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This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the six messages from the Thanksgiving weekend conference held in Charlotte, North Carolina, November 22-25, 2018. The subject of this series of messages is "The Reality of the Body of Christ." The banners in the following section embody the crucial truths and the main burden of the conference. The Announcements section at the end of this issue contains a list of upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.
This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the eight messages of the international training for elders and responsible ones hosted by Living Stream Ministry on April 16-18, 2021. The messages were provided via webcast from Anaheim, California, and the mutual fellowship, prophesying, and studying by groups were practiced locally in the various churches that participated. The general subject of this series of messages is "Vital Factors for the Recovery of the Church Life." The ultimate goal in God's eternal economy is the building up of the church as the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem, the bride of the redeeming God. In the age of the church, there needs to be an understanding, experience, and application of various vital factors for the strengthening and full recovery of the church life. A factor is an element that actively contributes to the production of a result. In this series of messages, we will see eight vital, critical, and strategic elements that actively contribute to the recovery of the church life.
This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the first eight of the sixteen messages given during the fall 2021 term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California. The general subject of this series of messages is "Chapters Five through Eight of Romans--the Kernel of the Bible." These first eight messages and the subsequent eight messages (published in an upcoming issue) will focus on Romans 5 and 6. This general subject will then be continued in the messages of the spring 2022 term and will focus on Romans 7 and 8. The life and death form two contrasting lines in chapters 5 through 8, showing that man is at the center of a triangular situation between God and Satan, that is, between life and death. The tree of life and the tree of knowledge (the tree of death) issue in two lines--the line of life and the line of death--that run through the entire Bible and consummate in the book of Revelation. The line of life begins with the tree of life in Genesis 2 and issues in the New Jerusalem in Revelation 22 as the city of the water of life with the tree of life, the light of life, and the glory of life. Similarly, the line of death begins with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in Genesis 2 and ends with the lake of fire in Revelation 20. The kernel of the Bible is that Christ has been revealed into us as life and that we live, have our being, and exist by Christ as the divine life. God put us into Christ with the desire that we would be transformed and conformed to the image of His Son so that we might be thoroughly one with Christ. In this way we are built up together as the living Body of Christ to contain and express Christ for the Father's glory and for our glorification in Christ. Romans 5 reveals that the result of our justification is the full enjoyment of God in Christ as our life.
This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the complete rec­ord of the twelve messages given during the semiannual training held July 1 through 6, 2019, in Anaheim, California, as the second part of the crystallization-­study of Numbers. The key statements in the following section embody and summarize the crucial truths and main burdens in these twelve messages. These training messages are being published immediately following the training in order that they might benefit the saints participating in the many video trainings that are held throughout the earth. The Reports and Announcements section contains “July 2019 Mass Distribution Update from Rhema Literature Distributors,” “An Update concerning Europe,” and “Fellowship concerning the Lord’s Move in the United States.” Also included is information concerning upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.
This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the complete record of the twelve messages given during the semiannual training held December 24 through 29, 2018, in Anaheim, California, as the first part of the crystallization-study of Numbers. The banners in the following section embody and summarize the crucial truths and main burden in these twelve messages. These training messages are being published immediately following the training in order that they might benefit the saints participating in the many video trainings that are held throughout the earth. The Reports and Announcements sections contains "An Update concerning Europe," "A Burden for the Spread of the Lord's Recovery in the United States," "Announcement concerning The Collected Works of Witness Lee and Ministry Digest, a New Publication," and "Announcement concerning the 2019 North America College Training." Also included is information concerning the upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.
This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the nine messages given during the international training for elders and responsible ones held in Bangalore, India, on October 3 through 5, 2019. The general subject of this series of messages is “The One New Man Fulfilling God’s Purpose in Creating Man.” The eternal purpose of God is to have a corporate man to express Him and represent Him. For this purpose God created man in His image and according to His likeness so that through His economy man may receive His life and nature and thereby become His expression. God’s intention in giving man dominion is for him to exercise God’s authority over the earth in order that the kingdom of God may come to the earth. However, the first man, Adam, became damaged and degraded; therefore, he failed to fulfill God’s purpose in creating man. Christ, as the second man and the last Adam, became a prototype and pattern of the expression, living, conduct, and work of the new man who fulfills God’s intention. In His human­ity Christ expressed the bountiful God in His rich attributes through His aromatic virtues. Christ’s God-man living constituted Him to be a prototype so that He may be reproduced in us and live again in us, the church as the Body of Christ and the new man. The church, the Body of Christ, is the one new man to accomplish God’s eternal purpose. On the cross Christ created the new man in Himself by abolishing in His flesh the law of the commandments in ordinances—forms or ways of living and worship, which create enmity and division. As the Body of Christ, the church needs Christ as its life; as the one new man, the church needs Christ as its person. The cross abolished the ordinances in order to give place to the Spirit. The more we are in the mingling of the divine Spirit with our human spirit, the more we will be set free from ordinances in order to bring forth the one new man. The goal of the Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the corporate one new man. The creation of the new man was completed on the cross, but the renewal of the new man is still going on today. For the practical exis­tence and reality of the one new man, we need to put off the old man and put on the new man by being renewed in the spirit of our mind and by taking Christ as our person. The renewing of our mind and of our entire being is carried out by the renewing Spirit being mingled with our regenerated spirit as one mingled spirit to spread into our mind. When we live our life by taking Christ as our person, especially in making decisions, our living will be the living of the new man. Moreover, for the bringing forth of the one new man, we must grow and mature in life by growing up into Christ in all things. The reality and practicality of the new man require our persevering in particular prayer, such as the prayers modeled by Paul in Ephesians 3:14-17 and the Lord Jesus in John 17, which is our response to Christ’s activities in His heavenly ministry. Furthermore, we must labor and struggle according to the operation of God to dispense Christ into others in order to present every man full-grown in Christ until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith, a full-grown man, and the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. The dispens­ing of Christ is a service carried out by all believers as faithful stewards of the mysteries of God, which is Christ and the church. A steward is a dispenser, one who dispenses the divine life supply to God’s children. The stewardship of grace is the dispensing of the riches of Christ into our being so that we may grow and become the church. All the local churches in the different countries are the one new man; thus, they need to practice the church life in the consciousness of the new man. If we take Christ as our life and as our person in the new man and with the new man, spontane­ously we all will speak the same thing and do the same one work for the unique Body, the universal one new man. In this way the new man will grow and mature, and we will arrive at a full-grown man. This will be the ultimate church life—a universal new man taking Christ as his person and living out Christ; this will conclude this age, usher in the kingdom, and bring the Lord back. The Announcements section at the end of this issue contains a list of upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.
This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the remaining eight messages given during the fall 2018 term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California. The general subject of this series of messages is "The Central Vision." There are three aspects of the central vision. The first aspect is God as our contents, the second aspect is Christ as the mystery of God, and the third aspect is the church as the mystery of Christ. Christ is the mystery of God, the church is the mystery of Christ, and Christ and the church are the great mystery.
This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the eight messages given during the international training for elders and responsible ones held in Anaheim, California, on April 5 through 7, 2019. The general subject of this series of messages is "The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life." The kingdom of God is a wonderful person--the Lord Jesus Christ, who as the Sower sowed the seed of the kingdom into the soil of our heart. This kingdom seed, which is Christ Himself as both the King and the kingdom through the word, needs to grow and develop in our inner being to become God's ruling realm. The kingdom is the realm of life for the divine life to move, rule, and govern so that life may accomplish its purpose. The kingdom that is developing is not only divine life but also Christ Himself as a wonderful person expanding within us. Before there can be the manifestation of the kingdom with the Lord's coming, there must be the reality of the kingdom inwardly and the practicality of the kingdom in the Christian life and the church life. In our Christian life, we live the kingdom life by living a hidden life. Because the kingdom has been sown as a seed into us, the development and manifestation of the kingdom must come from the hidden growth of the roots within the soil. The kingdom life is a life in the depths, a life that can "take root downward and bear fruit upward" (Isa. 37:31). The principle of the kingdom people is that they live a hidden life, not performing their righteous deeds before men. Messages 1 and 2 emphasize the Christian life, particularly the inward reality of the kingdom that is developing and the matter of learning to have a life hidden in God so that the kingdom life may deepen in us. The kingdom is the reality of the church, and the church is the practical expression and representation of the kingdom. Apart from the kingdom life, we cannot live the church life. The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age. Today the believers live the kingdom life in the church. Messages 3 through 6 focus on various aspects of the kingdom and the church. Message 3 directly concerns the kingdom and the church. Message 4 is on relationships in the kingdom. In particular, it is on the seriousness of living a forgiving life so that we will have no issues before the Son of Man that will cost us the kingdom reward. In Message 5 we see the need for shutting up the gates of Hades through the exercise of the keys of denying the self, taking up the cross, and losing the soul-life. Message 6 focuses on the responsibility of the church to engage in spiritual warfare, mainly through prayer, because of the conf lict between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. The responsibility of the church is to bring the kingdom of God to the earth in glorious manifestation. Message 7 is concerned with our being watchful in life and faithful in service. For life, we need oil, the Spirit of God, even His filling, that we may be enabled to live the virgin life for the Lord's testimony. For service, for work, we need the talent, the spiritual gift, that we may be equipped as a good slave to accomplish what the Lord intends to accomplish. Message 8 concludes this series by releasing a burden on proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom throughout the entire inhabited earth and discipling the nations. The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations before the end of this age. We have the authority, commission, and position of our resurrected Christ to disciple the nations for the spread and development of the kingdom of God. The Announcements section at the end of this issue contains a list of upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.
This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the final nine messages given during the spring 2019 term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California. The general subject of this series of messages is "The Wonderful Christ in the Canon of the New Testament." In these nine messages we continue to consider aspects of the wonderful Christ in the New Testament. In Message 9 we see that Christ is our new Husband. Our old man has been crucified to the law through the body of Christ so that we might marry another husband, Christ, who has been raised from the dead. This joining indicates that in our new status as a wife, we have an organic union in person, name, life, and existence with Christ in His resurrection; now we are married to Christ, our new Husband. Since Christ is our Husband, we must depend on Him and take Him as our Head, our person, and our life. In Message 10 we see that the Man-Savior's ascension was His inauguration into His heavenly office. In His heavenly ministry in ascension, Christ is serving us by dispensing Himself as the reality of the New Testament jubilee into us for our enjoyment. In Message 11 we see that because Christ is the reality of God with the divine attributes, the reality of humanity with all the human virtues, and the reality of every positive thing in the universe, God's intention in His economy is that this Christ would become everything to us. The will of God is one person--Christ; one way--the cross; and one goal--the church as the Body of Christ and the one new man. The way we should take is the way of opening our being to the all-inclusive, extensive Christ and allowing Him to make His home in us, saturate us, permeate us, reproduce Himself in us, and fill us to overflowing until we put off our culture and every natural element so that Christ is all and in all. In Message 12 we see that we need to know and experience Christ as our kingly and divine High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek. As the King, He has the scepter to rule over the earth and to manage our affairs, and as the High Priest, He is interceding for us and taking care of our case before God. As the kingly High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, Christ ministers to us the Triune God, who was processed through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection, signified by the bread and the wine, as our life supply so that we may be saved to the uttermost in order to fulfill God's eternal purpose. In Message 13 we see that we should live a Christian life under the government of God. It is Christ who enables us to take God's governmental dealings administered through sufferings. As we live the Christian life under the government of God, we experience the pneumatic Christ as the Shepherd of our souls, who oversees our inward condition, caring for the situation of our inner being--our mind, emotion, and will and our problems, needs, and wounds; restoring our soul; and giving rest to our soul so that we may have the full enjoyment of Him. In Message 14 we see that Christ as the faithful Witness of God, the testimony and expression of God, is for the testimony of Jesus, the church as the corporate expression of the Triune God. As such, the church is the reproduction of the testimony and expression of God in Christ. The testimony of Jesus is the seven golden lampstands. The golden lampstand symbolizes the Triune God--the Father as the substance is embodied in the Son, the Son as the embodiment is expressed through the Spirit, the Spirit is fully realized and expressed as the churches, and the churches are the testimony of Jesus. Hence, the seven golden lampstands are the enlarged, corporate expression of the Triune God. In Message 15 we see that Christ is the Lamb whom the firstfruits, the living overcomers, follow. The firstfruits are the earliest among God's crop to reach maturity and will be raptured to the house of God in Zion for God's satisfaction and enjoyment. In order for us to follow the Lamb and go on to maturity to become the firstfruits, we must walk with God by faith to escape death and obtain the testimony of being well pleasing to God. In Message 16 we see the Lamb-God on the throne within the holy city. The throne of God and of the Lamb is the center of the New Jerusalem. Out of the throne of the Lamb-God flows the river of water of life. When we are under Christ's kingship, headship, lordship, and authority, we enjoy the river of water of life and the tree of life. The highest point in our spiritual experience is having a clear sky with God's throne above it; to reach this point means that we allow God to have the preeminence in everything and are completely submissive to His authority and administration. In Message 17 we see the ultimate revelation of Jesus Christ and the vision of the enthroned Christ as the Administrator in God's universal government. As those who seek to know Christ and experience Him, we have not only Christ but also the revelation of Jesus Christ. The book of Revelation unveils a vision of the enthroned Christ as the Administrator in God's universal government. Christ is the center of God's administration according to God's eternal economy. In His economy God administrates the universe to fulfill His purpose. The unveiling of God's universal administration shows that the will, the purpose, of God in His creation is to have an eternal habitation--the New Jerusalem--for His satisfaction and expression. The Lord Jesus has been enthroned to execute God's governmental administration in the universe. The Announcements section at the end of this issue contains a list of upcoming conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry and a website link for information related to similar events in Europe.