctrine. Jesus said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God" (Jn. 3:3). The immediate goal of being born-again is to see the Kingdom of God. Yet, there is an issue of blindness among believers that must be resolved. It is not enough be saved, join a church, or even to become a missionary, although these are noble things. Undeniably, there is a distinct journey for each individual in Christ, but one thing that applies to all Christians is the need for obedient adherence to the principles in the Scriptures. While some may practice a permissive theology, the true sons and daughters of God ought not to "cherry-pick" through the Scriptures to find what they are willing to apply in their own lives. Reject one part of the Word of God and you must reject it all—or else—embrace it all and live it! The institutional church, with its numerous denominations, has no soul to be transformed, but each believer does. Jesus died to save individual believers not denominational entities. God adopts common individuals and they become His unique sons and daughters. The Mystery and Miracle of New Birth is for believers who desire to know and practice sound biblical doctrine—because doctrine matters.
The miracle of the new birth centers on the reality that Jesus is in you as your life. Learn to walk as Jesus walked -- to be "dead to sin." How to live a victorious miracle life.
The term New Birth has been devalued by the multitudes who claim to be 'born again' while living like everybody else. The New Testament defines new birth and new life completely differently.
Redemption for all of humanity has been made available to all through one Man-Jesus Christ. Salvation is a free and unmerited gift to man from the throne of grace. Nonetheless, the price of the cross was, indeed, costly. A true relationship with God-through-Jesus Christ involves more than following a "free-style" doctrine. Jesus said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God" (Jn. 3:3). The immediate goal of being born-again is to see the Kingdom of God. Yet, there is an issue of blindness among believers that must be resolved. It is not enough be saved, join a church, or even to become a missionary, although these are noble things. Undeniably, there is a distinct journey for each individual in Christ, but one thing that applies to all Christians is the need for obedient adherence to the principles in the Scriptures. While some may practice a permissive theology, the true sons and daughters of God ought not to "cherry-pick" lives. Reject one part of the Word of God and you must reject it all-or else-embrace it all and live it! The institutional church, with its numerous denominations, has no soul to be transformed, but each believer does. Jesus died to save individual believers not denominational entities. God adopts common individuals and they become His unique sons and daughters. The Mystery and Miracle of New Birth is for believers who desire to know and practice sound biblical doctrine-because doctrine matters.
for every healthy tree bears good fruit --; Demand #28 : love your enemies--lead them to the truth --; Demand #29 : love your enemies--pray for those who abuse you --; Demand #30 : love your enemies--do good to those who hate you, give to the one who asks --; Demand #31 : love your enemies to show that you are children of God --; Demand #32 : love your neighbor as yourself,
Two chief obstacles lie in the way of the salvation of any of Adam's fallen descendants: bondage to the guilt and penalty of sin, bondage to the power and presence of sin; or, in other words, their being bound for Hell and their being unfit for Heaven. These obstacles are, so far as man is concerned, entirely insurmountable. This fact was unequivocally established by Christ, when, in answer to His disciples' question, "Who then can be saved?," He answered, "with men this is impossible." A lost sinner might more easily create a world than save his own soul. But (forever be His name praised), the Lord Jesus went on to say, "with God all things are possible" (Matt. 19:25, 26). Arthur Walkington Pink was an English Christian evangelist and Biblical scholar known for his staunchly Calvinist and Puritan-like teachings. Though born to Christian parents, prior to conversion he migrated into a Theosophical society and quickly rose in prominence within their ranks. His conversion came from his father's patient admonitions from Scripture. It was the verse, Proverbs 14:12, 'there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death, ' which particularly struck his heart and compelled him to renounce Theosophy and follow Jesus.
In our day of "easy believism" and a culture which is dominated by the philosophy of humanism, it becomes the church to clarify exactly what it means to believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus made clear that when he returns... Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7:22-23) The church needs to make clear in its presentation of the gospel and in its appeals to the hearers that to believe in Jesus is far more than a simple mental decision on the part of the listener. First, it means that the person has been drawn to God by the Holy Spirit. Second, it means that God has done the work of regeneration--the miracle of transforming a person from being a natural person born into the world to a spiritual person born into God's eternal kingdom. Jesus said, "Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die" (John 11:26). At the heart of Jesus's discussion of the new birth is the following simple statement by Jesus which needs to be understood and experienced by anyone drawn by God's Spirit: The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8) When a person is born of the Spirit, it is the direct result of the work of the Spirit "blowing upon" him. He may realize immediately what has happened in him, or it may be sometime later that the newness of his inner being is recognized. But that he is a new creature will inevitably be obvious to the newborn believer. God has done it!
As a paediatrician, the author assisted with many difficult births, supported the development of the babies and treated them when they became sick, or were harmed by the negligence and inconsiderate actions of adults. In THE WONDER OF THE NEW BIRTH he describes the similarities between natural and Spiritual birth and development. Just as a child may fail to thrive if not properly fed, or be harmed by unwholesome substances from which he should have been protected, Spiritual malnutrition and poisoning are ever-present dangers to those starved of the Word of God or exposed to unGodly spiritual experiences. The Word is living and the strongest medicine able to cure every infirmity Heb 4:12 The world of the Spirit may be invisible to the natural senses, but it is no less real.
“Captivating reading that builds the faith while it fills the mind with greatness.”—Sherwood Wirt, former editor, DECISION Magazine One of this century's greatest writers of fact, fiction, and fantasy explores, in utterly beautiful terms, questions of faith in the modern world: • On the experience of miracles • On silence and religious belief • On the assumed conflict between work and prayer • On the error of trying to lead “a good life” without Christ • On the necessity of dogma to religion • On the dangers of national repentance • On the commercialization of Christmas . . . and more “The searching mind and the poetic spirit of C.S. Lewis are readily evident in this collection of essays edited by his one-time secretary, Walter Hopper. Here the reader finds the tough-mind polemicist relishing the debate; here too the kindly teacher explaining a complex abstraction by means of clarifying analogies; here the public speaker addressing his varied audience with all the humility and grace of a man who knows how much more remains to be unknown.”—The New York Times Book Review